i'm sure you have gotten loads of wonderful ideas and congrats to the ones that are selected. my idea for a plant goes to the children's story of jack and the bean stalk. wave your wand and create a bean stalk that over time, to be determined, will take the wizard and friends to another world. the other world would be like cyclops, no fights except the boss. he would drop the storyline treasures, golden harp, golden goose, gold and seeds. then the bean stalk would die. golden goose would lay a golden egg after a time, but would give gold sometimes
Tiger Lily, Butterfly Bush, Scrap Metal Magnolias (instead of Steel Magnolias), Colossus Colombines, Humogofrog Lily Pads, Genias (instead of zinnias, a plant built after the efreet spell), Ambrosia (for Merle Ambrose), HYDRAngea.
fire to the trone a plant that looks like a fiery dragon resting on a pile of gold and red rubys and on the left and right it haze fire staffs it will only harvest at eldaer stage it will give all fire based things like cards robes hates shoes cloth wands mounts permanat pets :D :D :D 8)
I think that there should be a war oni plant but it is a white and red helephant ear plant and it will sound like war oni's cry when he gets hit -Jacob ThunderSword lvl 41 Diviner
I was thinking instead of just plants, doing trees as well. Crab apple tree with little crabs hanging off it's branches. Stuff along those lines. The trees could take longer to grow to maturity but last longer with more harvesting. It would be somthing you would plant and have for quite a while. Maybe permanantly.
Eggplant! with stems from that of a pumkin, but instead of a pumkin, a egg! :D What do you think? if yes, ill see it in the crown shop in at most one year, if not, well, youre loss.
Olympia or something from Greek mythology. That could be a whole new direction for a planet. It could even be the long lost home world of myth. I think there is a lot to work with and people might even learn something.