Perfect. Just, perfect. Love the idea. Maybe instead of costing 100 crowns, we would receive +1 crown for every piece of outfit we 'gift' beggars.
The Rotten Lemon mount could 'dump' the rider every 5-10 minutes. More often if that person is in a crowd of people in the Commons, or other public area.
Hole-in-the wall (house): It's like the dorm room only smaller. 20 item limit and the "increase housing items" elixir does not work on it. 500 crowns.
Stinker (plant) : Like Stink weed, but it infests all other plants with the highest rank pest they can have, the moment you leave. Never becomes elder, can't dig up.
Fizzlenator: (amulet): -90% accuracy.
Fizzalot: (athame): -75% accuracy.
Circle of Fizz (ring): -70% accuracy
Borked musi: Music player that cannot use music scrolls, Plays seven notes of Wizard101 main theme before repeating. (Note to mods: intentional typo of "Broken music", please don't fix)
Ace of beggars (deck): Can only hold ONE card.
Bad Piggle: randomly shields enemies, traps self, etc. Everything you DON'T wan it to do, it does.
Puffy rice cake (pet snack): Zero stats. no pet ever likes. (Not even the Bag Piggle I just invented.)
Fool's gold (reagent): used in no recipes, no sell, no auction.
All items I have listed above are 100 crowns each, unless noted otherwise.
I hate that! One time a journeyman (menu chat) where going to me. Here is the dialoge:
Journeyman: Hi! Me: Hello! Message: ____ want to be your friend. Me: (answers No) Journeyman: (trying to be my friend) Can I help you find reagents? Me: No (Runs to Olde Town for the Bazaar) Journeyman: (Runs after me) Journeyman: Please? Me: (Ports home and telling my friend what just happened)
Jonathan Frogheart - Archmage Thaumaturge I am friend with another Journeyman, I like low levels, but he didn't chase me home xD
Good idea, but free instead since they look bad and reduce stats?
They must cost a token amount of crowns otherwise they would get spammed everywhere. The idea is for legit players to play a harmless joke on those who are annoying. A hundred crowns is almost free, just prevents abuse.
Yeah, it's annoying. Either ignore them or switch realm. Here's what I generally do: Person: Do you have crowns? Me: Yes. Person: Can you gift me? Me: No. I earned money for my crowns and their is no reason for me to give them to you. Person: You're stew pet. Me: I'm sorry you feel that way. (Leaves)
I have played this game for over two years now, and the only main problem is not the game itself, but some of the players. Almost every time I get on do I receive a flood of people in the Commons begging me to gift them crowns or packs. This is extremely annoying to me, and I am sure many others are sick and tired of it.
Yesss it is extremely annoying when they do that but you can't really do anything about it, just say you are all out of crowns.
i have had tht happen to me. they either ask me to gift them or give them crowns. it getting highly annoying to me because, 1 i dont have any crowns to gift them or give them, 2 i really want to work on my quests not worry about those ppl, and 3 u can buy a card tht is $10, $20, or $39. the $10 is the cheapest u will only get 5,000 crowns and a pet. The $20 has 10,000 crowns and u will also get a pet. And the $39 is the highest of the cards u will get epic stuff.
i am with this idea and will support it all the way i think that it should all be disguised as some op stuff that to unequip instead of being able to just take them off, make them slowly degrade and not unequippable (may be typo) also, i got some more ideas to add
Hobo-back ride mount: sells for either 1000 crowns or 10,000 gold (fairly cheap but not noob/first day stuff) what it is, is it says that it gives +90 speed but really its -20 speed and unequippable until you level up at least once
beggars dog: says it does all these mega power stuff like +4000000 health, +9999999 mana and +1337 pet energy with spells of high lvls only 1 pip or 0, but really it only gives one spell "Trick up your sleeve" and what that is, it says it kills al enemies, but really all it does is kill you and replace 3 more of your deck slots with same spell so DO NOT USE IT
mount again- Fart cloud, makes you +25% speed (so sorta helps) but it drains your health and mana over time until its 1 health and 0 mana then the mount explodes, killing you and leaving the mount on a cool-down price: unlocked once you get to colossus boulevard and reach gobbler king he gives it to you. also is a half-rare briskbreeze drop
And why not throw in some 15-pip (or more!) treasure cards? It won't matter what school, description or picture on the card, AND you won't need to make any new animations!! Why? Because even if you have "filled" your pips, and they all are power pips: that's only 14!!!!!
They must cost a token amount of crowns otherwise they would get spammed everywhere. The idea is for legit players to play a harmless joke on those who are annoying. A hundred crowns is almost free, just prevents abuse.
Love the idea. It does seem harmless and just might slow the begging down.
- When taken any words typed using chat looks normal to the wizard talking but comes out as "blah baddadle blah" to everyone else. Regular menu chat still works fine. Vision is slightly obscured by brightly colored polka dots that move around.
- Effect remains for 15 minutes of active game play.
Let me guess someone begged you for a crown item? Remember ignore button
Not necessarily. The point is there are a lot of players that go around Wizard City in ALL realms begging to be gifted. It does get very annoying. Some of those players don't want to use their own crowns for the items they want. Crowns is REAL cash, so an item that is marked as 12,500 crowns is in reality $25.
RottenHeart's idea is a harmless prank and nothing more. If you have paid any attention in game or here on the boards you will also see it is very widespread.
OFF Topic: If you use the ignore button for this, that list will fill up very quickly and will take forever to clear it. l have no idea how many you can ignore, but I only do that to players that are deliberately trying to push me into a battle of words in the game and only until I log out and back in later when that person can no longer find me. There is a limit on how much chat goes through the chat box before you can no longer send a PM in game to a non-friend. I refuse to let the ignore list expand more than half a dozen at any time.
This would also be a good idea for people who like challenges. If a person wants to do a dungeon, but make it more challenging, they could equip the items.
actually, I would want the self hurting wand. I main a necromancer and the spells that hurt self can be quite useful in some situations. Also only four wand spells is awesome!
lol if you wanted to make an annoying wand you need it to be low damage and of a celestial damage type and have it give like fifteen wand spells. Then the player would sometimes waste a whole turn just discarding their hand full of ten damage un-boostable wand spells.
and yes, after all the finery we get to wear, a plain brown and/or grey un-dye-able set of clothes would be refreshing. If you want the clothing set to have an unwanted appearance make the equips misshapen not just poor looking.