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Zamunda- No Battle Sounds

Aug 06, 2012
Has anyone else run into this issue? In Zamunda Outskirts, almost no sounds play during battles (currently against Jackal Bandits). Only the music plays, and the only sounds that play are the "ping" you get when you receive a PowerPip, and the clicking noises the game makes when you select a spell.

Feb 25, 2009
For some odd reason, there was a reduction in the sounds last night. Even though I did adjust my volume a time or two, it did not change and some sounds that should have been there were not.

This was happening in other areas of the game as well but I am sure KI will get it taken care of.

May 22, 2009
I have also noticed problems with the sound effects. Music is fine, but at different times, the effects will not work. In order to get them to work again i have to relaunch the game.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 80 Life

Oct 27, 2009
I had this problem too in the ZF marketplace, but when my ice wizard left the area, the problem continued. My other wizards on the same account seem fine, but my ice wizard continues to have this issue, even after logging out and logging in again the next day. In addition, at my house I hear my music player play themes, but when I garden, the garden spells make no sounds. When I collect reagents I do not get the "press x to interact" message. When I click x anyway, the reagent fades and seems to be added in my reagent numbers, but there is no sound when I collect it. I have checked several times to make sure my sound effects are turned on, which they are.