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Make your own boss to gaurd your home!

May 09, 2011
You may remember me from the gauntlet thing, but i came up with another boss. The Kirin:
Storm, 1700 hp, summons cephadromes with 300 hp, but hit for 70 no matter what. this is for levels below 20, so you gto through the gauntlet if above 19.Kirin hits for only 3-8 damage, but his cheats make it seem like more. He will skip your turn 8-11 times, making it seem like 24-88 damage. It will hit for an AoE, and the cephs dont skip you. He hits with bolts, so that's really hard to get by. After you might kill him, a boss with 350 hp called the Nightmare will come. After you kill him, he will drop the Nightmare spell card. It summons a horde of him each doing 400 damage and it summons nightmares with a chance of spawning with 75-600 hp. Especially good against the gauntlet itself. And after you beat both you are granted free access to my house. Nightmares are good in all words to use, but you have to beat my gauntlets.

Jun 22, 2013
Name Pelagon

Health: 12,567

Class: Storm

Looks like: Avalonian knight

Spells: Leviathan, Storm lord, King artorius, Pelagon (135 per pip), tempest, Sirens, Insane Bolt, Wild Bolt, Fortifiy, beserk, windstorm, stormblade, sprite, myth shield, storm trap, balance blade, Storm owl, plolymorph ninja.

Rank 13

Critical rating: 150

Block: 75

resil to storm: 95

boost to myth: 95

when killed says: Now fight the dragon of the moon!

Name: Calcastrius

Rank: 13


Health: 42,750

Shadow magic yes

power pips for:

looks like: Coldfire dragon

Spells: LeviathAn, Life Elf (70 + 210 ), Forest lord, Spinysaur, Lord of winter, Moon beam Storm owl, storm blade, amlify, fortify, empower, satyr, reberth, storm lord, frost giant, imp, snow angel, poison, feint, iceblade, ice trap, balance blade, life trap, frost giant, freeze, polar swarm

Pierce: 42%

Block: 235

critical: 565

resil: 15% to


Aug 21, 2011
Mine would be

Name: amber the lady of flames
health: 25400

Looks like: avalonian knight (i like avalon)

Class: fire
spells: fire dragon, rain of fire, efreet, scald, satyr, fire shield and blade, sun serpent, backdraft (200 a pip), fire elemental polymorph
cheats: (if 54 and lower, you don't need to deal with cheats)
900 attack meteors every 5 rounds
Smoke screen 50% accuracy loss
78 damage weakness every 2 rounds
has bubble changed to fire for 4 rounds (only fire spells) and ice for 3 rounds (only ice spells)
If you do opposite of the bubble change the meteor doubles it attack
rank 13
boost to ice: 94
resist to fire: 97
Critical: 140
block: 150
when defeated it says: go through the maze of darkness

The maze will rise from the ground and the maze will take 4 hours to get through because there will be fire, death minions and balance rank 12 in the maze (my second school is death and my third is balance)
After you completed the maze you need to battle the same boss but half the health, same cheats.
when defeated you are aloud in my house
basically I am making mine of hard dungeon
from the dungeon you get a lot of loot with high selling price (for levels 55 and up)
If 54 and below you get half the selling price of the loot

-scarlet mistcaster level 81

Aug 21, 2011
Mine would be

Name: amber the lady of flames
health: 25400

Looks like: avalonian knight (i like avalon)

Class: fire
spells: fire dragon, rain of fire, efreet, scald, satyr, fire shield and blade, sun serpent, backdraft (200 a pip), fire elemental polymorph
cheats: (if 54 and lower, you don't need to deal with cheats)
900 attack meteors every 5 rounds
Smoke screen 50% accuracy loss
78 damage weakness every 2 rounds
has bubble changed to fire for 4 rounds (only fire spells) and ice for 3 rounds (only ice spells)
If you do opposite of the bubble change the meteor doubles it attack
rank 13
boost to ice: 94
resist to fire: 97
Critical: 140
block: 150
when defeated it says: go through the maze of darkness

The maze will rise from the ground and the maze will take 4 hours to get through because there will be fire, death minions and balance rank 12 in the maze (my second school is death and my third is balance)
After you completed the maze you need to battle the same boss but half the health, same cheats.
when defeated you are aloud in my house
basically I am making mine of hard dungeon
from the dungeon you get a lot of loot with high selling price (for levels 55 and up)
If 54 and below you get half the selling price of the loot

-scarlet mistcaster level 81

Apr 14, 2011
StormWizard1201 on Jan 2, 2011 wrote:
Name : Cat Tamer

Species : Firecat

Looks : ( Fire ) A Firecat standing like a human

Looks : ( Death ) A Black Cat standing like a human

Looks : ( Dead ) Burns up and falls into the ground

Rank : 7

School : Fire ( Death )

Health : ( 1st ) 8,200

Health : ( 2nd ) 4,100

Spells : ( Fire ) 250 Damage per Pip, Firezilla, Fire Dragon, Helephant, Meteor Strike, Efreet, Heck Hound, Scald, Fire Blade, Fire Trap, and Smoke Screen.

Spells : ( Death ) 200 Damage pet Pip, Vampire, Deathzilla, Wraith, Skeletal Dragon, Feint, Skeletal Pirate, Scarecrow, Poison, Death Blade, and Death Trap.

Speech : ( 1st Enterance ) " I shall tame you and make you my Master's Pet! "

Speech : ( 1st Defeat ) " Hmmph! I shall never die! Time to transform! " ( Turns into Black Cat )

Speech : ( 2nd Enterance ) " Now, taste my Death! "

Speech : ( 2nd Defeat ) " You survived! My Master is now disappointed in me, thanks to you Wizard! "

John Thundercaster ~ Fire, Life, and Ice

"Fizzling is learning..."
boss name: master judge
looks like: judgment
rank: 6
health: 8500
cheats: if the player summons a minion then master judge will cast a scorpion minion. if the player casts a shield master judge will cast availing hands on herself,if the player casts a blade, she will cast a 0-pip Power nova, and if the player casts a trap, she will cast a a hex and curse on the player.

Adam OgerGlade lvl 50

Jun 05, 2013
Jordan AshStong Status:PvP WarLord


Boss: Death Yeti


Health: 10,000

Cheat:"Ha! A shield, you can't protect yourself, face the power of the yeti lord" (takes all shields off player)

Death:"You have defeated me but my soul will never fail mu hahahahaha!" (Gets pulled into the ground and a ghost rises to the sky.)

Jun 02, 2012
Level 72
Rank 11 Boss
Health: 20,000
Cheat: Like Ares in Aquila
2nd Cheat: Summons Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon Each with 9000 HP when slain
Name: Kronos
Race :Immortal
Opening line: Your not (Insert Name), now you shall perish.
Ending line: Sons, ... avenge me ...

Yes I read Rick Rordan books

WolfRedFlame Lvl 37 wizard

Oct 27, 2011
Instead I would like to have a boss where players can battle for fun.

Boss: Isseva()
Species: White Yeti
Rank: 12 boss
Health: 80,000
Boost: 40%
Resist:, 80%
Cheats: Every 3 turns , Isseva does a 300 damage blizzard, ignoring resist, shields, and other modifiers(except from modifiers from attack spells), but still removes the shields. If you defeat Isseva's minion, she will cast a 200% trap on herself every 3 turns.
Spells: Blizzard, Ice Wyvern, Colossus, Frost Giant, Snow Angel, Wooly Mammoth, Ice Blade, Giant, Amplify, Berserk, Fortify, Infallible, Ice Trap, Tower Shield, Legion Shield, Vengeance

Minion: Darkness spirit()
Species:Black Ghost(looks like lost soul)
Rank:11 elite
Health: 3000
Boost: 30%
Resist: 30%
Spells: Vampire, Skeletal Pirate, Wraith, Death Blade, Death Trap, Curse, Scarecrow, Feint, Life Shield, Amplify, Vengeance, Infallible, Fortify

Aug 06, 2012
i am level 11

boss name:Zap the eye of the tornado

species: storm owl


attacks: kraken,lightning bats,thunder snake,if you are level 40 or over he will use stormzilla on you



weakness:none (but he still can be damaged by any class just none do extra damage)

I'm trying not too make him too hard

Feb 08, 2011
Name: Montezuma
Species: Dino
Class: Life
Rank: 14 boss
Health: 10,225
Cheat: Rough Skin.(Puts on a 30% tower shield) every five rounds.)

Dec 02, 2011
tebucky11 on Dec 31, 2010 wrote:
I am getting angry that people keep coming to my house and inviting their friends over then they invite their friends and yeah and then when i try to send them away they run into an out of the house so it won't work so i am thinking that before anyone comes to your house they have to fight a boss so here are the rules!

Can't have over 8,995 health
Can't be over rank 7
Has to be your class
Species has to be a species of your class

Cheating rules

If you are level 44 or under you may NOT make a cheating boss


Extra spell
Puts a buff on himself or a weakness on you
Makes you have to kill him again but only this time he has half health
(Level 50+ only can do that cheat and once he used his/her cheat may not do it again)

Here is my boss! ( i am level 53 )

Name: The Dark Wraith
Species: Wraith
Rank: 7 Boss
Class: Death
Cheat: Says "You can't kill me!" then makes you kill him again with half health
Health: 8,660
Second Health: 4,330

So there you go hope you like my ideas! reply and make your own follow the rules :-)
You do realize you can go in the options menu and turn off your house to people? Plus, houses are for relaxing not killing.

AntonioFiremender lvl 46 fire

Jan 19, 2012
thrashers on Jan 1, 2011 wrote:
i am level 60
name: Pan
species: centaur
rank 7 boss
cheat: heals 345 everytime you use a spell ank 5 and up
health: 13,339
Uh last time I check pan was a satyr the god of the wildness lolz

Dec 21, 2009
Name: Incarnate
Species: Nothing, just a flowing black robe.
Class: Shadow
Rank: 20 Elite Boss
Cheats: If you cast any type of ward, trap or shield Incarnate says "Ah, you like these, here's one for your collection." and puts a 300% hex on you. If you try to do any type of charm, blade or weakness he says "Those who live by the sword die by the sword." and casts a universal -95% weakness on all opposing him. If you try to do an aura he casts a non-fail supernova that does 1000 damage.
Spells:All Death spells, but all of them only cost one pip. All Fire spells but all of them only cost him three pips.
Resistance:Fifty percent on everything but balance. Has twenty percent resist on balance.
Health: 100,000
Says when defeated: "Ah, I shall miss battling you. Farewell my good wizard."
(Try to beat this .)

Apr 17, 2011
name: kelly raibowsmith

species: seraph

rank: 5

class: life

cheat: says " i call upon the stars for a hand" and it does regenerate that heals 100+3000 over 3 rounds

health: 5200

ps: my boss uses her cheat when she has 2000 health left

Aug 06, 2012
i know right once i stayed up all night getting people out of my house and then i had to help a friend with the same problem it is just so anoying they really need something like that ASAP

Feb 05, 2011
Well now we have the send away all button!!

Jan 28, 2014
Name/Title: Empress of The Underworld
Species: Nirini
Class: Death
Rank: 7
Attacks: Deathblade, Feint, Spirit Shield, Infection, Plague, Ghoul, Banshee, Vampire, Skeletal Pirate, Wrath, Scarecrow, Lightning Bats, Troll, Poison, Beguile
(If there are multiple players, she will have Animate instead of Beguile)
Heath: 5,000
Resist: 80% to and
Boost: 50% to and
Entrance Speech: "You have the nerve to challenge me? Very well. Prepare to become another one of my eternal servants!"
Death Speech: "Y-you...y-you daft spellslinger! M-my servants will hear about this! I s-shall rise again!"
Death Animation: Grips her chest, and stumbles to the ground.
Cheat: After death speech, she summons a Death Incarnate minion to avenge her. Immune to Beguile.

I think I did well in creating my boss

Aug 15, 2010
tebucky11 on Dec 31, 2010 wrote:
I am getting angry that people keep coming to my house and inviting their friends over then they invite their friends and yeah and then when i try to send them away they run into an out of the house so it won't work so i am thinking that before anyone comes to your house they have to fight a boss so here are the rules!

Can't have over 8,995 health
Can't be over rank 7
Has to be your class
Species has to be a species of your class

Cheating rules

If you are level 44 or under you may NOT make a cheating boss


Extra spell
Puts a buff on himself or a weakness on you
Makes you have to kill him again but only this time he has half health
(Level 50+ only can do that cheat and once he used his/her cheat may not do it again)

Here is my boss! ( i am level 53 )

Name: The Dark Wraith
Species: Wraith
Rank: 7 Boss
Class: Death
Cheat: Says "You can't kill me!" then makes you kill him again with half health
Health: 8,660
Second Health: 4,330

So there you go hope you like my ideas! reply and make your own follow the rules :-)
Here's my boss:

Name: Apailius
Species: Centaur
Rank: 10
Health: 9,995
Class: Life (Obviously)

Entrance Speech: I've guarded Aquila from evil gods, I can defeat a mortal easily from trespassing on my lord.
First Kill Speech: OK, you're tougher than I thought, maybe I could get some help from above! TOUCH OF ANGEL!

His stats are now
Name: Apailius Elite
Species: Zeus, with green clothing.
Rank: 12
Health: 25,000
Able to cast Shadow Magic.

Final Entrance: Now I am beyond the strength of a God. Aquila will not be surprised after your defeat!
Final Death: I'm sorry master, avenge me!

Jan 21, 2014
tebucky11 on Dec 31, 2010 wrote:
I am getting angry that people keep coming to my house and inviting their friends over then they invite their friends and yeah and then when i try to send them away they run into an out of the house so it won't work so i am thinking that before anyone comes to your house they have to fight a boss so here are the rules!

Can't have over 8,995 health
Can't be over rank 7
Has to be your class
Species has to be a species of your class

Cheating rules

If you are level 44 or under you may NOT make a cheating boss


Extra spell
Puts a buff on himself or a weakness on you
Makes you have to kill him again but only this time he has half health
(Level 50+ only can do that cheat and once he used his/her cheat may not do it again)

Here is my boss! ( i am level 53 )

Name: The Dark Wraith
Species: Wraith
Rank: 7 Boss
Class: Death
Cheat: Says "You can't kill me!" then makes you kill him again with half health
Health: 8,660
Second Health: 4,330

So there you go hope you like my ideas! reply and make your own follow the rules :-)
hi im level 15
name: bartelbys great great great great grandson
species: natures wrath ( giant tree)
rank: 6 boss
class: life
entre spech:" my master lies in side, you must pass me if you want to see him!"
cheat: (at level 44) says when you use heal on first second third and fourth time " you shall not use my ways of magic!" then casts a centaur that takes away the exact amount of health( for every kind off spell including the heals over time) and on the fifth time ( and sixth and so on) you use heal: " thats it... FELL MY WRATH!" and cast a natures wrath thet causes 3,000 damage! if you kill him with a death blance or life spell he will say: " my master loves this type off magic, i must survive it!" then revives with half his health and summons a roting fodder and a haunted minion with 800 health each and says" beat me now!"
health: 8,000
death : turns in to a normal tree and disappears, and says:" you may enter but dont bother my master, please..."

it would be awsome for this to be implemented, but also there should be a togle that only friends can enter without having to fight ( or you can leave it so that they have to fight) but non friends have to fight no mater what, well i hope you like it bye!

-isaac goldheart lvl 15 theurgist

Nov 24, 2010
Ever think what would happen if the intruder won? that's why you should make your house guard impossible to overcome.

Home Guardian
School: Sun
Class: Unknown
Rank: 15 Elite Boss
Health: 1000,000
Minions: Home Guardian Clone
Immune to any damage
Deals 1,000,000 damage to everyone every round x2
(Survivors get it again!) x2
Regains 100% health when defeated (Not possible to even kill it!)
Removes all blades from all players every round
Removes all traps placed on it every round
Removes all shields from all players every round
100% pierce
Heals itself for 1,000,000 every round
Casts a -99% shield on itself x4 (not able to steal, pierce, or remove)
Immediately replaces the shields after they have been used
100% critical chance, ignores critical block rating
Casts virulent plague (-65%) every round
Casts smokescreen to all players
Casts weakness (-90%) to everyone every round
Ignores Dispels
Immune to stun, and beguile
Casts balanceblade (+100%) every round (Not able to steal)
Casts Earthquake every round
Taunt or soothe has no effect
Stuns all players every round
Casts doom and gloom any time someone casts a global spell
Backlash has no affect
Casts cleanse charm on itself every round x4
Steals all HoTs
Removes all DoTs on itself
Casts all dispels on everyone every round x4
Casts infection (-90%) to everyone every round x4
Casts mana burn to everyone every round
Casts super nova on the star spell user
Damage spells targeted at it are turned around on all friends

Does this boss in any way, sound defeat able? That's right, it's not.

The point is, that unwanted guests or intruders shouldn't be able to enter unless you can approve of it.

(But great job on the boss, don't you think? )

Feb 02, 2012
You should make a secret service that guards people and houses as a job and can arrest people who get reported.

Jan 09, 2011
Flint Shard on Jan 21, 2014 wrote:
Name Pelagon

Health: 12,567

Class: Storm

Looks like: Avalonian knight

Spells: Leviathan, Storm lord, King artorius, Pelagon (135 per pip), tempest, Sirens, Insane Bolt, Wild Bolt, Fortifiy, beserk, windstorm, stormblade, sprite, myth shield, storm trap, balance blade, Storm owl, plolymorph ninja.

Rank 13

Critical rating: 150

Block: 75

resil to storm: 95

boost to myth: 95

when killed says: Now fight the dragon of the moon!

Name: Calcastrius

Rank: 13


Health: 42,750

Shadow magic yes

power pips for:

looks like: Coldfire dragon

Spells: LeviathAn, Life Elf (70 + 210 ), Forest lord, Spinysaur, Lord of winter, Moon beam Storm owl, storm blade, amlify, fortify, empower, satyr, reberth, storm lord, frost giant, imp, snow angel, poison, feint, iceblade, ice trap, balance blade, life trap, frost giant, freeze, polar swarm

Pierce: 42%

Block: 235

critical: 565

resil: 15% to

guessing you don't want AnYbOdY in your house do you? at least make like a cheat spell that is like and instant kill like if you use a primordial fairy it automatically dies or something like that 42k health is a bit excessive

William Hawkshield level 95

Apr 30, 2013
name: farther ice
species: frost giant
rank: 12 boss
class: ice
cheat says: you fool think you can defeat me I may as well just call my pussy cat so I can watch you fail

health: 27,000
attacks: mainly uses woolly mammoth uses heaps of blades and absorb has a healing spell to heal 1.,000 every 4 rounds
resists: andall 100%

extra power: gives me free mounts crowns bundles houses and pets every day

Oct 27, 2013
tebucky11 on Dec 31, 2010 wrote:
I am getting angry that people keep coming to my house and inviting their friends over then they invite their friends and yeah and then when i try to send them away they run into an out of the house so it won't work so i am thinking that before anyone comes to your house they have to fight a boss so here are the rules!

Can't have over 8,995 health
Can't be over rank 7
Has to be your class
Species has to be a species of your class

Cheating rules

If you are level 44 or under you may NOT make a cheating boss


Extra spell
Puts a buff on himself or a weakness on you
Makes you have to kill him again but only this time he has half health
(Level 50+ only can do that cheat and once he used his/her cheat may not do it again)

Here is my boss! ( i am level 53 )

Name: The Dark Wraith
Species: Wraith
Rank: 7 Boss
Class: Death
Cheat: Says "You can't kill me!" then makes you kill him again with half health
Health: 8,660
Second Health: 4,330

So there you go hope you like my ideas! reply and make your own follow the rules :-)
name: unknown bandit

species: treant

class: life

health: 7600

-he casts a 0-pip centaur and does 1.75 thousand damage
-he casts a 0-pip satyr (but heals only 430.)when his health gets below 50%, then 25% and then 12.5% health.
-every time you shield with a tower shield, his armor piercing goes up by 5%
- if you 1-hit K.o the boss, he gets angry and revives himself with a 1000 damage satyr (5 pips)
-he masters balance and fire
-the chance of a pet may cast goes down to 2.5%
-if his health drops down to 100, he steals 3 pips from you

satyr: 430 and satyr: 1000

resist: -40% to

-60% to

-85% to


+25% to

+60% to

rank: ( my computer won't let me post it on the top so) rank 8 boss (sry if i was 1 rnk off)

Oct 27, 2013
matty960 wrote:
My level: 45
Name: Flame Flyer
Species: Sunbird
Rank: 11 Boss
Class: Fire
Cards: All spells!!
Cheat: Whenever you use any spell except a one-hit kill, Flame Flyer automatically regains full health without taking a turn. Also, any Fire spell cast by you will result in a 10,000 damage Efreet with the weakness at 99% to everyone. Lastly, if you defeat him (which probably won't happen), he will come back with 70,000 health and 3 draconian minions, each with 25,000 health.
Boost: None
Resist: 95% to everything except Ice, and 99% to Ice.
Health: 8,995
You'll never beat my boss!
you're right. if you defeat you're boss in the game it would be so impossible