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Wizard Trivia!

Feb 15, 2009
Here's my question,
Whats my favorite food?

hint:its same as falmea's favorite food

Apr 26, 2009
Dec 11, 2008
I've got a question, mostly for Professors and Administrators:

What is Sir Reginald Baxby for? I've seen him in quite a few worlds, but he isn't a very interactive character... I'm sure he is going to be for a future update, but I would still like to know... thx!

steelers1234 wrote:
Question-Did Mr. Lincoln Bring babies to people when he was a teenager?

No, that's more Mrs. Lincoln's specialty. Although I do occasionally help her out if extra special delivery's are required.

Dec 24, 2008
Rabbits4ever wrote:
I've got a question, mostly for Professors and Administrators:

What is Sir Reginald Baxby for? I've seen him in quite a few worlds, but he isn't a very interactive character... I'm sure he is going to be for a future update, but I would still like to know... thx!

According to Professor Greyrose, Baxby keeps the commons areas monster-free, though he had a different purpose in beta.

New question: Why did Professor Greyrose first learn Ice magic?

Dec 24, 2008
ProfessorFalmea wrote:
gamemaster wrote:

Question:How many mentioned worlds are there?

I do believe there is FIVE ::grin::.

Question: What shape is the pink piece in potion motion?

“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.”
Professor Falmea
(aka Leah Ruben, your fearless Associate Producer!)

Actually, Professor, ever since the game's initial launch, there have been seven worlds metioned in the game.
In order of appearence/mention:

Wizard City

Celestia (Mentioned in a quest in Firecat Alley)



Grizzlehiem (mentioned in Marleybonian history book)

Moo Shu


Feb 15, 2009
Q for Mewowirty or dont know name it is:Did you summoned those phantoms and roamer's aftrer you escaped Newgate Prison?

Please make this true

Mar 14, 2009
maco wrote:
KillerPosey wrote:
warwren1 wrote:

Question: What gave Dworgyn his hump?

I know I'm super late on the answer but while doing a quest dworgyn said the hump was from chemicals from something (I forgot)

Okay my question is why is Malistaire evil?

Malistaire turned evil because his wife Sylvia Drake died of sickness.

New question: What rank and how much health does Malistaire has when you battle him in Dragonspyre?

(Thats a tough one!) [/quote

he's rank 10 and he has 10,000 health

question : who's with meowitary in newgate prison ?
I heard from another message board that in Test Realm Malistare has 100,000 health uh-oh....... :|

May 10, 2009
Uh... Since no body made a new question I will try! What creatures did Mailestaire brought to protect him What world did they come from

Don't answer if you have a wizard that is in a very high level.

Feb 15, 2009
Um they are undead wizards. i think. I dont know what world they came from. I think they are only seen in Dragonspyre.

Question: What Fire spell do you get at lvl 38?

May 27, 2009
May 10, 2009
The strong phoenix.

p.s. it's not undead wizards, but thanks for trying[Got the right world anyways.]

Dec 26, 2008
Borme wrote:
gamemaster wrote:
neji8palm wrote:
answer is dragons and you dont answer your self 8)

my question is where in wizard city can you go to go to diffrent worlds name the place?
The Krok slayer is earned by killing 500 Kroks I think,and that's the grandfather tree...

The 8 worlds are as following:Wizard City,Krokotopia,Marleybone,MooShu,Dragonsypre,Celsia,unknown former Gobbler world,and unknown former Krok world.

Question:Who's the most powerfulest boss in the 1st world?

Well, Some would argue but, I'd Say Lord Nightshade..

Where And How can you get a Mummified Deck in Krokotopia ?

no lord nightshade is not the most powerful boss he is like the third or fourth

there is Grubb 1000 health
Norton he has 800 health i think
and Paulson i think he might have 600 hundred health
They are all located in Sunken City in NIghtside IN Wizard City

Dec 26, 2008
lorddoom141 wrote:
hikaru7272 wrote:

Sun, Eye, Star, Moon, Dagger, Key, Ruby and Spiral

Name the most powerful spell learnt for each class.


FIRE: Helephant

Storm: Stormzilla

Life: Cenetaur (misspelled i think soz )

Death: the damage one is skeleton pirate but the last one is wraith.

Balance:judgement and Hydra


Myth: minotaur

I think thats all!

QUESTION:What is the level that you get "judgement" for balance school?

-Anythony GhostBreath-

Life is actaully not Centaur i have observed it and if you fight like a tree monster in mooshu you might get a a treasure called woodwalker its looks like nature wraths it does 640 and its life

and for myth its not minotaur anymore it is orthrus

and storm wow um that is wild bolt

balance well i would say judgement and Spectral
because judgement is stronger over time but with enough traps spectral does a lot

Mar 14, 2009
maco wrote:
andrew248 wrote:
Lets see, 11. 1 in Oasis, 1 in the entrance to the pyramid, 2 in the Chamber of Fire, 2 in the Royal Hall, and 5 in the Palace of Fire.

Q: Wat are the names of the 2 Towers you have to complete before going to Big Ben? HINT: They're instances.

counterweights east and west

question : what is the name of the place oakheart is located in moo shu ?

HINT : the are very sad there
oakheart is in village of sorrow.... Okay...... Who is the boss before meowarity in Big Ben?

Mar 14, 2009
yapper wrote:
Question:is there a fire snake on firecat alley?
I don't think so but there was one on Cyclops Lane I got a quest from Dalia Falmea to find it.

Mar 14, 2009
titan80 wrote:
lorddoom141 wrote:
hikaru7272 wrote:

Sun, Eye, Star, Moon, Dagger, Key, Ruby and Spiral

Name the most powerful spell learnt for each class.


FIRE: Helephant

Storm: Stormzilla

Life: Cenetaur (misspelled i think soz )

Death: the damage one is skeleton pirate but the last one is wraith.

Balance:judgement and Hydra


Myth: minotaur

I think thats all!

QUESTION:What is the level that you get "judgement" for balance school?

-Anythony GhostBreath-
wrong fire: dragon storm: triton ice:giant death: wraith MITH: earthquake balance:hydra life:centaur i am level 34 mith austin lioneyes
Actully earthquake is not the strongest myth spell Ourthus is.

Mar 14, 2009
thouman9999 wrote:
400 Wow that was easy lol you must not have a very complex mind or something(JK)

Q.What four elements are on pillars in Firecat alley,Cyclops lane,Triton avenue,and Colossus boulevard?
Actully Pixie TREASURE CARD gives you 450 and fairy gives you the same.

Mar 14, 2009
tylord478 wrote:
ccffcg123 wrote:
warlockwizardmage wrote:
i got 3 question for yall

1# why is krokotep dead (who killed him)

2# why is meoarty so evil? (does he misses his mommy)

3# give me the name of all trainers
Moolinda Wu, Lydia Greyrose, Dylia Falmea, Malorn Ashthorn, Arthur WestField, Cyrus Drake, Dworgyn, Croaky, Althrezeld, Halston, and forgot the hidden Krokotopia one

Since this guy didn't ask a question I'll ask one. This one's for Malistaire where ever you are.

Q: What bad guy has 3 syllables in his name(which starts with an M), has a dragon staff, a stupid looking goutee, has a name that rhymes with Pierre, and is the stupidest boss in the whole game, and would know evil if it bit on the face and died?
PS He's right behind me isn't he?
I mean plenty of offense Malistaire!

Feb 15, 2009
Feb 15, 2009
Monsterax wrote:
ProfessorFalmea wrote:
gamemaster wrote:

Question:How many mentioned worlds are there?

I do believe there is FIVE ::grin::.

Question: What shape is the pink piece in potion motion?

“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.”
Professor Falmea
(aka Leah Ruben, your fearless Associate Producer!)

Actually, Professor, ever since the game's initial launch, there have been seven worlds metioned in the game.
In order of appearence/mention:

Wizard City

Celestia (Mentioned in a quest in Firecat Alley)



Grizzlehiem (mentioned in Marleybonian history book)

Moo Shu


There is also an unnamed Gobbler World and an old Krok world

Dec 24, 2008
Bendad123 wrote:
Where does the storm snake show up for diviners on a certain quest?
it doesn't show up on a quest you get it at lvl 10 in ice school

Mar 14, 2009
balllighting wrote:
ccffcg123 wrote:
No ................. It's Mortin and Niles! It's Sherlock Bones. Next question: Name every school tree, not just in Ravenwood, Krokotopia and DragonSpyre too.

Mortis is Death. Blossom is Life. Ivan is Myth. Bernie and Ashley are Fire. Kelvin is Ice. Torrence is Storm. Niles is Balance.

Next Question: What is the name of the final boss in mooshu?
Jade oni is the last boss I think

Mar 14, 2009
LucarioAura45 wrote:
ccffcg123 wrote:
Next question: When you start a school it says famous people that were from that magic, so what class is Kleopatra in?

P.S. somebody answer my tree question soon or I'll answer it.

Cleopatra is balance

NEW QUESTION: Why do you need to proceed to MarleyBone once you've completed the Temple of Storms? HINT: Something was taken there.
The Krokominion hoping my spelling is right.

Mar 14, 2009
Alex1646 wrote:
Q: How do you get the "crusher crusher" badge
Defeat Spike the Crusher in Big Ben in Marleybone.