Hi I was thinking that when people want to get transformations at the crowns shop, they cost 80 crowns. Shouldn't there be a permanent one? If people really want one, they buy one every day! Shouldn't there be something more convenient -Ian Iceleaf L.V.18
Hi I was thinking that when people want to get transformations at the crowns shop, they cost 80 crowns. Shouldn't there be a permanent one? If people really want one, they buy one every day! Shouldn't there be something more convenient -Ian Iceleaf L.V.18
No. All transformations take away the stats of your gear so you would be without any boosts at all (except rings/athames): what gear is a bear going to wear?
No. All transformations take away the stats of your gear so you would be without any boosts at all (except rings/athames): what gear is a bear going to wear?
I'm pretty sure you're thinking of polymorphs. He means the transformations in the crowns shop, they last for 1 hour and cost 75 crowns/500 gold. I sometimes get one while doing Tartarus for the lulz, I can't use my mount there anyway.