Hello again Wizards! It's been a pretty fantastic week here at KingsIsle (especially with winning the Audience Award at Online Choice Awards! Woohoo! Thanks to everyone that voted for us!), and speaking of wonderful things, it's time for another Feedback Friday!
Standard disclaimer applies: We do not guarantee to use each and every idea submitted, and questions we pose may or may not be pertaining to things we are currently working on, or will ever undertake. Sometimes, there are just technical limitations that make changing things difficult to impossible, and though we possess all manner of magic wands here, there are technological beasts out there that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we may not feel it is within the spirit and vision of the spiral to add or change something. Also, we realize that some of these topics may have been addressed before in other threads - sometimes it's good to pick up a discussion again. Chances are I have read your threads and would like to hear more!
So for these week, lets talk about pet talents. What's the best one out there?
Can't lie - I really like Spritely. I call it "puppy power" (since I have that particular talent on the fierce hound).
Looking forward to hear what you all have to say! Have a great weekend!
“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.”
Professor Falmea
Hello again Wizards! It's been a pretty fantastic week here at KingsIsle (especially with winning the Audience Award at Online Choice Awards! Woohoo! Thanks to everyone that voted for us!), and speaking of wonderful things, it's time for another Feedback Friday!
Standard disclaimer applies: We do not guarantee to use each and every idea submitted, and questions we pose may or may not be pertaining to things we are currently working on, or will ever undertake. Sometimes, there are just technical limitations that make changing things difficult to impossible, and though we possess all manner of magic wands here, there are technological beasts out there that are beyond our grasp. Sometimes, we may not feel it is within the spirit and vision of the spiral to add or change something. Also, we realize that some of these topics may have been addressed before in other threads - sometimes it's good to pick up a discussion again. Chances are I have read your threads and would like to hear more!
So for these week, lets talk about pet talents. What's the best one out there?
Can't lie - I really like Spritely. I call it "puppy power" (since I have that particular talent on the fierce hound).
Looking forward to hear what you all have to say! Have a great weekend!
i love the one that gives one copy of the gargantuan spell
and sry i cant keep this one in I LOVE SPRITELY guess great minds think alike
I have never spoken to a teacher of ravenwood before. Am a Ice wizard. And i like pets too. My pet dragon has bomb power he drops bombs during races. Quite useful.
My favorite is the Spritely spell and any of the boost's (target, life, mana, power, pips). It has come in handy many times. I do hope "in the future!!" that pets can get more experience (maybe legendary) so you can get more than just the four talents (besides any additional cards they already come with).
I also read on a blog that some pets have the automatic unicorn spell instead of Spritely? Is this true? and which pets can do that?
I think Spriteley is good as well. (May have misspelled!) Anyways, I have a question for you. Will there be any more NEW worlds in the future of Wizard101? It's nerve wracking to me that I don't know. So enjoy the weekend! :P :-P :D :-D :-) :) ;) ;-)
Perhaps if other May Casts had the same triggers as Spritely and Unicorn (when any damage is done) then perhaps the May cast blades and traps would be more useful.
How about having Pets take some damage, especially those ones with spritely. :-).
Would also be nice to have equipment profiles so that one can easily change from PVE to PVP gear.
Would be nice to have a Mailbox feature so that friends could send a limited selection of text messages to friends for meeting times etc. would make a nice upgrade feature.
I'd have to say that by far the best pet talent is Spritely. My Utility Dragon, Sir Rufus has saved my life on more than one occasion and kept me topped up with enough health to get me through my fight with bosses. I probably wouldn't be at level 52 now if I hadn't had him. I was so lucky to get him in my Dragon Hoard pack James Dragonblood (lvl 52 Pyromance)
Spritely is awesome and incredibly useful in some battles, but what is sometimes better for me is my may cast lifeblade talent. It stacks with the regular lifeblade and can make a difficult battle a lot easier.
New: i would like to consider, how about when your pet turns ancint or epic, they can cast any attack spell from rnk 3 to 6 with out YOU actually casting the card. like when you cast pheionix and there is also a meteor strike in your deck, the PET can cast the meteor strike with out taking your pips. Well, there's mine :P