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How would you do it?

Apr 20, 2012
I had an awesome idea for the vampire (death spell). What if instead of the head coming off you can make a fodder dig him out of his coffin and then the vampire can just walk to the enemy and do it's power. :D Or what if there were male banshee's with weird hair too? That would be great!

Sep 05, 2010
In general there should be a rule that whatever the animation does it should take no longer than 5 seconds to complete.

Or maybe give an option for players to choose whether or not to play an animation at all.

Most all the animations are very cool to watch a couple times.. but after awhile it gets old.

Jul 24, 2011
Professor Greyrose wrote:
I have stickied this post as it is a very good question.

Let's hear your ideas, no matter how wild you think they may be!

I would have a question when would the folk from wizard101 change any of the spell animals in the game? I think there is a great idea of finding animals that fit the type of magic as you spill but we can expect to be done? and how, when we may expect be made it?

May 15, 2010
Change power nova. It's so bland. I mean, I guess all sorcerers efforts for a cool looking spell would be fixed with Ra. You know, the insanely amazing one?

Jul 24, 2011
eakilian wrote:
Spell animation. How would you change any of the spell animations in the game? Or is there one you would like to add? Describe in detail. Let your imagination take over!

you have probably heard it before, but I am thinking of leprechaun's is characters of luck, and I think leprechaun would be available to give luck, but it is hard to find a way where it would fit in to wizard101 but now I believe if I have a great idea for how Leprechaun's can become a luck character and fit well to wizard101, leprechaun would attack with natural damage on 155-195 like they do now but I also think the Leprechaun would give you one charm too yourself and if you're lucky would the leprechaun gives you preciston or lifeblade or guiding light but if you are misfortune would the leprechaun gives you weakness or infection or black mantle and I think only a charm free per leprechaun spell. and get all understand I must also tell waded they charm spell does, preciston giving +10% to accuracy and lifeblade give +40% to next life damage spell and guiding light give +30% to next heal spell and weakness giving -25% to next damage spell and infection give -50 to next heal spell and black mantle give -45% to accuracy, and this is what I think you would get one of the charm spell when you use a leprechaun and remember the attack too. and it is probably the best way to show that of leprechaun's is characters of luck and it fits well into wizard101. and I know too well of it is hard to play as a life wizard but in the sense in the way, they do not get for powerful or being get weak on the idea and I think that it's a good idea, and it is better than what I have writing before. and it could be fun because if you fight a life creature would you scoff at it gets bad luck and you could self hope to get good luck.

Jan 14, 2011
I want minions t have an animation for being healed.

It annoys me that it looks like I'm hurting my minion, even though I am healing it.

Hailey Fairygarden
Level 30 Life Wizard

Jul 24, 2011
eakilian wrote:
Spell animation. How would you change any of the spell animations in the game? Or is there one you would like to add? Describe in detail. Let your imagination take over!

I think every school should have its the fairy or pixie from lady oriel because there are not all wizard who want life magic so I'm wondering if that could each have a new way of doing it with a fairy or pixie from lady oriel and I believe there is. so here's my idea storm a lightning fairy which give healing to yourself. ice a ice fairy which give healing to yourself 204 and a shield which give -5% for the next ice spill who attack you. fire a fire pixie which works like link but the pixie will not have as high damage as link spell has. myth a myth sprite. dead will for a dark fairy of life drain. life gets the fairy like they does now. balance a word fairy which come out of the sand. and at the seagulls, you do not want life spell in the deck.

Feb 24, 2012
Alright, here is my idea. Say you have a set of cards whose "characters" are linked, like one card is egyptian goddess isis and the other is the egyptian god horus, who are married according to legends (this could be krokotopia themed!). If you have both isis and horus pulled during a duel, you could add one to the other, like you would with monstrous, and their power would increase, but they would both be part of one attack. Like instead of just horus on the field, isis would join him because you added her card to his. Cool huh?

May 19, 2012
I think the spell animations are pretty awesome already, but I would really like to see the time on some of them cut back. The healing pixies and the death pixies especially. While the animations look great, when you see them time and time again, they just kind of get annoying when you want to get the fight over and done with. I have had some battles last literally a half hour because of the long drawn out animations. I don't think battles against your regular run of the mill monsters should take this long, especially when you're doing a collection quest and over and over it says you didn't collect the item you need. :/

Nov 18, 2010
i think a cool storm spell would be Thor. what if he came off a cloud and shot lightning out of his hammer. and i think medusa needs a shorter animation cuz its loooooong and the person getting attacked should turn to stone when their stunned. That would be cool

Cameron Giantcaster level 64 conjurer

Oct 23, 2010
I'd like to see the phoenix from the phoenix spell do something more like creating a fireball or dive at the enemy.

Jul 24, 2011
I think of it as they spell as fit Best to that type of magic is balance and I think of it as they spell as fit which in 2 to that type of magic is dead and I think of it as they spell as fit which in 3 to that type of magic is life and I think of it as they spell as fit which in 4 to that type of magic is myte fire and ice come also to a good fit for their type of magic when you get some level up and storm may be a little messy of spell creature but is doing well. but balance is what I think is doing best in the spell and dead I give 2 because they have a dark fairy and not a bat but I like the dead wizard and I give life 3 because they have a imp otherwise fit life spell well for them and in myte it's the bat that I think does not belong to them because I think that bats are a creature as mesh well with dead and I think I would move fire up before ice because of fire spells have a cat as a spell and fire elf as a spell I like this fire elf and I would not do something about fire school spell with the ice I would do something about the 2 prior spell in school I would give the wizard of ice magic a dwarf to step in for frost beetle because I believe beetle fit to balance magic also fit dwarves pray to ice magic and this snow serpent are fun but I do not think it fit to ice school magic but the evil snowman are funny and I think he fit well for ice and look good for ice. and then I think it would be nice if there were new spell in schools because there are long way in between spell you know lvl48 to lvl53

Feb 10, 2012
well i like all of them but metorite looks like it should be rain of fire :|

Jun 08, 2011
just a thought but wouldnt it be a bit awsome if a spell could change how it came into play?

lightning bats
you could have the bats in a tree upside down then fly too the target to give the damadge

skeletal pirate
what if he swoops down on a rope as if on a ship pulls out his sword and hits the target

have the scorpion come out of a hole in the ground and sting the target

another thought what if spells could cast spells like ther would be a genie in a bottle for storm that would pick at random one of three other storm spells one a higher rank then the wizard that cast the genie the other two lower rank than the wizard

life a tree (talking, living that kind of tree) , storm genie,

death werewolf, myth mermaid , ice gobler , fire living fire

Dec 29, 2011
Jul 24, 2011
chinababy wrote:
Professor Greyrose wrote:
I have stickied this post as it is a very good question.

Let's hear your ideas, no matter how wild you think they may be!
Ok! Then i want the Imp back! It used to play music and hit you while you were distracted, But now it plays creepy music and luaghs evil "HEH HEH HEH!" I dont like it at all I liked it a lot better the other way, but now you changed it :x

yes the Imp, they do now first, I think the imp is not funny but now it's fun.

Mar 04, 2012
I think the fire only spell 'Scald' is the most boring spell over. All it does is put a Fire D.O.T. (Damage Over Time) on the enemies. I personally think that since it's name is Scald, when you cast it a pot sits in the middle of the arena, then it grows bigger, and bigger (turning as it grows) and starts bubbling over. Then it tips, and lava pours out, all over the enemy

Danielle Moonstone Level 43 Pyromancer

Mar 04, 2012
joujou11cool wrote:
An ant too small for the screen appears and then hits the opponent, instead of Scarab. (By the way, this would do about 1-10000 damage).

One to Ten Thousand! That's ridiculous!

Apr 05, 2012
hrk33 wrote:
jumbo bubble-this would be a balance spell a bubble appears and then it pops and little bubbles appear and it explodes on all the targets.

voodoo doll- a death spell of course a little wooden doll appears floating in the air and then its eyes appear as black little flames and shoots shadow balls at you.

fire spire- fire spell, a little girl appears crying then she says don't leave me here. then she melts and fire comes up and burns you every turn and every time you get burnt you here you should'nt of left me.

icy kiss- a freezing eye appears and it glares at you and then you freeze for 2 turns and then when your unmelted you take damage for the rest of the the battle in frost damage.

tornado-the storm professer comes out and spins around turning into a tornado hurting all enimies

ying of yang-a life spell, a green spirit appears and breathes green smog over all enimies and then a shadow spirit appears behind the life spirit using the health zap to heal everybody else.

mount olympus- a cloud floats down over the field with a mountain on it and it attacks every enemy with every type of magic!!!!

Those are crazy! And the Fire Spire idea is taken from Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly and this game is h**** scary!!!

Sep 05, 2010
Woolly mammoth

The starting animation should be the real maybe faster animation of evil snowman so people think "oh it's only a three pip spell when it's a 9 pip spell. Then they see the mammoth


I think her picture on the card should match her real face because she looks very different between the two and I like the actual face better than the card pic

Malorn Deathwielder lvl 65 conjurer
Master of Monsters

Dec 19, 2008
Well ... I have an idea .... I dont know if someone already posted this idea but why dont the monsters we are fighting have some visible appearance that they are getting hurt.
Example: If a boss (talking particuraly about that white forest lord one in Wintertusk) has 3000 life, and you have destroyed the boss until 1000 remains, why dont we have some patches of fur missing depending on how much life the boss has? Maybe at least more than 2/3 of the bosses health missing? Just an idea ....

Sep 21, 2011
eakilian wrote:
Spell animation. How would you change any of the spell animations in the game? Or is there one you would like to add? Describe in detail. Let your imagination take over!

Storm Shark:
I've always had a problem with the way the spell ends. Storms swim by moving their fins from side to side, not up and down. At the very end of the current spell, as the shark lands on top of you, his tail wiggles up and down. Please consider making the tail wiggle from side to side. It just makes sense and it will look better.

Aug 07, 2009
I like the volcano rein of fire spell, but i think its kinda sad that the poor water-moles get blown up :(
I think it would be cool if in the middle if the battle circle, a random planet came up, and the plates came together in fast motion, creating a huge volcano that covers one whole side of the planet. then, normal volcano appearance. It's a lot cooler in my mind than what i just typed XD

PS: I love mammoth. The sequence with the snowman is sooo funny :P

The Nice Ice Wizard

Apr 28, 2009
Dark Fairy
I think that this animation should not look like Fairy/Pixie. Maybe the Dark Fairy can laugh, then explode on the opponent in a ball of light? Somewhat like the Dark Fairies' basic attack.

Treasure Cards
I think all the treasure cards should be real spells, like the Krokomummy and some others that are treasure cards only.

New Spell - Werewolf
Maybe a werewolf could appear in a dark forest with a full moon and start howling. Then other werewolves join it and come into a group. The group jumps at you for low damage, and scratches you for high damage.

Jul 29, 2011
I love the idea of having different spell animations! But,
Wanna know something that would be cool?
Just new animation looks!