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Ravenwood News

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October 29, 2013

Dragon Pet

The Story of your Adventure in the Spiral
This month we asked players to share the story of their adventure in the Spiral. Have a creative story to share? Tell us here. You could be featured on Ravenwood News! Read other cool Wizard stores over in the game fan fiction.

Aaron WillowLeaf's parents were wiped away by death, so as an orphan, he found Ravenwood College of Magical Arts. Ambrose took him in, and he was chosen for the school of Life. His mission was to destroy all death and evil from the Sprial, seeking revenge. Defeating Malistare Drake, a new enemy arisen. Morganthe, the Umbra Queen, claiming the Spiral as her own, plans to destroy the Council of Light. With Morganthe away, Xibalba on its path to Azteca, what now?
by Aaron WillowLeaf

I climbed on my dragon and said, "are you ready to face Malistaire?".
Later, in the Great Spyre, me and Malistaire were exhausted. We casted every spell! I got a critical hit, same him.I would be destroyed, but so would he. "For the spiral!" I yelled.
Next thing I knew, I was in headmaster Ambrose's office. "Amazing. You survived. "
Just then, my friend Dugan Boomstone came in. Morganthe was attacking, it seemed.
I mounted on my dragon, and got ready for my next adventure.
by Padric Skullstaff

In life I've journeyed to many locations in the spiral, some scary and withered, others are beautiful and blossoming with life, it is a pleasure to discover new pets, journey around entrancing mansions but what I love most is venturing with my brother and sister through quests as we laugh, play and enjoy our adventures, missions and happiness on Adventures, it is the only thing we all like to do together. I choose ice so we could venture together to defeat Malistare.
by Keiran Dragondreamer


October 28, 2013


Prehistoric Bundle Available Online!
Now you can get the Prehistoric Bundle online at! Check out the cool two player Scare-O-Dactyl mount, Babydactyl pet and much more. Prehistoric Bundle »


October 22, 2013


The Villains of Wizard101
Today by blog reader request, we have a little bit more background on the villains of Wizard101! Alhazred and King Artorius, our Wizard101 writers, have shared some insight into the makings of Malistaire and Morganthe. Read Blog Post »


October 21, 2013


October 18, 2013


12 Month Membership Sale Ends Sunday!
Do you want the full magical experience? Become a Member today and save 25% on a 12 Month Membership. As a Member you get access to ALL worlds, ranked PvP matches, ranked Pet Derby races, Castles & Lands, a larger backpack and much more! Hurry, this sale ends this Sunday at 11:59pm US Central Time. Become a Member Today »


October 17, 2013


KingsIsle Goes to Realmscon
KingsIsle recently went to Realmscon in beautiful Corpus Christi where con goers went to celebrate anime and gaming and to basically have fun with like-minded people–a great location coupled with great people and you’ve got the recipe for a great time! Read Blog Post »


October 16, 2013


The Nightmare Pack is Back!
Your favorite Halloween game card pack is back! From now through November 3rd 2013, the Nightmare Pack is back in the Crown Shop with all your favorite Halloween items plus near gear and more! The Nightmare Pack »


October 15, 2013


October 14, 2013


Get up to 50% more Bonus Crowns Ends Today!
Today is the last day you can get up to 50% more bonus Crowns when you purchase any Crowns block at regular price. The bigger Crowns block you purchase - the more Bonus Crowns you get for your Wizard! Act fast, this sale ends tonight at 11:59pm US Central Time. Super Crowns Sale »


October 10, 2013


Get up to 50% more Bonus Crowns!
During the Super Crowns Sale, you can get up to 50% more bonus Crowns when you purchase any Crowns block at regular price. The bigger Crowns block you purchase - the more Bonus Crowns you get for your Wizard! Act fast, this sale ends Monday, October 14th at 11:59pm US Central Time. Super Crowns Sale »


October 9, 2013


12 Month Membership Ends Today!
Do you want the full magical experience? Become a Member today and save 25% on a 12 Month Membership. As a Member you get access to ALL worlds, ranked PvP matches, ranked Pet Derby races, Castles & Lands, a larger backpack and much more! Hurry, this sale ends tonight at 11:59pm US Central Time. Become a Member Today »


October 8, 2013

Dragon Pet

The Story of your Adventure in the Spiral
This month we asked players to share the story of their adventure in the Spiral. Have a creative story to share? Tell us here. You could be featured on Ravenwood News! Read other cool Wizard stores over in the game fan fiction.

For years I looked for the perfect wizard to take under my wing and tutor him/her in the magical ways. I was struggling but then I found him. His name was Kane Star and he was perfect. He had snow white hair and robe, hat, and boots with a base light blue with a white trim. For some reason or other he had a special quality which is why, I Kyle Earthshard took him under my wing. Thanks to my teachings he is Professor Greyroses's favorite student and I was happy to do it all for him.
Kyle Earthshard and Kane Star

My adventure through the spiral was epic. One was to defeat Malistaire. He wasn't a problem just tougher than his brother Cyrus. Another is hanging out with friends and helping them. I helped friends so they can have there adventures too. Furthermore was the spells. Since I'm balance I'm mostly every school so every spell like chimera or hydra have different elements in them. Next is waterworks. Best dungeon ever for level sixty and up wizards because of the gear and rules with cheating bosses.
justin skytamer

During my adventures in the spiral, I choose to become a Necromancer wizard. On my journeys I experienced difficult but exciting battles, since I'm death and I heal with my attacks. When I arrived at Dragonspyre it changed the spiral completely for me I discovered new techniques about my school. After I found out about the true Maslistare and Morganthe I decided to change my style with the death school. I learned more astral spells along with sun (colossal), so far I'm excited for halloween!
Adam DeathHeart

October 4, 2013


The Process of Update Notes and More!
Today on the KingsIsle Blog, Pirate101 Community Manager takes some time to explain the process and work that are behind our update notes, newsletters and much more! Read Blog Post »


October 3, 2013


Now through October 9th, save up to 50% OFF Crowns prices on select Gear Sets, Weapons, Amulets and Hair Styles. Plus you can win Crowns in our Design Your Own Hairstyle contest! Gear-a-Palooza »


October 2, 2013


It's Halloweenfest in Wizard101!
It's the time of the year for Halloween, and that means fun things are happening in Wizard101! All your favorite Halloween friends, including Spooky Bob are back with their ghostly items, your favorite Halloween pets are back this year and we have brand new Halloween quests! Visit Halloweenfest »


October 1, 2013

Abracadoodle Wizard Girl

October Ravenwood Bulletin
As always, we have a lot of fun stuff going on this October! Check out the latest Ravenwood Bulletin to read about an upcoming contest, Halloween fun, and submit fan fiction. Read Newsletter »

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