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What would you teachers describe you as?

Jun 04, 2009
Ok, what if your parents were meeting your teacher for the first time. What do you think your teachers would tell them?

"Hannah is a very talented young wizard, but she is extremely careless, and, her being a pyromancer, scares me. She has made some foolish mistakes. She, once set herself on fire and needed professional healing from 10 life wizards for 2 weeks, and was still a little 'burnt' afterward, and would after make a little pile of ash underneath her desk. She sometimes comes to school in different moods, sometimes sleepy, others happy, and sometimes even cranky. She is, otherwise, a very nice person and is a friend to all. One time, this story is so touching I must say it, a new Fire wizard named Anna Skyswift came. She needed help with her quest to defeat some evil fairies, and everyone else turned her down. So, with no friends, she was helpless. But Hannah walked right up to her and said, "They all are just being rude and selfish. I will help you, though." And they fought the fairies together. She pays attention well, and her spell casting is magnificant. Her desk? It's undescribable...looks like a Sandstorm hit it! It is very clear to me, and other students, that she can get hurt physically and emotionally. If someone calls her 'dumb' or something else, she takes it seriously. But, one time, we were practicing her Phoenix spell. The Phoenix doesn't seem to like Hannah very much, because" *chuckles* "while practicing, the Phoenix turned around! He hit Hannah so loud, oh I can't explain it, like...like...louder than a cannon! Fire went everywhere, sparks, and the noise hurt my ears...I thought for sure she was dead. When I checked, after a ice wizard and storm wizard combined each others spells to make quite the water, she was lying there, motionlessly. I grabbed her, teleported back to the Commons, and since a teacher was there soon everyone noticed. Hannah was taken to the number 1 Healing Center. She had more than 150 visitors each week. She stayed there, for............6 months. It took 105,600 Life wizards total to fully heal her, not to mention the 200 repeats. She missed much school. There were about 900,000 healing spells total and, she was out for 1 year total, she had to stay home. And..."

Next part I'll post soon!
Hannah Dragonsword, level 43 fire 8)