We hope everyone had a fabulous March! Now that it's the new month let’s quickly talk about the new update and then get into this month's Community Newsletter!
The team has dropped some fabulous content featuring the new Rate My Stitch system that will encourage Wizards around the Spiral to Make. It. Work. Talk to Maxwell Sharp in the Shopping District to get started!
Check out the Update Notes HERE and see what’s NEW!
Thank you all for stopping by! March's KI Live brought the PASSION for fashion! Here’s a good reason to watch: Ratbeard ate mustard sardines to celebrate winning the Spiral Showdown. The things we do for your entertainment.
Missed the show? No worries! You can watch the recording on YouTube:
It's always a blast hanging out with the community, so let us know what you most like about KI Lives so we can continue to make them even more fun to watch.
For those who didn't get a chance to redeem the KI Live giveaway code yet, we opened it up again SUPERLUCKY323 for another 500 redemptions to get a Chance of 1x Superfan Outfit piece per game and 1x KI LIVE Snack Pack in W101 & P101 for NA servers, and 1x Super Knight’s Lore Pack for EU folks.
Keep updated on the latest news for next month on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, including special announcements from community fansites! Read on for more fun happenings with the community and their Spiral activities.
With the addition of Rate My Stitch Update to the game, we’ve decided to present an exclusive Livestream shortly after the launch of a new release! In these exclusive livestreams you’ll get a developer look at everything related to this update!
Voices of the Spiral and DemonAxe hosted a roundtable that featured Hawkules, Kayly Ginsberg, Sam Johnson, and Mike Sears! In this incredible roundtable, the ki employees talk about voice acting, their experiences, and even do some of their prominent characters voiced in game! Check it out!
If you’re interested in hosting a roundtable, reach out to a community manager, or email us at community@kingsisle.com and tell us what you’d like topic and who you’d like on your channel for a roundtable!
Hey, did you miss IslePlay Community Livestream? Well what do you get when you tell a couple of amazing artists to “have fun with it”? An absolutely legendary collection of the world's foremost best art. Some might argue about that... they would be wrong.
IslePlay our official Community Livestream will be streaming every other Friday starting at 3:00pm CST / 9:00pm UTC so mark those Calendars.
Adam Roush is our Senior Concept Artist here at KingsIsle Entertainment. Sometimes Adam will create a series of concept art for a particular scene or character. Here are a few concepts of his most recent pieces this month:
“Here's some concepts for the New Vicorgia world in Novus. It's a very dog-centric environment, filled with bones, fire hydrants, flags, and tea kettles.” - Adam Roush
“Here's the Puzzle Piece Monster from Novus. Creating a repeating pattern creature composed of details from Puerto Nuovo was really challenging.” - Adam Roush
"Here's the Phollicle Phoenix, easily the most difficult concept I did for Novus :D" - Adam Roush
"Here's concepts for the Avatar of Cucumbers from Novus. This was a pretty fun one to work on, turning a vegetable into a monster." - Adam Roush
For this month’s art spotlight, we are showcasing Mocha, Madison, Retro, and Runomye!
“First attempt putting my Wiz Art Edits on a phone case. I like how it came out!” - Mean Mocha
We would love to see more screenshots and art from the community for next month’s newsletter. Do you have something amazing to share? Send it to us in an email to community@kingsisle.com! We’re always interested in showing off more fan art, gameplay guides, videos, and other content.
Thanks, Wizards!
Community art by: Swordroll
Fansite Festival Coming Soon
The 2023 Fansite Festival is vastly approaching! Keep an eye out for any announcements! There is no cemented date, but the festivities will begin with Edward LifeGem’s Bunny Run in the month of April!
Check their website HERE to see the schedule when it's posted!
Video Spotlight
In this section we wanted to highlight some recent, entertaining videos for the month! If you’d like to be featured in this section, start a new walkthrough, create a review on something new, or do something completely creative!
Richard UnicornCaller created a video of his opinions on the new Rate My Stitch Update! Great video, definitely give this video a watch!
Don’t stop there... here are some more great videos created this month!
Genevieve MoonGarden creates an incredible video talking about the new Challenge Mode and how it'll be added into the game! - Wizard101: CHALLENGE MODE DUNGEONS
Guide Spotlight
If you need a GREAT guide, this is the place for you! Most of these guides will be up to date and are made by the community! We can’t thank you enough for creating such informative guides. We see and read everything!
Final Bastion also created a guide on Challenge Mode written by Jennifer SoulStone! Definitely check out this guide on the new feature! - Wizard101 Challenge Mode
Be sure to follow the game and its community on social media! Also, new surprises here soon for our content creators! A special secret space to watch for news...
If you didn’t yet read our article on online safety, please take a moment to stop by our KingsIsle Blog and read the post titled Account Security Best Practices. There’s important information in the article to manage and protect your entire family’s accounts.