Umm.... just a question, do we have to have a subscription or buy the areas with crowns to go to Wintertusk? :? I don't want my subscription for much longer.
This part of the prophecy of morganthe hints on something slightly, um, dark, that may be in the grandmother raven's future. I wonder if there will be a mirror in the area you see the grandmother raven?
I hope that legendary wizards like me will be able to get the level 58 pets. Also, does anyone think there might be another school of magic?
Wintertusk sounds interesting. I hope it's a little different than GH because GH wasn't that exciting. I'm hoping there will actually be tough enimies .
There isn't going to be a level cap increase with this world. If there was, they would have announced it. For those that are insisting that there needs to be one with the introduction of every'll be disappointed. Not everything released is designed to benefit the highest level wizards. The world will be suitable for many levels. The new spells and the level 58 pets (which they have stated will be professor initiated quests) are what is designed for higher level wizards. If you must receive experience for everything you do in Wizard101 in order for it to be worth your while, then don't explore the new world until they release the next CL expansion. Most of us will explore it for the storyline and the new and exciting bosses to fight and not care about whether we're getting experience from it......
THIS IS AWESOME! I cant wait. I'm just now working on GH and can't believe this new world is already being created so soon after CL and the grandmother raven thing I CAN'T WAIT(To figure out what thats all about)!
We are very happy about this! now most importanr question do we get to meet bartelby's sister finally i hope so and cant wait to see the new spells and creatures. :D
Kevin BattleBreeze & Rachel ThunderHeart
Kevin lvl 60 life Rachel lvl 51 ice BROTHER AND SISTER
lol was busy fighting for a housing item when i got this news. Sweet now you have us excited about a new school pet and ok you got me on the grandmother raven bit or i just missed her being spoken of in the story line. The crab alley re-opening is a nice touch. Will be looking forward to this coming to the test realm. But i do wish the test realm be more spicific and what needs testing and what areas it is at without having to work the entire game to find out if there are any bug's to the new item's or quest. :P
Ok, about the new spells, I would like to suggest a spell called Calibos. You can look him up online for he is in mythology. He should either be a myth spell or possibly a death spell. Here is his card ability:
205+1300 over three rounds and remove all shields/charms.
I did this because Calibos has a nasty bite that can poison the enemy! So if you used Calibos for example the attack would have similarities with poison.
I also thought of adding a death spell, Hades. Now I think mythology is sweet so I am basically taking ideas from the book. Hades is one of those attacks that takes damage and converts half of it to heal the wizard who casted it. This spell is like Scarecrow but adjusted. Hades would come out of a "black hole" in the ground and steal souls from every enemy and takes them with him.
960-1040 to all eneimes and steal one charm from each enemy.
Man I can't wait!I am a lvl 60 that is on the final dungeon in cl and I am almost through gh!But I hope there is a level cap because I get no exp now!
Michael Sprite Shard,Master Of Fire Level 60 Legendary Wizard Michael Thunder Staff Master Wizard Level 48(was level 48 and got storm lord after cl was released so I have to get the lvl 58 spell)
[ Wintertusk! ] This sounds like so much fun, CANNOT WAIT! I'm going to be waiting for the official upcoming! This news is the greatest you have ever posted! And wizards out ready! :)
Well first profeser lady greyrose. Is grandmother raven evil or on Ambrose's side. And also, if she is evil does she work for malistare. Will you ever have to fight her. oh and THIS IS GOING TO BE SO AWESOME! I cant wait to see this new world.
New game content is always exciting, and so is all the speculation by all its loyal followers/players. I know we waited a LONG time for Celestia but it was all speculation for a very LONG time until it came out in test. For this new world, information on this has came out fast. Also, the information Greyrose gave to us is quite substantial, not little bits that we had to interpret.
I, myself, have only been playing for 2 years but I am proud to have at least 1 legendary wizard of every school on my three accounts. I dont pvp or do pet racing but I like creating/collecting hybred pets. I made one wizard on each account a grandmaster gardener and grandmaster artisan. This just shows that I love this game and hope the future brings more fantastic new content to keep us die-hard wizards happy.
I am really , really hoping that along with new spells comes better minions. Why does life only have one minion and others have 2 or even 3? Myth has 3 minions. Life needs a minion that can fight with more power, and the other minions need to be able to heal a little more at a time if the enemies are going to be stronger. We also need more room at our houses for items if the plants and pots are counting. Especially if there is going to be more funiture available. Cant wait to see the new crafted gear for Wintertusk. I am sure it is going to be loads of fun!