Good question, I'll have to venture over to Krok after my last class today and check it out. I'll let you know. ::grin::
And though I do quite like extra spicy hot wings, it can't hold a candle to pasta arrabiata! -------------- “If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.” Professor Falmea (aka Leah Ruben, your fearless Associate Producer!)
here is a tough one where you have to be observant... Q: what bosses give the _cowl of aspirations__tunic of asperations__introverted shoes__tamauji's deck of dissillution_.
Hint: try using "Illustrated Guide to Moo Shu's Bosses", the link to it is in one of the threads in wizard101. I'm not gonna tell you which one to make a challenge .
Luckily I was Viewing another thread made In Wizard101 Central Forums:
They are:
Fire Dragon-In my avatar,a Dragon comes out and breathes fire. Orthudus-2 headed dog comes out of hole and barks. Rebirth-Bartebly appears and heals everyone and gives out absorb shields. Dampen Magic-A peachish field spell reducing pip limit to 3. Ice Giant-Giant viking comes out and swings club. Storm Lord-A Zues-like being comes out and creates an energy orb. Death-Scarecrow comes out and steals energy one enemy at a time
I have Put in Description - I was about to Type it all Out myself! i was around 3/4's of the way there.