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Defeating the Iron Golem in Golem Tower

Aug 12, 2009
I have been trying many times to defeat the Iron Golem in the Golem Tower and I never succed! I am beginning to to become very aggervated.

My heath is currently at 1,012 and mana is 106. I have tried to heal myself once or twice every round but the third round is what gets me.

Does anyone have any pointers?

May 29, 2009

At this point, you should have one potion. You do have that right? Make sure it's filled. A potion is not necessary to finish golem tower, but it certainly does help. Without knowing your exactly school/setup, it's hard to give specific strategy, but here's some general.

- Max out your deck on the pixies for healing. You'll need to strategically heal along the way.
- Before entering each battle, look at the opponent's school and stock the proper shields (if you have them).
- If you have a wand, equip it so you have a 0 pip attack.

The Tower:
Floor 1: wooden construct, balance
Floor 2: wooden construct x 2, balance
Floor 3: clockwork golem x 2, life
Floor 4: clockwork golem x 2, life
Floor 5: Iron Golem (storm), clockwork golem (life)

The Strategy:
You should be able to get through floors 1 and 2 without too much problem. On floor 2, after you've killed the first wooden construct, wound the second one so that you're positive that your next attack will kill him (that's where a no-fizzle 0 pip wand comes in handy). Once the last golem is within one spell of dying. Keep that spell in your hand (two just in case it fizzles, unless you have a wand). Keep discarding cards until you have enough pixies on hand to heal yourself completely.

Cast pixies to heal yourself before the battle is over, then cast your wand/last spell to kill him. You can outheal any damage they can do.

You should be going into floor 3 with close to full health.

Floor 3: You have to strategically heal during and at the end of these rounds. Shield heavily, take out the first one quickly. Same tactic as the second floor. Wound him, take the time to heal, and then deliver the kill shot.

Floor 4: A little more latitude here. Here, basically kill them as fast as you can. Just stay alive.

Now take the potion to refill health/mana before going into floor 5.

Floor 5: Make sure you have lots of storm shields in your deck. I prefer to take out the Iron Golem first because he's storm and he can deliver so much damage so quickly.

Good luck.

hunterthegreat99 wrote:
I have been trying many times to defeat the Iron Golem in the Golem Tower and I never succed! I am beginning to to become very aggervated.

My heath is currently at 1,012 and mana is 106. I have tried to heal myself once or twice every round but the third round is what gets me.

Does anyone have any pointers?

May 27, 2009
I waited until I was on Krokotopia and had two potions to actually finish that tower. If you only have one potion, try to wait until after the second battle with two clockwork guys to use it, so that you are at full health and mana for the top battle. Load up your treasure cards with healing sprites.

May 31, 2009
I did this when i was level 6. Idk how but i did.

Chris Ashshade,level 30,Magus Necromancer

Feb 27, 2009
Ok this is gonna sound REALLY funny..... I COULDNT DEFEAT THE IRON GOLEM UNTIL I WAS ABOUT LVL 31!! Yah, yah, stop laughing! I just couldnt. I tried and tried and tried, but i just kept dying! UGH, was that a time!?! Now that i think of it, it wasnt THAT hard. I guess its cause i didnt have much life and stuff. But anyway, just keep trying! If you end up like me, so what? Laugh at yourself!!!!

(Now seriously, STOP LAUGHING! )

Kestrel Ghostwalker~ lvl 49 Master Sorcerer

Jun 28, 2009
im sorry iamlezul but you should be ashamed after hearing this.i am a level 6 myth and i beat the iron golem on the first try. sounds impossible,well i was lucky.i finished him with a cyclopes treasurecard.

my wizard name is jason spirithammer.

Feb 27, 2009
coldvolcano wrote:
im sorry iamlezul but you should be ashamed after hearing this.i am a level 6 myth and i beat the iron golem on the first try. sounds impossible,well i was lucky.i finished him with a cyclopes treasurecard.

my wizard name is jason spirithammer.

I dont see how ya did it. Well i wasnt that powerful at even lvl 31 :(.

Kestrel Ghostwalker~ lvl 50 Grandmaster Sorcerer