I was wandering around Pigswick Academy and buying a new robe. I went further around and saw a door with the sign over it saying it sold pets and pet snacks. I went in to see what they had in stock, and the shopkeeper only sold pet snacks, no pets, no additional tabs to click or anything like that. I thought as I walked out, maybe that pig is right. Pigswick folk ARE cheaters, even the shopkeepers give you a rip off.
I was wandering around Pigswick Academy and buying a new robe. I went further around and saw a door with the sign over it saying it sold pets and pet snacks. I went in to see what they had in stock, and the shopkeeper only sold pet snacks, no pets, no additional tabs to click or anything like that. I thought as I walked out, maybe that pig is right. Pigswick folk ARE cheaters, even the shopkeepers give you a rip off.
Have you gone to the Wysteria wand and athame shop? They don't even have any wands!
[quote james5435 ] Plus when I went to the castle and crafting shop, they have no castles! [end quote]
The reason they don't have castles is because the Wysteria castles are in the crown shop. I believe that the Sunken Palace, the Wizard's Watchtower and the Wysteria Villa (obviously) are all from Wysteria.
[quote james5435 ] Plus when I went to the castle and crafting shop, they have no castles! [end quote]
The reason they don't have castles is because the Wysteria castles are in the crown shop. I believe that the Sunken Palace, the Wizard's Watchtower and the Wysteria Villa (obviously) are all from Wysteria.
Yeah but do they have to make it so much money seriosly 100,000 gold or 10,000 crowns way too much for me and i really want sunken palace :(
Oh, and here's another rip-off. Not only do they not sell castles, but not even furniture! Also, the teachers don't even teach spells, they teach nothing! How are the students there supposed to learn spells? Besides that, I wished there would be a pet in the pet store. Since the world focuses on pig characters, I thought they would sell like, Ninja Pig pets, Piggle pets, but they sold SNACKS! Well, about the pig, he's right. Pigswick folk are cheaters. They will break the rules of the game WHENEVER they can get away with it. Literally.
Oh but here is the biggest rip off of all! You get a pet By doing the Main questline, i mean how unfair is that now!?! ENjoy your new wysterian golden piggle!
Oh, and here's another rip-off. Not only do they not sell castles, but not even furniture! Also, the teachers don't even teach spells, they teach nothing! How are the students there supposed to learn spells? Besides that, I wished there would be a pet in the pet store. Since the world focuses on pig characters, I thought they would sell like, Ninja Pig pets, Piggle pets, but they sold SNACKS! Well, about the pig, he's right. Pigswick folk are cheaters. They will break the rules of the game WHENEVER they can get away with it. Literally.
Have you tried the other shops they have nothing i repeat nothing and have you tried battling the pig in the last match there every time you hurt he heals:( i beat him but only after 50 tries
Have you tried the other shops they have nothing i repeat nothing and have you tried battling the pig in the last match there every time you hurt he heals:( i beat him but only after 50 tries
i accually beat him in two tries. If your in the school of fire use the heck hound with like five pips and in three turns the pig is dead!
yeah the whole place is a rip off! their should be castles in the store that says castles! they should be sold with gold too! i really wanted a pet there and the same thing! Professor Greyrose please tell us what to do!
I actually enjoyed my Golden Piggle, (not that I use it) I use it as a gaurdian to the Emperer of Mooshu grave (I made that out of furniture at my castle for fun) so no one will harm his grave and no one will steal his precious items lol.
[quote james5435 ] Plus when I went to the castle and crafting shop, they have no castles! [end quote]
The reason they don't have castles is because the Wysteria castles are in the crown shop. I believe that the Sunken Palace, the Wizard's Watchtower and the Wysteria Villa (obviously) are all from Wysteria.
I think Wizard's Watchtower may be a Wysteria Castle. (and I just got it!) but I don't know about Sunken Palace
Actually, the golden piggle is useful early on. It's one of the first pets you can get that has Pip-o-plenty on it (the only reason I even trained it) and that on its own makes it a useful pet early on. Shortly after you start getting a small bunch of pets and they bury the piggle in usefulness.
Ok guys maybe you need to think about this a little more. As you know Wizard101 has many real life jokes hidden in its story. Ok so Wysteria. The characters here are pigs the can't do magic (squibs). All their schools are copied from Ravenwood and the teachers encourage students to cheat. Also the students are fat and lazy so, think supply and demand. If they are lazy, will they want a pet they have to train and take care of? They're fat so pet snacks must be like their Twinkies, Oreos, Cokes. They don't teach magic so the school doesn't sell wands. It makes a little more sense if you look at it in that perspective. If you feel cheated just go to ANOTHER WORLD! -Morgan LegendHeart level 39, mooshu the crimson fields
Have you tried the other shops they have nothing i repeat nothing and have you tried battling the pig in the last match there every time you hurt he heals:( i beat him but only after 50 tries
i accually beat him in two tries. If your in the school of fire use the heck hound with like five pips and in three turns the pig is dead!
the last pig is way to easy and coming from a life wizard way to easy was level 28 when killed that pig last month