I think balance, with the Tailsman of the Tower( Tower Shield) Amulet, and Death up to feint, you can pwn. Also Maybe Meowarty's Satyrical Amulet( Satyr)
Well, for me, Balance was somewhat easy to solo. I usually rely a ton on friends to help, now I do at least. I was able to get to Dragonspyre solo, and after that, It got hard. And I had to rely on friends more than ever. As of right now I have a Storm wiz lvl 29. And I don't have to ask anything of friends, because my storm and balance wizard are on 2 seperate accounts, and I use my balance all the time to help my storm, so I guess I'm more of a group player, it's too hard for me to solo, same with pvp, sometimes I'll win a 1v1, sometimes I'll lose, even with full Arena gear. And maybe I'll even win a 1v1 in worlds, but usually I can't.
i'm wondering if anyone would have a suggestion as to the best class to solo the game with. necromancer seems to do well but the bosses are just plain a pain in the rumplestiltskin. any suggestions on a good soloable wizard class would be appreciated
this is the big problem with death. think about all the bosses in the game... have you noticed that ALMOST ALL OF THEM ARE DEATH? i think this is KI's way of making death not too powerful. still, other than the annoying bosses, death is good.
I don't see this as a problem. Death never uses life shield and as long as you keep as many prisms in your deck as you can carry, you can usually get a huge boost to your attack. The bigger problem is when a life minion casts death shield on the boss after you use your prism because the death shield will be triggered before the prism.
Myth is pretty effective, I believe, given that you can use your Minions to augment the strength of your one-wizard "team."
I was hoping someone would say myth. I like myth a lot because (if I remember) it has the same accuracy as ice, and more damage. Ice wizards get lots of health. Honestly, I like myth, but I don't think any would be the "best".
Best school to solo is Life, I agree, but the hardest would be Myth. Why? Because they can use Earthquake ( which happens to much in Celestia :? ) But life is a HORRIBLE solo for Death wizards, take the Jade Oni for instance. He uses way to much Death Shields. I was just about to beat my record with Wraith, but of course he shields :? Thats what I have to say.....
Richard Shadowstaff, level 55 Necromancer 8) Rock on Wizard101
I would say the best class to solo the game with is either Life (for the heals) or Storm (for epic damage) either or, you're sure to succeed in the game as far as questing is concerned. Make sure you get either storm or fire as a secondary if using Life and definitely have death as a secondary to storm (for drains and feint! )
i say the best school is lfie if you can master it.life but like meant for groups but good for soloing also.i am a legendary life and i found out you cant solo the whole thing.but i am still able to solo it.i glad life can attack all with forest lord and it can heal everyone plus give spirit armor.with the sprite minion you be able to solo pretty good since the sprite minion is more smarter.but but even has life good to soloing all school is good to.but i can see with life plus storm you can win wizard101 because life will be there to heal because storm has low health and life low damage and storm has great damage.and life can also give extra aim to so life plus storm will lead to LEGENDARY.but i can see balance soloing wizard101 but can also see it losing bye soloing.but life can solo if it have to but also life is a master in a group.if you ever in dungeon and you try to solo it like malistaires liar well know its solo able again but if you like death and its hard for death get a life wizard.nothing is able to be solo but everything is funner in a group. if you are a wizard like a balance who has little of everything and gonna solo the whole game well you will need help some point. :D hope this message good for you all this my first time. :D
Through sheer definition of the classes, it is suggested that Fire students tend not to work well with others. However, I'm one to believe that ice wizards are most cut out for soloing. I don't think any class is meant for solo. But ice has a moderate accuracy with moderate damage. They also have a lot of health and shielding options. Perhaps ice with balance or life secondary could solo for a grand amount of time.
bo1287 (grandmaster wizard) I think you are very correct. Even though ice doesn't have very much damage ice wizards are smart and have a lot of health. Seeing that I am a storm wizard it is a lot harder for me seeing that I have low health and low accuracy but very powerful attacks. So if your gonna try to solo the game you should totally pick ice!
You can solo because its Judgment can one hit KO if you save enough pips, and Sandstorm at an early level helps clear the chumps. It also has an amazing Minion - seriously, the Mander is the kind of selfless team player that any wizard would love to have on their team. I have found him more useful than any Crowns Minion I have bought, on par with a level 60 Life Minion. (Renn Swiftweaver always messed up my Feints with his pathetic wand spells, and wasted his power pips on Sunbirds and Cyclops)
Balance is a good team player as well because of its traps and blades. As a level 35-40 I have been invited to Celestia with Grandmasters because of my ability to pass blades, shields, and save up for heals thanks to item cards. (Or just use Helping Hands if I don't need to revive anyone)
Its storyline is kind of unique as well. Arthur Wethersfield educates your character by showing them how Balance unifies Fire, Storm, and Ice, and right from the start he says that Balance is harder to master, but superior in a way. Also, later on, rather than study in Ravenwood under a licensed Wizard City teacher, you are taught by Alzhared the Krok in Krokotopia. I see this as second only to Myth's storyline experience (Cyrus Drake all the way!)
Myth may be good as well, but I have not had enough experience with it to make a sound decision. But I think it, and any other class that can utilize a spell that damages all enemies is a good class to solo with.
All I know is, Life was not the class to solo with - it was my first choice and I never made it past the Krokosphinx before giving up and starting with my Balance wizard.
I think its almost impossible to solo this game, especially when you are fighting higher bosses of your own school; the resistance is crazy!!!
But whatever you do, do not choose opposite schools. I am a fire and ice and storm wizard (in order), and when I was fighting a fire creature, I thought it would be a quick win, but they use their ice shields and completely ruin your plan of attack. So don't pick opposite schools (myth/storm, fire/ice, death/life, and balance is just in their). If you do, make sure you have another school in their when you get to higher levels... i learned it the hard way.
As for the best school, storm has great attacks, but their accuracy is low. Ice's attacks are very weak but happen very often. Fire has awesome all around spells like scald, and dont fizzle often. Life heals, however, its attack spells are little. Myth, now i can't find any weaknesses in myth; great spells and little fizzles. Death drains and heals, and kills quickly. Just watch it!; death can also backfire on you And last but not least, balance. like life, has very little attack spells, but is very good at turning the battle-spotlight on you. Hope this is helpful!! Consider these very carefully, and if there's anything i missed please tell me! :)
there is no best class to solo with. i am fire/death and its very hard to solo with him. If you get to celestia you will have found out that in malistares dungeun you need 3 people due to a timed crystal light up thing. anyway, i now know that that has been changed so that it wasint timed but it is still hard to defeat the ice helephant and the fire helephant alone and kill a whole room of guys to get to the 3rd crystal. Daniel FireFlame level 53 fire/death wizard
I think balance is thhe best school to solo with because they get a ton of shield to protect from other attaks. Some of there hits can be high but some are horrible. Every school has good and bad things about them but balance is in the middle of all of them.
I'm a lv.12 Balance\Storm. I think it one of the best combos becouse Balance card like Precaution(I think that's what it's name is) allows me to get +10% accuracy, which helps with my storm card like Thunder Bat which would probably fizzle. Balance by itself is good becuase some card like Hydra and Spectral blast combine the powre of the 3 elemental schools.
I'm a lv.12 Balance\Storm. I think it one of the best combos becouse Balance card like Precaution(I think that's what it's name is) allows me to get +10% accuracy, which helps with my storm card like Thunder Bat which would probably fizzle. Balance by itself is good becuase some card like Hydra and Spectral blast combine the powre of the 3 elemental schools.
True, balance has the shields, the boosts, the protection, even a minion at a higher lvl. But if you have to rely on another school like storm, then it takes a lot longer to kill your enemies. So its between those three schools, DEATH, MYTH, and, BALANCE. Just go with your gut i'd say.
i'm wondering if anyone would have a suggestion as to the best class to solo the game with. necromancer seems to do well but the bosses are just plain a pain in the rumplestiltskin. any suggestions on a good soloable wizard class would be appreciated
in my opinion i think that you can choose balance and death and life as a triple combo
Well, I personally belive Death with Myth as a Secondary School or Death with Life. I am a Death/Myth and I think it is probably the best. :D You have good damage, good draining, and good percentage. And on top of that with myth, you have minions from myth so you can solo the game, but still get additional help.
Hope this helped, Nicole NightWhisper
P.S. Also Myth by itself works well, I agree with Professer Ambrose ;)
i am a 36 balence wizerd in mushu (i know i spelled it wrong)and ive played the game solo the entire time what i rely on is judgement and your power pip chance that ways you wait like three turns and boom there dead my a judgment nad helping hands helps to
i am a 36 balence wizerd in mushu (i know i spelled it wrong)and ive played the game solo the entire time what i rely on is judgement and your power pip chance that ways you wait like three turns and boom there dead my a judgment nad helping hands helps to
How could you even solo BIG BEN? Judgement will work good with blades and traps. Heck Hound can use fire blades and traps with feints, balance blades, and all those other cards. Heckhound is stronger imo. Plain Judgement does 120 per pip. Plain Heckhound is- wait, I need to log back on for this. Okay now I have it, plain Heckhound is 130 damage. One more thing to tell you, we get mad when our strong spell fizzles.