ice needs to be boosted cause it has lower attacks than any other school. um, but lord of winter is cool. plus high and average. that is my resean ice needs to be boosted. from the pvp clan ice
i don't think ice should be boosted since ice players could even have more than 5000 health and have really high resistance making everything half as strong and critical has no effect on them since their critical block is higher than 150 and along with that they can shield them self very well with tower shield, ice armor, and frozen armor and will KO you with frostbite hope this helped .
I honestly think that Ice is perfect the way it is as of now, but regarding the second half of khrysalis, in my opinion and by all means I think Ice should get not a damage spell but either a defensive spell like a -90 tower shield worth X amount of pips (I have no idea how many pips it should be worth, I'll leave that to Kingsisle) OR their own healing spell which would be just perfect for Ice since their main healing source has been from the school of life an dits healing spells.
Ice so far is for me is good on pvp and pve and if you want ice power higher just put a colossal on the card i barely use dot like frostbite cause 5pips just for a dot that rarely even does anything to the enemy so i say that i dont have any problems
I love ice for a lot of reasons, tower shield, stuns, and many other things. but it does have it's downfall, there needs to be more bigger spells, less dot spells and and more power boosts from clothes.
I love ice, in my opinion is he the strongest of the 7 schools but there is one thing that will really really help the future of ice, I included it in another area f the message boards but I feel I should include it here also. You should make ice just like you do with attack, where ice can go over 100% without being immune That way you can keep giving good ice resist gear for tons of worlds to come, and resist can catch up to attack, or at least get closerBecause if you made like 5 more worlds ice gear could get 70 global reisist which would be getting kind of scary, if you made resist like this you could give more resist and not be worried about too much and you can make more worlds easier. So if the attacker had 150% attack and the defender had 100% resist the hit would be 50% stronger. Do you think that is a god idea?
Let me tell you all the reasons ice needs to be boosted, one for each school
Storm: insane bolt is completely insane! Here is what happened to me one battle: he went first. He used feint, and then a critical insane bolt. I died second turn.
Fire: a heckhound did a thousand damage every turn. This was with -70 shields...
Death: now death has a variety of cheap spells. That damage then healing spell is crazy in that it gets rid of DOT spells. A critical wraith on a minion also just brings them back to full health.
Balance: if anything, they need to be boosted. Way to easy :)
Myth: earthquake completely gets rid of blades and shields, both ice need very much.
Life: nothing much to complain about here
The last update has done nothing to help ice. Frozen armor is worthless now that there are so many ways to get rid of shield, and all legion shield does is help others. Ice NEEDS to get boosted.
Ok I agree with you on Fire, Heckhound is a bit OP. Death, they need their drains. Life, your right, Gnomes isn't really helpful. Myth, you just gotta deal with it. I suggest using less blades with small attacks. Storm, I disagree. Whenever you use Insane bolt, they add 10 percent of a chance that it will backfire. So that helped, but it didn't. Ice, i disagree bro! You got the beast resist and your 40 blade! Yeah sure frozen armor is useless but it's still somewhat defensive. Balance. IMO, not really a 1v1 school so I agree there.
Insane bolt has a 20% chance to kill its caster, which is obviously not enough, because I have only once ever seen someone killed by it. Fire isn't as simple as you are saying they are. The heckhound does I used in my example did 1000 WITH a -70 shield! Also, its not that easy to kill them, they can heal, and they also have -70 shields. Myth, of course earthquake is enough to kill! All they need to do is to keep spamming it, and eventually you die. As for death not knowing how to use their spells, you obviously aren't facing anyone past rank knight.
Did you just say..? No. You didn't. You. He. You just said. "As for death not knowing how to use their spells" You got it wrong. Death is very effective, and we know how to use our drains buddy. And I thought this topic was about how ice needs to be boosted? Since you said that, you make me think you want death to get 'boosted' again.
As of Khrysalis, I believe that ice is overpowered. Shrike, infallible, armor piercing boosts, and soon the armor piercing and critical global spells negate or nearly negate resist. Ice's block can get up to maybe 300, which can still be gotten past because of hades gear. Ice has bad power pip chance, bad damage, and has to sacrifice healing boost, damage, and global resist for a small amount of critical, health, and resist to storm and fire on crafted gear (Most other schools do not have to sacrifice stats). Crafted boots for ice are terrible in comparison to crowns boots. Other schools get damage and critical boosts on crowns boots, but resist and block get lower. Ice's crowns boots are better in pretty much every stat than crafted boots. In pvp currently, it's extremely hard to survive long enough on ice to be able to do enough damage to win. Sure, ice has a bit more health and some useless resist, but other schools can pierce through all of its resist pretty easily, critical, and have high base damage on spells and gear. Ice may have used to be overpowered (Arguably), but now, ice is very underpowered in pvp.
ok i agree ice needs to be boost i been playing for a long time now and with every update ice has been getting weaker i like being ice but i really wish you update it so we get more block not more heath were good there if you lvl right but we need more block and a little better gear with resistance i mean when i first started ice was great for blocking and holding out sure i didn't mind being weaker then most class because i got better block and heath but if you take that away from ice kl you make us the weak its class on the game you make it were we can't pvp because if we try we will just be dead in a matter of sec i know it seem like were just complaining but were not the truth of the matter is ice need a update because were trying to hold on but were becoming so week that we soon won't be able to go into boss battle with out die in from for hits all i asking from you kl is that you update it so we get more block and resistance and critical block i mean were the resistance school if we don't got that then are school is worthless so pl z can you just raise it so we can have a little more resistance so were not killed so easy and make it were we get better gear and don't have to to give up so much block we like power but we don't need it sent were the resistance school having the best resistance makes us the strongest class in my eyes but with out it we may as well be the worst class these game has i am a wizard and i really want to see these problem fix because were getting to week kl pl z if you see these can you post on here
yes, the reasons there don't update ice as well is because they are worried about maxing resist eventually...I still think the problem can be solved by doing my idea, by making resist like attack, so even if it is 100% it is not immune, that way you can update ice better and wont have to worry about maxing
I can see the point he is making, and now that WinterTusk has been release I have started to see the results. Results that I question if KI looked at in detail. Yes, they needed to do something with Ice, as most average players don't know how to play PvP.
Here is my take on what is going on..... Critical hit point for ice is normally around 90 percent, if you are lucky. Not much compared to a lot of the players, like Myth, life and Fire (maybe even Death, not sure on that wizard).
Ice resistance is basically gone, if you want the new gear, you lose it. Yes, you keep it for two other schools, but basically it gone.
DOT spells are almost useless now, you would be much better with a one big hit spell like, Fire, Myth, or Storm. Why, because of Triage (or the Cow's Pearl Amulet). As soon as Snow Angel is Fired, only the first small hit does damage, and then Triage removes the rest of the Damage. DOT spells are now useless in PvP, with this new addition.
Add to that my ongoing whine on the Myth Amulet (you can no longer boost Snow Angel). and KI has made Snow Angel useless in PvP.
Plus add to the new spell of Ice, we get to Shield everyone in the group. Or we get new armor that no one will use, imo, unless a friend is about to get taken out. Fire on the other hand, gets three Hex they can throw on someone for Dragon or double genie (efreet) sp?. Balance gets a great PvP spell, it can dispell Balance and Life at the same time in one spell. Stopping Reshuffle and Saytr in one spell casting.
I can go on and on, but the bottom line is that Ice was put on the short end of the stick in this release.
Imo, they have effectively taken Ice out of PVP, and have quieted all the complaints on Ice winning for good. Even though the Wizards are all balanced in Gear now, the spells and counter spells are not balanced.
Snow Angel, Fire's Dragon and Skeleton dragon are just three of the spells that come to mind, that are now useless in PvP. Did KI realize how weak they made these three spells or any DOT spell when they released the Myth Amulet and Triage?
Triage is great for the regular game, but has made DOT useless in PvP. It's almost as if KI makes the spell for the game, and then looks at the after effect on PVP and says, "oh, we need to make a change, too many people are whinning".
As I stated in a different post, all spells should be designed for PVP, not for the rest of the game. If it works in PvP, it will work fine in the rest of the game.
Just my opinion (your counter?) Joe.
"All spells should be designed for PVP, not for the rest of the game. If it works in PvP, it will work fine in the rest of the game." That is so horrendously false that it's actually taking my a while to comprehend the ridiculousness of what you just said. How, and any way, shape or form, can you possibly believe that? Do you really think that PVP and PVE are anything alike? Do you think that the Morganthes have a real mind controlling them, casting s ton of spells per second? How do you possibly get that conclusion from your reasoning?
Ice can be a very OP school, just depend on lvl n gear.
For example my ice lvl 66 friend got 71 resist to fire n ice n life n 100 to storm n 51 to rest. N he got 32 danage which is average for ice. N block over 120 which is pretty high for legendary.
N ice get insane at lvl 90 too. Get critical hat n robe from hades. N on top of that unlike other school ice get 70 block from hades when other get 0. N there also a boot for ice with 120 crit while most have 40-45.
So stop complaining. KI though through them all n balance them all. It just depend on ur gear n lvl n brain.
All schools are OP at a certain level. I have had no problems with ice. Ranked to Walord at level 5. Won a gold (first place trophy) at level 12 in 1v1 quick. Although I do not think these are the best levels for ice I am just an example of someone who can make it work. You can too. Study TC on the Bazaar. Watch other Ice wizards. Get a good pet. GL!
Ice school can do a lot a damge beacuse ice has 40% blade and storm has 30% blade. you can enchant so it can make the spells just as strong as storm
You have it wrong. Honestly, what you are talking about really isn't a factor. Storm still have much more damage and power than Ice does even if Ice has the better blade.
What you forget to take into consideration is that Storm spells have a much higher base damage, plus Storm can have as much as 2-4 x's damage boost than Ice, plus Storm has a much better access to accuracy than Ice.
Ice in no way needs to be boosted, and I'm not saying this because I want it to be nerfed. I myself have an ice, and it was probably one of the easiest schools to get to warlord too, but maybe that's just because I like to play defensively on all my wizards. Anyways that's besides the fact, ice is one of the best schools infact, and no school really needs a boost nor a nerd. Each school has it's strengths and weaknesses. Throughout my many years of playing the game, I know a thing or two about each school's spells and how they're mostly used. All you really need to have to succeed in pvp is experience. Good luck out in the dueling arena my fellow wizards!
I am an and i do quite fine, we can solo but sometimes die, we have pretty good critical rating and have good resist and health but what i think the problem is,is the spells, maybe they could add like fifty or one hundred more damage to every spell.
Let me tell you all the reasons ice needs to be boosted, one for each school
Storm: insane bolt is completely insane! Here is what happened to me one battle: he went first. He used feint, and then a critical insane bolt. I died second turn.
Fire: a heckhound did a thousand damage every turn. This was with -70 shields...
Death: now death has a variety of cheap spells. That damage then healing spell is crazy in that it gets rid of DOT spells. A critical wraith on a minion also just brings them back to full health.
Balance: if anything, they need to be boosted. Way to easy :)
Myth: earthquake completely gets rid of blades and shields, both ice need very much.
Life: nothing much to complain about here
The last update has done nothing to help ice. Frozen armor is worthless now that there are so many ways to get rid of shield, and all legion shield does is help others. Ice NEEDS to get boosted.
Life is a killer school if you have ever played a really good one which you have not otherwise you would complain about life as well.
Also I'm pretty sure if like you said you rely on blade stacking then I doubt balance is easy since I spam millions of weakness. So I doubt your gonna have a easy time stacking, and I'm sure when u said balance needs to be boosted you were talking about the level one balance which is probably the only level of balance you beat.
Let me tell you all the reasons ice needs to be boosted, one for each school
Storm: insane bolt is completely insane! Here is what happened to me one battle: he went first. He used feint, and then a critical insane bolt. I died second turn.
Fire: a heckhound did a thousand damage every turn. This was with -70 shields...
Death: now death has a variety of cheap spells. That damage then healing spell is crazy in that it gets rid of DOT spells. A critical wraith on a minion also just brings them back to full health.
Balance: if anything, they need to be boosted. Way to easy :)
Myth: earthquake completely gets rid of blades and shields, both ice need very much.
Life: nothing much to complain about here
The last update has done nothing to help ice. Frozen armor is worthless now that there are so many ways to get rid of shield, and all legion shield does is help others. Ice NEEDS to get boosted.
You are so wrong! Ice is a good school they've got a tower shield, good health and especially they have a good armor that has good resist so yeah. Is still good!