level 39 health:8500 rank:14 boss name:death species:wraith cheat:when half way through he screams "nonsense. You cant kill death, im already dead!". Then he uses satyr, its critical and he get healed 2,000;after he is dead he screams "no-body...will...invade!" then he comes back to life with double that health.
level: 50 health: 7,000 rank6:boss name:ortanus type:orthrus cheat:without attacking with a shield it says your lacking with no deffenseand will use orthrus 1,300 if you use a rank8 or456he will say hahaha your my chew toy! and uses minotaur gets critical and does 100 and 1,200
Name:Blaze Fire Claw Species:Lion Rank:12 Health:13,750 Opening Speech: ''Don't worry child, you can play with your friend later, But first you have to deal with the real problem. Cheat:''I would't do that if I were you", If you cast a multi attack he turns the spell around to attack you too! ''You have no no power over me", every three rounds he puts a dispel on you and a 90% Tower Shield on himself. Final Words: Ill catch you child, just wait! (Level 60 and above)
Name: Pegasus the Undead Species:Undead Rank:5 Health:2,000 Opening Speech: "There will be none of you after i'm done" Cheat:"I need a real challenge" Uses a super Scarecrow with a base damage of 1,750 "Is that all you've got" When he has a quarter of his health he uses an Enchanted Power Link(triple strenght of regular). Final Words: Is this the end? But it cant be! ( Below level 60)
I'm thinking the bosses should have a preset amount of health based on the level and class. Mine would be (since I'm near the end of CL and an ice wizard):
name: oka SPECIES:MANDER rank 8 boss first entrance oka not ghosta any more looks solid second entrance oka ghosta again once i defeat you , you be ghosta death fades away health 2,000
Name: Hydrix Species:Hydra Class: Balance Rank: 10 Elite Boss Spells: All balance,fire,storm,and ice spells Cheats: If killed he breaks into a fire, storm, and an ice dragon each with every spell of their school and with every balance spell each! 2 cheat: Once he splits up into 3 minions then when 1 is killed then he heals his allies (other dragons) 5,000. Same when 2 are alive and 1 dies. Last cheat If you put a ward on urself or a trap on him/them he says "Better not have done that!" and transforms it into a shield or a less dps ward and hits you 3,500 Health as big boss: 15,000 Health of minions EACH: 10,000 Minions rank: Each rank 10 boss Big Boss entering words: feel my heat, Electricity, and cold! Big boss last words: "This isn't your last view of me!" Smaller bosses enter words (said together): Three is better than one! Storm smaller boss last words: You will see my bolts again! Ice small boss last words: You will feel my freeze Fooooreever! Fire bosses last words: My fire, is out Big bosses casting look: each head breathes out a fire,storm,or ice blade and it floats by them Smaller bosses casting look: Flies up and shoots a bolt of ,fire,ice,or storm Big boss dieing look: Crumples into dust and blows away Small bosses dieing look: Turns to stone and dissapears Resists: 55% EVERYTHING (except death) Good luck beating my boss
I'm at Level 58 at the moment. Name: Hedifi Type: Ra Rank: 10 boss (sry) School: Balance Natural Defenses: --50% to every fight spell (except for myth, only --30%) Natural boosts: 50%+ every balance spell Health: 8,000 Cheats: 1st cheat: If you heal, he will hit a Ra that does 3,980. 2nd cheat: If you manage to kill him (good luck) he summons 2 minions that are each 1,000 (balance) 3rd cheat: After 3 rounds, he takes off all of your blades. Yep. And if they flee, they can come back and try to defeat him again :) Thanks!
I am getting angry that people keep coming to my house and inviting their friends over then they invite their friends and yeah and then when i try to send them away they run into an out of the house so it won't work so i am thinking that before anyone comes to your house they have to fight a boss so here are the rules!
Can't have over 8,995 health Can't be over rank 7 Has to be your class Species has to be a species of your class
Cheating rules
If you are level 44 or under you may NOT make a cheating boss
Heals Extra spell Kills Puts a buff on himself or a weakness on you Makes you have to kill him again but only this time he has half health (Level 50+ only can do that cheat and once he used his/her cheat may not do it again)
Here is my boss! ( i am level 53 )
Name: The Dark Wraith Species: Wraith Rank: 7 Boss Class: Death Cheat: Says "You can't kill me!" then makes you kill him again with half health Health: 8,660 Second Health: 4,330
So there you go hope you like my ideas! reply and make your own follow the rules :-)
how do you make a boss to gaurd your home? i don't know how?
Boss name: The Creeper Health:4001hp Species: Wraith Rank: 7 Class: Death Cheats
Casts Tower Shield every 3rd round
Casts Weaknesss every 4th round when below 2000hp
Auto casts scarescrow or wraith at 1250hp with critical (once)
Auto heals death Satyre when below 700 hp
Says: "You must die!" At the start of the duel "You can't defeat me!" below 3000 hp "Just warming up!" below 1500 hp "Told you I'm warming up!" below 700 hp "Muhahahahaha!" When defeated
I know this breaks the rules by having the boss a potentially different school than your own, and potentially more than 8,995 health, and potentially higher than rank 7, and different cheats than those listed, but this is my idea:
Boss name: [same as character who fights it] Health: [double health of character who fights it] Species: [same as character who fights it; could be, for example, a fire elf if the person has a fire elf transformation on at the time] Rank: [level of character divided by 7, rounded] Class: [same as character who fights it] Cheats:
every time you attack, s/he does an x pip spell of your school for however many pips your attack was and doesn't lose any pips
for example: fire: heckhound; ice: frozen armor; myth: cyclops minion, gets more than one minion if more than 4 pips; storm: supercharge; balance: judgement; life: dryad; death: animate
I am level 48 Name- Hydracilous Species- Hydra Rank 7 boss Health- 5575 School- Balanceblade, Hex, Weakness, Black Mantle, Elemental Blade, Elemental Trap, Pheonix, Helephant, Fire Dragon, Tower Shield, Frostbite, Colossus, Frost Giant, Stormzilla, Triton, Storm Lord, Rebirth, Celestial Calender Cheats 1. Anytime you cast a spell 6 pips or more, he casts Rebirth and Celestial Calender out of turn. 2. Every other aura cast, he will use a 0 pip Supernova on whoever cast the aura. 3. Anytime somebody heals, he will put up a 95% Tower shield on himself. 4. Starts with 4 power pips. 5. His power pips work for fire, ice, storm, and balance. Resist 80% balance. Boost 10% life, myth, and death.
names: ant beetle spider class's:fire ice and death ranks: six seven five health:6000 7000 5000 spells: any cheats:1hey can cast any spells they want 2 each turn they get three power pips 3 they all cast a life spell every three rounds those are my ideas hurray bug heros
Health: Depends whether your over lvl 60 or under it, but the Balance centuar will always have a third more health than the other three.
Spells:The usual ones for their rank and class.
Cheats: At half health each may cast an overpowered hydra for 0 pips. When one dies, the others will say, 'How dare you defy the forces of nature, mortal!' After that they will pretty much shut up. If you heal, half will be stolen by a random member of the Wild Hunt. If you shield yourself, they will cast those OP hydras to get rid of it.
ps. If you manage to kill them, I shall kicketh you out anyway.
Queen of the Snakes Health: 6,585 School: Myth Species: Medusa Cheats: If the boss is defeated before her, every five rounds she says, "Flashback!" and casts a Baslisk doing 20 + 930 myth damage over three rounds to the person who defeated the boss.
Truugaf the Soldier Health: 4,190 School: Myth Species: Cyclops Cheats: If he is attacked by a spell over three pips, if he has a trap or prism put on him, or if someone heals themselves, he says "Truugaf Angry" and casts a Minotaur on everybody.
Ribbit the Frog King Health: 5,915 School: Myth Species: Humongofrog Cheats: If a shield spell is cast by anyone, except the enemies,he says "Croak!" he cast two Humongofrogs in a row. Thanks for reading! See you in the Spiral! Morgrim Myth Level 58 Conjurer
I am lvl 53 Name: Deadly Sabertooth Species: Sabertooth Rank:7 Class: Balance Cheat: Puts a Tower shield on self and gets another when the first is destroyed.\ Health:8500
Minion: Raged Warrior Species: Ra Rank: 6 Elite Class: Balance Cheat: Attacks when doesn't have enough pips Health:5750
Name: Winter Reaper Species: Frost Giant School: Ice Rank: 7 Health: 8,000 Spells: Ice rank 7 and all under in ice + heal :D Cheat: Says ''Feel the winter's wraith!'' and use a collosus everytime lose at least 1 health :D
Um.. In your spellbook you can limit home to your friends.. But here is mine:( level 40 myth) Health:6500 Species:Basilisk Name: Cheesy puff Intro:Haha foolish wizard! You simply can not defeat me! (IF you defeat him: Ack, so you weren't so foolish(falls to the ground) His spells: Myth trap Myth blade Blood bat Troll Cyclops Minotaur Orthrus His natural attack:100 damage Dragon blade Myth prism and Storm shield. His minion: Species:Orthrus Name:Cupcake Man Spells: Natural attack:90 damage Myth trap Myth blade Storm shield elemental shield spirit shield Blood Bat Troll Cyclops Minotaur. Hope you liked it Sabrina Mistcloud Level 40 myth student