Spring is here! You know what they say... April showers bring Spring Updates! Let’s take a quick look back on some recent activities that occurred across the Spiral before we dive deep into what’s coming in the Spring Update:
Spring Update and Test Realm
Spring Scroll of Fortune (Winter SoF painting revealed on @Wizard101)
Celebrated St. Patrick’s Day and now Spring Festival
Abracadoodle #203 was crafted
A special thanks to all our livestreamers, youtubers, fansites, and other community members for contributing gameplay videos and guides during the Spring Update! We regularly share these on our social channels (especially if you contact us with a link to one) and spotlight them in these newsletters. Keep ‘em coming as the Spring Update unfolds in the weeks ahead!
Keep updated daily on the latest news for next month on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, including special announcements from community fansites! Read on for more fun happenings with the community and their Spiral activities.
A new year brings new possibilities to the Spiral for Wizards! Do you adore your pets? Are you looking forward to the next Beastmoon Hunt event? Is collecting things a hobby of yours and you would like to see combat benefits from matching certain types of gear? Our Spring Update has all this and much more for you to explore!
In this update we bring out all the cuteness of pets by allowing Wizards to now become their pet! There’s plenty of other pet related features we’ve been working hard on for this update. In addition, we’ve been working on revamping the item UI, adding new Beastmoon Hunt maps (including an underwater one!), and releasing Fellspawn to those who dare challenge another Skeleton Key Boss. Speaking of water themed content, there’s now fishing in Khrysalis!
As of this newsletter being released, you should have been able to check out many of the Spring Update features currently on Test Realm. Before Test Realm began, over the past several days we’ve given several exclusive sneak peeks to our fansites and YouTubers. Here are the latest!
Kyle IceWielder talked about the new Play as Your Pet feature!
And AwesomeTheSauce showed off the two new Beastmoon Hunt maps!
We’re happy to announce that Wizard101 is now compatible with macOS Catalina! You can install Catalina at any time and should have normal access again to the game.
As a thank you for your patience as we worked to ensure this compatibility, we have applied 5000 Crowns to all macOS player accounts confirmed to have actually played within the last 12 months. For our Pirate101 players, we’ve also added 5000 Crowns to your account (you get 5000 TOTAL if this is the same account between games).
We had a unique at-home edition of KI Live this month! Due to the world having to manage the Coronavirus outbreak, the KingsIsle team is currently working from home. This didn’t stop us from putting on a show online though. We’re glad we were able to put on the show too, as we had lots to talk about, including several sneak peeks of the upcoming Wizard101 2020 Spring Update!
Secret Reader Bonus - As of this newsletter's announcement, for those who didn't get a chance to redeem the KI Live giveaway code yet, we opened it up again (SPRINGPACKS2020) for another 500 redemptions! You get a bunch of packs in Wizard101 and Pirate101. See the description in the video linked above for all the details.
A great Wizard101 tip submitted to KI Live comes from community member Torpzun26:
“Sword Ferns are amazing for the Deckathalon. They provide you with Blade TC of each school, including Balanceblades and Dragonblades, which will save you a BUNCH of gold. Additionally, they provide you with Lore Spell TC, which can be useful in certain Deckathalons or for crafting the spells for your wizard.” - Torpzun26
“Here's the Giant Panda mount from the Pandamonium pack. Had a lot of fun on the saddle design!”
“Concepts for the warthog mount, plus ultra-cute hedgehog, from the new Zafaria Hoard Pack. It's one of my favorites to have worked on last year, I really like how it came out.”
“Here's the gear from the Undersea Enchantment bundle. One of my favorite designs, especially the octopus holding onto the fish tail cape.”
“Here's the Seadragon pet from the Great Below. I went through about a dozen colorways (and could probably have done a hundred more) but I'm really happy with this one.”
“Starting with the Great Below, I began learning and using more 3D in my workflow. These early ideas for the house & environment were done in 3D Coat and PS w/ some photobashing. Obviously, the in-game version looks MILES better :)."
And last but surely not least, here’s a wallpaper from our Undersea Enchantment Bundle. From Adam: “It’s a snippet from a larger Gamestop poster, which was immensely fun. The card art was painted by senior artist Matt Weaver, and I simply spiced everything up for the poster.”
From The Craft Box, they continue their Completionist Crafter walkthrough with the Skeletal Pirate Treasure Card!
These screenshots are from Kaitlyn Soulrider, taken of her and her new Lion Cub pets!
For this month’s fan art spotlight, we are showcasing a fantastic drawing by John DragoBlood of the Wizard101 school symbols:
We would love to see more screenshots and art from the community for next month’s newsletter. Do you have something amazing to share? Send it to us in an email to community@Wizard101.com! We’re always interested in showing off more fan art, gameplay guides, and other content.
Community art by: Swordroll
Keep updated on what’s happening in the community right here in our Community News section! For every newsletter, we receive direct from the community links to new gameplay guides, exciting upcoming contests, and much more. Thanks to the following fansites and other community leaders for their contributions this month!
Arcanum Archives hosted their annual Bunny Festival on April 4th.
Dylan YouTube’s about Castle Magic and his latest project.
The unaffiliated-with-KingsIsle “Community Newsletter” had a great selection of Wizard101 links this month. NOTE: Be sure to follow their Twitter page for more information. To subscribe to their newsletter, send a message to them over Twitter inquiring to be added or email them at community.newsletter.101@gmail.com. You can unsubscribe at any time by sending them an email with the phrase “UNSUB”.
Question for our readers - is there a section we should add? Tweet your suggestion to @Wizard101 and we’ll select the top idea we can implement to win 5,000 Crowns!
Be sure to follow the game and its community on social media!
If you didn’t yet read our article on online safety, please take a moment to stop by our KingsIsle Blog and read the post titled Account Security Best Practices. There’s important information in the article to manage and protect your entire family’s accounts.