Here is what i like. I like how you made the whole world look like you are n a Safari.One improvement you should add is you should put the lv.70 gear in Mirror Lake and Shining Mountain. :)
Zafaria is really fun I beat it a while ago. I like the monsters they are pretty cool. I was wondering did I couldn't tell if Morganthe died or not can someone tell me if so?
Oh yeah the rhino pack thing is cool I like the sun palace it's just like zafaria just to let people who dont have zafaria know, so they can have a feeling what zafaria is like Caleb DeathCatcher
i have completed celesterial and was told to go to ambrose and then nothing i can go to zafaria but can not get into some of the places like zumanda and was given quest to go there why is that what is the sense of completeting the quest and not be able to go to the quest u need to do i don't think it's right u should have to ask someone . It is a nuience because others are working on their quest and don't want to stop so to help u get into somewhere u should have access to
i am a level 59 ice type and beat trial of spheres [i dont know if i spelled speres right] any way i cant find enough side quests to level up and go to zafaria if you can tell me where some are that would be great.
Professor Greyrose wrote:
The Zafaria section of our Wizard101 Message Boards is intended to help guide you through areas of Zafaria.
If you are a level 60 Wizard and have successfully completed the quest "Through This Door" speak to Merle Ambrose in his tower in Wizard City.
Here is what i like. I like how you made the whole world look like you are n a Safari.One improvement you should add is you should put the lv.70 gear in Mirror Lake and Shining Mountain. :)
What a great idea! but too bad i have finished the game...but i can always look back in it! ---Megan Deathcaller
dear professor greyrose what can i do to get to zafaria and how do i collect the key. i have finished the quest but no one has called me to come and see them for the key please help me. :( :(
dear professor greyrose what can i do to get to zafaria and how do i collect the key. i have finished the quest but no one has called me to come and see them for the key please help me. :( :(
Please don't submit duplicate posts.
The very first post in this thread clearly states:
If you are a level 60 Wizard and have successfully completed the quest "Through This Door" speak to Merle Ambrose in his tower in Wizard City.
The Zafaria section of our Wizard101 Message Boards is intended to help guide you through areas of Zafaria.
If you are a level 60 Wizard and have successfully completed the quest "Through This Door" speak to Merle Ambrose in his tower in Wizard City.
Have fun! ~Professor Greyrose
OK! HI GUYS! Zafaria is so cool but i just wish kinglsle would have made it so that the xp was WAY more. You no, something new for lvl 60 wizards you dont really get alot of xp till you get deeper into Zafaria. BUT beside that enjoy it. :D
Those preview quests are not required to gain entry to Celestia Here are the requirements for Celestia: Players who have reached level 48 and completed the Dragonspyre quest "The Final Countdown" should speak to Merle Ambrose for more information about Celestia.
i am almost lvl sixty i just can not wait untill i get to zafaria. Right now i am lvl fifty eight
I am a level 58 Pyromancer and beat celestia. I a worried I will not be able to get to zafaria because I am too low a level If anyone knows what I can do please reply.
I am a level 58 Pyromancer and beat celestia. I a worried I will not be able to get to zafaria because I am too low a level If anyone knows what I can do please reply.
Jack Darkflame
I'm having the same problem. I'm a level 58 and I finished the Trial of the Spheres, the final quest of Celestia. I'm trying to reach level 60. I guess when I do I will get a message from Merle Ambrose?
It's really hard for me to level up because the only quests I have are in Grizzleheim, which give REALLY low exp. I'm not sure if I'll be able to reach level 60. :/
I am a level 58 Pyromancer and beat celestia. I a worried I will not be able to get to zafaria because I am too low a level If anyone knows what I can do please reply.
Jack Darkflame
If you have finished Grizzlehiem guest in Wintertusk for those levels, it has a lot of experience to be had - alot of side quests if you have done the main story line already for you pet quest.
Many think speeding though the spiral is a good idea until they can't get into Celestia. This is how it goes for the rest of the worlds of the spiral so get used to it.