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Welcome to the Ravenwood News!Discover here the latest news from Wizard City and from around the Spiral! Read all about new game updates, events and contests, maintenance notices @KI_Alerts, and news from our Official Fansites. Check back often!
Want even more news? Read announcements, questions, and comments on our Discord Server, as well as Twitter and Facebook.
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Become a New Wizard101 Member & Save 50%!
Get full access to all Wizard101 worlds, join ranked PvP & Pet Derby matches, and much much more! Now you can start a new Membership with Wizard101 for just $4.95. Save 50% on your first month, and each subsequent month enjoy all Wizard101 has to offer for just $9.95. Upgrade Now » | | | | |
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Writing Engaging Fan Fiction!
Do you like to write fan fiction? Today on the KingsIsle blog we've featured some Pirate101 fan fiction as well as given you tips for writing an engaging story! Read Blog Post »
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Christmas in July!
Now through Sunday, July 28th 2013 let's pretend it's the Holidays with decorations, mounts, pets and more! Plus you can get a free holiday item for your Wizard! Get Free Gift »
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Music Festival Giveaway
MMORPG.com has been given a large amount of special gift keys for Wizard101! These keys will grant you special music festival items such as a music box, and a special random playable instrument! Get your key now while supplies last! Enter Giveaway »
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12 Month Membership Ends Today!
Do you want the full magical experience? Become a Member today and save 25% on a 12 Month Membership. As a Member you get access to ALL worlds, ranked PvP matches, ranked Pet Derby races, Castles & Lands, a larger backpack and much more! Hurry, this sale ends tonight at 11:59pm US Central Time. Become a Member Today »
An Invitation to Play Wizard101!
This month we asked players to write an invitation for parents or other adults to come play Wizard101. Have a creative story to share? Tell us here. You could be featured on Ravenwood News! Read other cool Wizard stores over in the game fan fiction.
Fellow adults, Wizard 101 is a great to stay connected to your children in a fun and whimsical world. You can meet up with them in the realm and play
together having wonderful chats about the game or about life. With text chat you can talk with them even if you are not playing it the same area.
As an added bonus Wizard 101 is a great way to relieve stress from your day. In the spiral as you fight gobblers, elephant soldiers, or sanzoku bandits
to complete your quests your stress melts away for in the spiral you are in control and you are saving the worlds of the spiral. So as a fellow adult
I am asking you to play Wizard 101 to get closer to your kids and relieve your stress so you can enjoy life outside the spiral to its fullest.
Rowan Windwhisper
Do you ever wish that you could spend more time with your children? Perhaps you are feeling that their online activity isn't being monitored sufficiently?
No matter what it is, there's one solution that can help you and your child bond more on a safe, online environment: play Wizard101 WITH them!!
You're always your child's companion, but you can be their best friend in the game, too! You can give them an extra hand in battles
(those Fire Elves and Gobblers can get a bit tough!) and be there for your child whenever they need it. Advice can be given about how to set up their
deck, equip their gear, strategies, and so much more! And, don't worry - you won't feel alone out there in the Spiral! Out of the 30 million players,
there are plenty of other adults to have a great time with, too!!
Steven SpellStrider
Mum, I think you should play Wizard101 because it is a very educational experience. There are many opportunities to expand your vocabulary and improve
your maths skills. (For example, a 715 base damage Storm Lord + 70% feint will do how much damage?) Also, the graphics use a multitude of
colors and different movements (crackling, smoke). The game has a variety of tasks. If you find quests too difficult, try gardening or crafting!
I'm sure you'll find something you'll enjoy. I'm recommending this game to you because I think it will help us bond if we spend more time
together, and this game seems like a perfect way to do it. From Alex ThunderShard
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The Evolution of Bartleby
Want to see how Bartleby made it into Wizard101? Check out today's blog post on turning a 3d model into the living tree! Read Blog Post »
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Dino Bundle Available Online!
Now you can purchase the Dino Bundle online at Wizard101.com! It has the two person Dino Mount, awesome Aztecosaur Pyramid, epic gear and much, much more! Buy Dino Bundle »
An Invitation to Play Wizard101!
This month we asked players to write an invitation for parents or other adults to come play Wizard101. Have a creative story to share? Tell us here. You could be featured on Ravenwood News! Read other cool Wizard stores over in the game fan fiction.
Dear parents,
Wizard101 is a really fun game for people of all ages, and I can only see three downsides with playing it. I'll get to those later, as I want this to be about all the upsides.
Now, parents, lets say that your child is going on a family reunion with the other side of the family, and you still want to play some games with the child. Wizard101 is just right for you!
Now, lets say that you have to go on a work trip and your email is down - you can talk to your kids over Wizard101!
In fact, the only downsides about an adult playing are: Some adults don't know how to use a computer, it requires a fast-loading computer to work and once you start playing it, it gets hard to stop!
Adults, I hope to see you in the Spiral some time, Timothy BattleFlame
Dear Parents, You should absolutely try Wizard101 today and join the excitement with your children! This amazing kid-friendly game is not only for children,
but for people of all ages! Battle ferocious Moon Skull Zombies in Azteca, Wandering Spirits in Wizard City, or have a friendly duel with a fellow wizard in a Player vs Player,
Tournament, and Ranked Match. Why should us kids have all the fun in playing this wondrous game, when a simple test can choose your own wizard to enjoy it as well? Choose a
Diviner and have a Storm Lord at your calling, or maybe a Thaumaturge to control the Lord of Winter? So try the free to play online game of Wizard101 today and start your own magical adventure!
Caitlin Dragonwhisper
Adults should play this game with there child. 1. it makes them read more and spell more. 2. This game is fun you get to hangout with your friends. 3. The longer you watch your kid play the
better there speech is. My sister had trouble reading, so I told her about this game and now she is 2 grades above on reading. She reads alot better and spells better.
People are so nice on this game. Sometimes if you spell something wrong people will correct you. There is 3 types of chates. 1. mute chate 2. text and 3rd. is open chat. It is best if
your child has text chat until there around 16, but that is if you want them to have open chat or not.
You can even link them to your account where they cant do nothing bad. You can also buy them membership and crowns if you want. Please play Wizard101.
Kelsey Shadow
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Last Day to Purchase the Super Bundle!
Today is the last day to purchase the Super Bundle online here at Wizard101.com! This will be one of the last times you can purchase the complete Super Bundle set together for the low price of $39. See Super Bundle »
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Spotlight on Community Leaders
Today on the KingsIsle Blog we ask Wizard101’s Professor Greyrose and Pirate101’s One-Eyed Jack a few questions about what it’s like to be a community manager at KingsIsle. Read the Blog Post » | | | | |
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Adventures With RipperX
MMORPG's RipperX continues his adventures in this new bi-weekly Wizard101 series! Watch the Video »
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KingsIsle Goes Golfing!
We recently took a break from our busy day to day hustle for a company fun day! Head on over to the KingsIsle Blog to see how the creators of Wizard101 blow off some steam at the driving range. Read Blog Post » | | | | |
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Crowns Sale Ends Today!
Have you been eyeing those new packs and gear in the Crown Shop? Well now you can save 25% on Crowns with our current Crown Sale. 60,000 Crowns are just $60 - that's $1 per 1000 Crowns! Hurry though, this sale ends today! Buy Crowns Now »
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An Invitation to Play Wizard101!
This month we asked players to write an invitation for parents or other adults to come play Wizard101. Have a creative story to share? Tell us here. You could be featured on Ravenwood News! Read other cool Wizard stores over in the game fan fiction.
Moms, dads, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, teachers, and any other adult, Looking for an escape from the stress of going to work, something to do in your retirement, or a good way to connect with family across the country? I have an idea- you could play Wizard101. I know what you're thinking- isn't that a kid's game? Well, Wizard101 isn't just for kids. I personally know at least five adults that play- my aunt and uncle, my great-aunt, my dance coach, and my grandpa. It has awesome graphics, and it helps you to think on your feet. It's also great because every month, they get kids reading- they feature a different "Book of the Month," which my younger cousin always waits for. Wizard101 isn't just a kid's game, it's a family game, and it's fun! I really hope you join us!
Megan MythWhisper
You should play this game, because it an adventure from your computer, it bring you to a new world, and you make friend, get powerful, work as a team to defeat bosses and more you will never know what it is if you don't try ;) so see you in the spiral :D
David StormShield
First of all I would like to say playing w101 with parents is most amazing! When we all are having free time we can play w101 together we can help each other and PVP.
Mark dreamcaster
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Mega Monday Sale!
Today only, Mega Snack Packs are 40% OFF in the Crown Shop! Stock up and train your pets to Mega with this great sale. Hurry - this sale is one day only! | | | | |
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Save 25% OFF Online Bundles!
Now through Sunday, July 7th at 11:59pm US Central time save 25% OFF online bundles for your Wizard! The Majestic Bundle, Super Bundle, and Hawk Rider Bundle are all on sale for a limited time only. Save on Bundles »
Tips For Getting Into the Gaming Industry – Programming
Today on the KingsIsle blog, we have a real treat for any young players interested in working in the gaming industry one day. Cheryl Starcher, a Lead Software Engineer here at KingsIsle, has taken some time to let us know a little bit about her background and what can help an aspiring player become a game programmer one day! Read Blog Post » | | | | |
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Senior Gaming – Connecting Families Through MMOs
Do any of you mighty Wizards game with your Grandparents, or are a Grandparent yourself? Today's post on the KingsIsle blog is about just that! Head on over to read some insight about senior gaming, and tell us about your experiences gaming with family! Read the Blog Post » | | | | |
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Limited Time Only - The Patriotic Leprechaun!
The Patriotic Leprechaun pet has landed back in the spiral, and he loves to dance! This seasonal pet is available for a limited time only, and is ready to run around the derby and play some mini games. Bring him to your Wizard101 4th of July house parties!
Evolution of Bartleby Blog Post
Last week, Principal Artist Jeff Toney gave us a glimpse into the evolution of Bartleby through a series of original art concepts. This week in part 2, Jeff shares how Bartleby turned from a 2d drawing into a 3d model! Read the Blog Post » | | | | |
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