For all those searching for a pet store you won't find one, you also will not find buyable housing items, any crafting recipies, or any wands for sale. Just not available, please remember Pigswick school was founded by a ravenwood dropout. lol
I was wondering the exact same thing, since I am a pet-collector like grvy123. But yes, Alyssa is right about the golden piggle- it's cute, but I want to level it up and see what stats I can get for it; maybe I'll cross-breed it with my Hydra, or my pet Judge, and see what happens. :)
Also, if someone (preferably one of the professors, or Zeke) could please explain why the furniture store doesn't have any furniture? We know that Pigswick folk like to nap and stuff, but are they really that lazy? No wonder Ravenwood is the better school. :P
I mean, I love the Golden Piggle, and I've got him to adult. All his talents are uncommon, or rare. I wish that there'd be drops, because I too am a pet collector, and I'd love to get some Wysteria pets. The goblins, or the Hobgoblins could be pets. Or maybe little pigs! Just throwing ideas out there :)
I read on another post that "Pigswick Folk are Cheaters!" as it says on the tutorial tip. The poster thinks that Pigswick is trying to trick you or something like that. Not sure, but I'd love a Wysteria house, or pets, SOMETHING to buy other than the clothing, which has low stats.
I mean, I love the Golden Piggle, and I've got him to adult. All his talents are uncommon, or rare. I wish that there'd be drops, because I too am a pet collector, and I'd love to get some Wysteria pets. The goblins, or the Hobgoblins could be pets. Or maybe little pigs! Just throwing ideas out there :)
I read on another post that "Pigswick Folk are Cheaters!" as it says on the tutorial tip. The poster thinks that Pigswick is trying to trick you or something like that. Not sure, but I'd love a Wysteria house, or pets, SOMETHING to buy other than the clothing, which has low stats.
I just want to buy a pet that's Pigswick-y!
Alyssa Pixiedust♥ Level 37 Therugist♣
I, for one, would love to see one of those cute little Pigswick pigs that wander the street as a pet- they are adorable! I know that keeping students as pets probably wouldn't fly with Headmistress Crisp, though. :P
A pegasus pet/mount would be awesome, too- one of those red/black ones would match my costume perfectly!
I mean, I love the Golden Piggle, and I've got him to adult. All his talents are uncommon, or rare. I wish that there'd be drops, because I too am a pet collector, and I'd love to get some Wysteria pets. The goblins, or the Hobgoblins could be pets. Or maybe little pigs! Just throwing ideas out there :)
I read on another post that "Pigswick Folk are Cheaters!" as it says on the tutorial tip. The poster thinks that Pigswick is trying to trick you or something like that. Not sure, but I'd love a Wysteria house, or pets, SOMETHING to buy other than the clothing, which has low stats.
I just want to buy a pet that's Pigswick-y!
Alyssa Pixiedust♥ Level 37 Therugist♣
I, for one, would love to see one of those cute little Pigswick pigs that wander the street as a pet- they are adorable! I know that keeping students as pets probably wouldn't fly with Headmistress Crisp, though. :P
A pegasus pet/mount would be awesome, too- one of those red/black ones would match my costume perfectly!