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why have level 80 items...

Apr 02, 2011
when the game only lets you level up to 60, now 70 with the newest world? This doesn't make sense. My daughter accidentally selected level 80 items from a gift card she received recently and apparently will never get to use these items. She will be so upset when she finds this out. :(

Players have been able to reach level 80 since May of 2012 with the addition of the world of Avalon.


Since the highest level character you currently have is Taryn at level 59, you still have Zafaria and Avalon to complete.

When you are a level 60 Wizard and have successfully completed the quest "Through This Door" speak to Merle Ambrose in his tower in Wizard City to gain entry to Zafaria.

When you are a minimum of level 70 and have completed the quest "Through Glass, Darkly" need to speak to Merle Ambrose who will send you off on your adventures with a quest named "This Little Light of Mine" which will give you entry to Avalon.

With the addition of Azteca, which is currently in the Test Realm, Wizards soon be able to reach the maximum level of 90.https://www.wizard101.com/game/community/update-notes/november2012
