As many of you know, we are handing out “quests” to our new scholars in the Arcanum in the form of a QUESTionnaire! We feature their responses here in our newsletter every other month. So far we’ve heard from Zander, Baba Yaga, Ione, and Qismah, but this month we’re turning our attention to a very interesting Celestian who teaches Astral magic to the graduates of Ravenwood. Here’s what Qyburn had to say!
Name: Qyburn Stellargaze
Likes: Solitary research, Space, That “old book” smell, and Hand sanitizer
Dislikes: Bad manners, loud noises, and large bodies of water
Favorite Spell: Indemnity
Favorite Food: Dry toast
Oh dear, I really hate these kind of things. I never know what to write. I usually end up rambling on about absolutely nothing. They always say, “Just write a little bit about what makes you interesting.” But all I can ever come up with is that I am extremely well-versed in the subject of Astral Magic. Whoopie! Right? I mean, it’s not even anyone’s favorite school of magic. I guess it could be. Anywhoo, what I mean is I spend so much time researching and chronicling that I don’t really have time for activities or hobbies or a social life of any kind. I mean, I can’t remember the last time I even went home. It’s probably been a millennium or two. Oh jeez, I hope I didn’t leave the bathroom sink running.
Ooof! I did it again… You could have spent this time reading something useful. Instead you suffered through me rambling on and on about absolutely nothing. Sorry about that. Tell you what – after this, I’m going to visit the Repository and see if there’s a book on brevity in polite conversation. OH! I can also see if Fitzhume procured the copy of Writ Cosmonomika I requested! I have so much research to do!
Favorite quote?
“I just need space.”
My friends describe me as . . . ?
Honestly, I haven’t really had time to make friends at the Arcanum. Or back home in Celestia for that matter. Books are my friends, and they’d describe me in great detail if they could.
*Note to self: write my autobiography.
How I feel about Magic?
The Magic works to enhance the individual, thus the individual should never cease working to enhance the art of Magic. Magic is not power. Knowledge is power. Now, a powerful knowledge of Magic, that’s a different story...