We played in alpha, and I wanted to bring this back. It's fun and it's a good way to learn new things about the game. If you can, answer the question of the poster before you, and then ask a new question. With the delay on posts being approved this might be a little difficult, but let's give it a go!
If I asked "What is the main color for the fire school?" The next person should quote my question and answer it - "red" of course being the answer, and then ask a new question, perhaps "How much damage does firecat do?" And so on, and so forth.
So I'll kick it off with...
Question: What's unique about the ceiling of my classroom?
“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.”
Professor Falmea
Well Vandion asked his question in invisible font, so I'll just make up an invisible answer :)
Invisible answer =
Question : Why are the gobblers in Colossus Boulevard?
Answer: The gobblers are at Colossus Blvd because there are witches in the gobblers hometown, and they are too afraid to go back home. So says the king.
Question: Why are the pixies/faeries on unicorn way evil?
Well, since no one has answered, we will just leave that to the imagination, or perhaps Dworgyn himself will come and answer us someday if it's not a sensitive subject.
Next Question: What is my favorite food?
“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.”
Professor Falmea
Well, since no one has answered, we will just leave that to the imagination, or perhaps Dworgyn himself will come and answer us someday if it's not a sensitive subject.
Well, since no one has answered, we will just leave that to the imagination, or perhaps Dworgyn himself will come and answer us someday if it's not a sensitive subject.
Next Question: What is my favorite food?
But it was such a good question! Hahaha. He told me. Now I don't know if he was joking or serious, but I believed him.
Anyhow, I know your favorite food is pasta arrabiata. Yeah, I looked into the class while you had Bernie teaching us. You were totally eating your lunch early!
Now, a new question seeing as how the Dworgyn one was too tough.
Manders are different colors because of their class and where their ansestors came from. Green ones cant be batled and are standard manders. Red ones had ansestors that sreved in the pyramid and have fire spells. Blue manders served in krokosphinx and have ice spells. And purple ones served in the tomb of storms and have storm spells.
Try this one: How do you get the Krok Thrasher badge?
Good question, I'll have to venture over to Krok after my last class today and check it out. I'll let you know. ::grin::
And though I do quite like extra spicy hot wings, it can't hold a candle to pasta arrabiata! -------------- “If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.” Professor Falmea (aka Leah Ruben, your fearless Associate Producer!)
“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.”
Professor Falmea
answer is dragons and you dont answer your self 8)
my question is where in wizard city can you go to go to diffrent worlds name the place?
The Krok slayer is earned by killing 500 Kroks I think,and that's the grandfather tree...
The 8 worlds are as following:Wizard City,Krokotopia,Marleybone,MooShu,Dragonsypre,Celsia,unknown former Gobbler world,and unknown former Krok world,only 4 are accessible,a 5th coming after official launch!
Question:Who's the most powerfulest boss in the 1st world?