Balance- Fizzle Blast(global) -30% accuracy to opponents +15% accuracy to friends Myth- Ceburus(damage and steal) 400 damage all enemies, steal all positive wards and charms and put them on the opposing friend. Death-Soultaker(steal) X spell with 100 per pip convert half to health.
dont you think the death one is a little over the eodge what about more like 50 damage for every pip with a drain
Life - 6 pips Heal all freinds in till full health with a beam of light. :D
Death - 0 pips to swith death to life. :-D
Fire - X dumps a pot of blue fire on all enemys it does exact 600 damge if resiest it does 450 if boosted it does 650 :-)
all you guys no that the max amont for pips is 7 right? so this is a BIG waste. so when you guys are mad because KI says no to the ideas don't blame me ok? your friend, EMMA MOONHUNTER Lvl 22 ice goddess 8)
PS the death spell is made already for death only (i have a death wizard
I have to reply that some of your "Suggestions" was overpowered or made no sense at all. Myth is above ice barely in damage and is minion class Highest Damage should be higher then ice Storm is the strongest with fizzlemuch and if there IS AN 8 pip spell then it would be awarded the strongest spell with 50-40% fizzle chance Balance is the strategic class Death is the Take-Give class Ice is the defensive class Fire is the linger class. Life is (obviously) heal class. These are my suggestions i thought up of.
Hurricane(smartest choice) Storm. 450 damage to caster and 760 to all enemies with stun. 50% chance
Barbarian. Myth. A tall man comes and deals 40 myth damage to an enemy with a club. 50 damage with the hilt of his sword and 800 with his entire sword. 80% chance
Werewolf (NONE of you suggested this?!?!?!?) Death. A full moon appears and a loud growl and moan is heard and a wolf suddenly pounces on every enemy for 600 and gives half to every ally.
Inferno. Fire. Out of the center of the area a gigantic pool of lava appears and a figure comes out and does 545+283 over 3 rounds to every enemy while it forms a wave and burns your enemies.
Krokopharoah's Curse. Balance. A gigantic Krokotillian mummy case opens and sets loose a decorated Krokomummy that gives a Black Mantle spell to every enemy and blasts each one with toxic fumes for 520 damage.
Chill To the Bone. Ice. This is a defense spell that gives a tower shield to every ally and does 100 damage per pip over 3 rounds
Mermaid. Life. A singing figure is heard behind a waterfall and heals every player for 52+850 and places a life trap on each enemy.
Tell me what you think If i was a spell designer. Things would be different around Wiz101
Wouldn't the moon and stuff in werewolf be kinda like the myth seven pip spell?
WAYYY TOO OVERPOWERED PEOPLE! although the thought of 8 pip spells are interesting, NONE of your spells are unique! (no offence although i did like the werewolf idea from someone else) What really annoys me is that they are ALL (almost) multi-hit spells! too strong too. in DS you would have nearly killed all your enemies! (even though you have to suffer some damage to get the pips) If you guys really want to be heard of your spell ideas, think more about the school's PURPOSE!
Guys i gotta say i like some ideas and some i dont for example life needs an aoe if not life people will be deleted and storm will be huge imagine you have a life and balance friend with precision and gidance you have perfect accuaracy with all traps and wards you get you can hit BIG . storm is growing i barely see life wizards i know only four inculding myself . i dislike another healing spell then i am getting my death out of unicorn and into ds i like life basically because green is my fav color and i have hit hard with centaur do you know a tower once took me ten hours by myself i mean are you kidding me i need an aoe my idea is called vine wrap vine comes and crush all your enemies 485 - 500 i think is good grandmaster thurgist seth griffin ward
Storm: Monsoon - 500 Storm Damage to all enemies, -50 to next fire and ice spells to all friends. Clouds would appear in the sky, then the wind would blow really really fast, then the clouds would thrust into the enemies. Monsoons are seasonal wind patterns that have to do with hot and cold weather. So I thoughtI would make it put on the fire/ice shields. 8 Pips. 70% Fizzle.
Fire: Confligration - 1000 Fire damage over five rounds to all friends and enemies. Starts out like sun bird, for things of fire heading twords the middle, when they meet then burst into a huge dome of fire in the middle. It then implodes and sends fire in all directions. Then all the aura things appear around all friends and enemies. A Confligration is a uncontrolable fire... enough said. 8 Pips. 75% Fizzle.
Ice: Supercooled Rain - 650 Ice Damage and stun to all enemies. I guess it clouds would appear in the sky (Kinda looking like snow clouds) and it would start to rain. Then kinda like in Evil Snowman, Freezing wind blows across the middle and freezes the rain. Then it just takes turns hiting all the enemies and stunning them. Supercooled rain, is rain that freezes on contact, freezing things as soon as they hit something. So the stun is to represent freezing them. 8 Pips. 85% Fizzle. (I forgot the averge fizzle percent for Ice, but I think it is 85.)
Death: Leech Swarm - 120 Life Stealing for each pip on target for three rounds, convert half to life each turn. A low shallow area of water would appear in the middle. Fog would be on the water. It would look sort of like a swamp area. Then you see leeches jumping in and out of the water heading for your opponet. When they get close enough they all jump and leap down and the opponet. They hang onto them (Kinda like Blood Bat). They go away and a aura thing goes around the target. Leech's suck your blood... kinda self explainatory. The three rounds thing is to represent them handging onto you. 8 Pips. 85% Fizzle.
Let me first say I am not doing a Healing spell for life... at least not all the way, they need more offensive power.
Life 1: Heaven's Wrath (AOE - Area of Effect - Global) - 150 life damage to all enemies, and 150 health to all friends. A Bright green flash of light goes down in the middle (Looks kinda like one of the Super Life Ire, Wand/Staff attacks) It drops a seed, the seed grows into a large tree, and the branches and leaves grow down around the sides of the area. On the casters side leaves are falling, light is shining through the top (looks kinda like in the sanctuary spell, with the starting part of dryad.) On the opponets side, it is all brown and dryed up. Dead leaves and branches are falling down. After everything is fully set up, the tree goes down into the ground all spiral like, like dryad does. 8 pips. 95% Fizzle. Idk if there are Global spells that take sides, but I just invented one :P.
Myth: Achilles Heal - Absord 1500 Damage,+155 next damage to self. The middle area becomes a cave-like area. A black river is running through the middle of it. A Wraith on a rock raises up out of the water (Kinda like how kraken raises out of the water on a rock). The wraith raises some water up out of the river (Like he does with the blue energy in his spell.) And forces it at you (Like the wraith does when he is healing you in the spell.) Then the absorb appears around who ever you targeted, and the +155 next damage to self appears around you. 8 Pips. 80% Fizzle.
Balance: Inner Balance - (AOE - Area of Effect - Global) All weaknesess change to become what ever the type of school the spell is weakness. A balance AOE, the school symbols are the designs on it. 8 Pips. 85% Fizzle.
I think if there was a rank 8 death spell, this could be it.
A rather scroungy cat walks by through the middle of the screen. (since black cats mean bad luck) the cat circles the opponents and then they have -40% accuracy for 2 turns.
I also think that they should have multi target traps ( other then the storm one) i could really use a multi target trap for my death wizard because when i'm going to use scarecrow, i have to put traps on each enemy individually which is sometimes a hassle.
Death - A zombie bursts out of the earth and then attacks all enemies - 700 Health steal to all.
Myth: ??? Not sure on this one.
Balance; Weighing scales appear - say the enemy is death. One side will show the balance symbol, the other shows the symbol of the enemies class, The scales shift in balances favor and a sort of 'resonace' or 'vibration' errupts in circles, that does 650 Balance Damage to all, And adds -30% weaknesses to all enemies - or adds Balance Blades - Either Way.
Ok just saying zombie attack to ALL enemies? I dont think thats a little to much it could be and upgrade of scarecrow but 700 damage? way to much unless it just does damage and doesnt steal health. I'm sorry that I have to disagree with you.
Balance- Fizzle Blast(global) -30% accuracy to opponents +15% accuracy to friends Myth- Ceburus(damage and steal) 400 damage all enemies, steal all positive wards and charms and put them on the opposing friend. Death-Soultaker(steal) X spell with 100 per pip convert half to health.
The death would make balances' judgement a rip off how bout 50 damage per pip.? with all power pips that 700.
Balance- Fizzle Blast(global) -30% accuracy to opponents +15% accuracy to friends Myth- Ceburus(damage and steal) 400 damage all enemies, steal all positive wards and charms and put them on the opposing friend. Death-Soultaker(steal) X spell with 120 per pip convert half to health.
The death one would be overpowered :). It does more damage than heck hound( non item card ) AND it steals AND it has higher accuracy. Isn't fire supposed to do a lot more damage than death?
Heck hound is a spell learned at level 18. Soultaker would be like a level 55 spell. See the difference?
I know this forum is about 8 pip spells but all i really think the game needs is a one opponent powerful 7 pip move say like storm does 920-1000 death does 650 flat damage life does 700 myth does like 800 ice does 610 fire does 850 balance does 750 just an idea
A. that is so unfair to ice cause ice is stronger then life, B should they make one ice and one life attack that hits all that is stronger then the other schools? it only seems fair
just saying ice is NOT stronger than life they are the same till their rank 6 spells (centaur: 515-595 collosus:?-540
Life - 6 pips Heal all freinds in till full health with a beam of light. :D
Death - 0 pips to swith death to life. :-D
Fire - X dumps a pot of blue fire on all enemys it does exact 600 damge if resiest it does 450 if boosted it does 650 :-)
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm.......................................... Not trying to be mean but the life move is WAY OVER POWERED!
i dont under stand the death
um fire dosent make a differts on pips it semes
Wolf Silvertheif
P.S. the life one chould be better if it became a 8-9 pip move and the fire shold be 7-8 pips the death chould be like black mist goes around and swarms them and takes 800 health away and gives user 400 health
Life is not over powered, it is only good in groups. What life needs is not more healing spells but attack spells. Centaur may be good, but I think if life has a new 8 Pip card it should be an attack not a heal, the card should be like a forest that rises up then tree roots should wrap around people and attack them for 500-575 and give guiding lights to all friends.
Just saying life is not only good in a group I have soloed the whole game on my life way easier than on my death I have a life and a death I would know which ones better and I think life is.
Yea thats why only that class would be able to use it and only if they had the pips from power pips! OR they could increase the pip count players can have and consider letting you get pips all around your battle circle.
It looks to me like allot of people want life to have a steal spell :) :) :) but if you think about it it IS fair cuz death copied life's ability of healing with sacrifice I got an idea it could be harpy 700 life damage to target and convert half to health
I just thought of the best 8 pip death spell! What happens is a black hole appears and sucks up the souls of everyone. It will do 750 damage to each and turn half to health! I know AMAZING
Death:A graveyard apears and malistaire comes out of a grave and makes ghosts swarm on all enemys to do 700-740 to all enemies
Myth:A dessert apears and a sphinx comes out of a dune and attacks all enemies to do 650- 700 to all enemies plus stuns them for one turn
Life: A garden with a sanctuary apears and a big storm of leafs and flowers comes from the middle and the flowers heal your team by 700 each and the leaf storm deals 600 to all enemies