Kid: "hey Keira, can you gift me?" ME: "Sorry, I'm out of crowns" (True) Kid: "But you're such a high level" Me: walks away…..
How does being a higher lvl character automatically give you unlimited crowns? (not a bad idea though :) )
Also, I turn off speech bubbles whenever I pass through the commons so I do't have to see 8 million people saying:
Can anyone gift me ________ I need a boy/girl Can you give me a ride on you're Hydra/rhino/dino/raven? I really need Insert newest pack
Keira Dreamleaf lvl 75 Storm
Yea I hate how everyone is asking me for gifts.
I dont like how people are just running around say "I need a boy/girl". It just is very scary and weird.
I have never heard "Can you give me a ride on you're Hydra/rhino/dino/raven?" before.
I dont like all of the random friend requests. I mean I don't even know them.
I do like the idea that being a higher level means you have unlimited crowns. But I don't have a really high level. I mean my hightest level is 43-45 ( I am not sure which).
I have a friend that plays and he lives right across the street so i gave him a few pet packs and a mount you know for Christmas. Then he is all over me asking for more packsI mean I was baffald and even when I said no he kept asking Then he came to my friends house and asked my friend if he would gift him I had to step in and get him to stop so I am quite mad at him for doing that.
The Problem is that I am incabable of saying no So I had gotten 60,000 crowns for Christmas and then my friend wanted a new mount (even though he had Hydra and a lot of other mounts) that was in a pack so we bought a few and then I was done like 3,000 crowns. Then my friend asked if I would gift him a pet and it was a very costly pet. I think it was 14,000 crowns so I was losing crowns quick and I didn't spend any of it for me So then my friend came over (the one that I mentioned before) and I spent like 6,000 for him then I only had a few left. Then I broke and I got my self a lot of things because i didn't want everone to use it all for me. Then my brother my brother asked for pet packs I gave him like 4 or 3 Then I bought the lama then my friend that I bought the pet for asked for a mount (the sleigh mount) and so I him it then I was brokeI had 1,000. So then I couldn't get the owl pet that i wanted and was thinking about getting because I wasn't quiet sure if I should. Jordan IceFlame lvl 43-45 Ice (and I will not be mad if you do not want to read all of this it is a little long)
I have played this game for over two years now, and the only main problem is not the game itself, but some of the players. Almost every time I get on do I receive a flood of people in the Commons begging me to gift them crowns or packs. This is extremely annoying to me, and I am sure many others are sick and tired of it.
dont hang out in the commons, its just a pass through area
I too have grown very sick of people asking for handouts. As an older player I often wonder what their parents would say about their begging for things online. I often wish that KI would make a different type of report button and have them report to the account holder (hopefully a parent) and let them know of their begging for items. Perhaps this would get the point across to these kids. I know that everyone has their own sense of what is rude and what isn't, but begging is not acceptable in any form or any where. Parents talk with your kids about begging in the game and stop them from it. This is no different than standing in a store begging strangers to buy you something in the store.
I would also like to thank KI for making a big dent in the creative cursing that the kids were doing. I have only had to report one person in the past several months since the announcement of monitors. I truly don't like seeing anyone talking like that and report them when I see them doing this.
I 100% agree with all who dislike begging. We want our kids to have good examples and this is truely not the way to go about it. Yes, it may teach some to learn how to say "no" but the whole senario is way out of line, charity or not. It's especially disheartening when someone you thought was a friend nags you constantly, and then when they have what they really want from you, they disappear. I truely wish it could be banned from the game somehow, perhaps just allowed in your specific group? Begging for anything is not what children or adults need to learn! It is truely BAD behavior and should be dealt with.
Last night I casually talked nicely to a begger and asked if he is very successful getting stuff. He said he usually gets the stuff he asks for pretty fast. He was obviously good at it. He knew who to ask and what to say. This guy wasn't a creep, he was just good at getting stuff.
Everybody else I have asked has either acted the hard-done-by innocent, been rude, or immediately ported away.
I have played this game for over two years now, and the only main problem is not the game itself, but some of the players. Almost every time I get on do I receive a flood of people in the Commons begging me to gift them crowns or packs. This is extremely annoying to me, and I am sure many others are sick and tired of it.
its annoying and yes it happends to me ALL THE TIME either say sorry or teleport away from them!
Yeah, the only people i EVER gift is my best friends (In-game) and real friends irl
Same with the mount ride thing, its either 4 really good TCs (like mammoth and lord of winter stuff) or best friends free...Like with Justin SpellSlinger, who helped me out when i needed it most, and the other friends who i have filled the star on the side of their name from their help.
Hey, at least i know how my dad feels when i beg for crowns
well... you can always turn text chat off so you dont intercept messages... they come out like this if you wanna know what it looks like to menuchatters:
Never EVER let anyone know that you have crowns. They will automatically beg you for crowns. Always tell anyone who asks that you do not have any crowns. As a parent and grandparent, I personally know that if I bought crowns for one of my grandchildren, I truly do not want them spending them on friends, I want them to be able to buy what they want or need themselves. You will not become better friends with anyone you "gift" you will only make good friends by being a good person, not by buying things for people. It seems that people you "gift" will only use you if that is the only reason they want to be your friend. I have started putting anyone who asks me to "gift" them immediately on ignore. So far it has worked great for me.
I would also like to bring up people asking you to go to a world and allow them to port to you. I don't understand this. They will gain acess to that world when they do the quests to get to the next world, so I have no idea of why they want to go to a place where they have no quest in. I wish I understood why they want to do this, but I have a lot of people asking me to do that. Also I am sick of the pagodas that I am constantly being asked to go to at peoples homes. What is that all about? I am starting to refuse to go to those as well because it seems like it is the same people asking me over and over and it is getting old very fast!
I agree. I usually say like "dude, i'm not a rich boy and I just can't gift everyone who asks me. So please, go ask your parents or something" haha usually works
I agree begging is annoying. I am an adult who loves set of this game. I buy crowns for myself to make boss fights a little easier and maybe get the random pack or piece of equipment I like. I buy gift cards from the various location because I like the stuff.
Remember this is money i earned from having a job and is treat for myself.
I wish that KI would make a server that only current members can go to! and a server that people who don't pay have to stay in, and also KI please don't allow the non paying members to say about crowns.
I am level 86+ and many people have asked me..."Do you have Crowns?" the next thing they would say is "Can you gift me a mount(s), pet(s), pack(s), etc." It's very annoying but there is nothing we can do about it. I would ignore it. If they ask me over and over, I wouldn't report them, I would ignore them by pressing the ignore button. The reason I think they do that is because they are lazy to buy their own crowns, or their guardian won't let them. If the case is themself, then it's probably cause they don't have enough money. A friend asked me today so I said "Sorry I can't gift" and they reply with "plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz" over and over. And I did exactly what I told you.
Begging happens because it works. People feed the beggers, so it's worthwhile.
Its fun to ask Beggers is if they beg strangers for stuff in real life. After they say 'no' I usually take off because they usually want to give a sob story or some rationalization. It's funny they often want to justify what they are doing instead of just saying the truth... "hey I just want you to give me stuff".
The funniest Beggers are those wearing fancy crown gear. I get a big laugh out of that. Its not the Beggers that are at fault, it's the people that feed them.
Lol. You are evil. Talk about bullying! Although it is fun to see them ask for gifts.. I usually go into the commons when I wanna troll people asking for gifts.
Typical situation: Begger: Do you have crowns? Me: Yes, they are for someone special, do you want to guess who it is? Begger: Me, can u gift me Me: No, for myself... Begger: Noob Me: Takes one to know one :D (realm switch)
I agree. The random friend requests too. But i find it mostly just in Wizard City.
I find I ride my mount full steam forward whenever I'm in Wizard City. Don't pause for anything! Good thing wizards don't get hurt when I run them over! Sometimes I wish there was another bazaar in another spiral world. sigh.
i have a bazaar tapestry in my tower of winter i just port home take the tapestry and port back home.
Mount: Rotten Lemon - A useless mount that travels at -5% regular speed. - Cost: 200 crowns
The Rotten Lemon stats should say +40% speed. It could also state damage and resistance boosts too. And extra 10% pip chance. None of which is true... because its a lemon! Thats the whole joke!
To make it even better the Rotten Lemon could look and travel great for the first 12 hours of use, and then rapidly degrade. This way people who don't know better think they got something good.
Actually, I would pay 3000 crowns to gift someone a Rotten Lemon mount that degrades after 12 hours. Especially one of those really annoying gamers found in Wizard City commons.