He is astral/celestial/space school and they should make that an actual school you study in Celestia (Or just make treasure cards of it and it does average damage to everything)
Well every professor focusses in one element. I was wondering which one Ambrose uses. I think that he can use most of the spells there is and maybe even some neve before seen ones. What if he knows an eighth element!? What do you guys think?
Or maybe he doesn't know an eighth element! Get real. Think about the spells that your using right now. Ice, fire, myth, life, etc. Ice is simply a compound of hydrogen and oxygen in a frozen state. Fire is heat and light energy caused from a chain reaction of a fuel, oxygen, and heat energy. Myth isn't even an element, it is just a non-proven fact which is thought to be true by the stories spoken of it. Life is just a state of any organism. None of the spells used include any such element. If Ambrose had an elemental spell, it would be the first element not the eighth. A better way of specifying the spells would be as magical ____ card. For example, you might say you have a powerful magical ice card. But yeah, my opinion of Ambrose having an eighth type of magical card is that he doesn't. He probably just uses life or balance cards based on his level of intellect, leadership, and friendliness. Life or balance would keep him balanced, and leaders have to be balanced.
alura starglade lvl 13 diviner
quit being a know-it-all-smarty-pants. we are not all super genuises sitting at home doing algrabra for fun! and be easy on this guy what do you call those things other than elements? signing off. alura
I think your right, Ambrose doesnt do magic, he just dresses up like a wizard and says "Hey, you there, new wizard person, I cant seem to take the evil lord myself, and I know you are much younger and less exprienced then me, but, I want YOU to go take down the evil lord for me, k thanks."
I'd agree that Ambrose is a poser. If Wizard City is in such danger, and Malistaire is such a huge threat, why doesn't he go kick Malistair'e tail himself? Ambrose is just the CEO of kingsisle in a wizard suit! haha
I think Ambrose has a secret 8th element (Omni?) which is like Balance except it takes years longer to master and takes each element into farther depth than Balance. :D
Well every professor focusses in one element. I was wondering which one Ambrose uses. I think that he can use most of the spells there is and maybe even some neve before seen ones. What if he knows an eighth element!? What do you guys think?
Or maybe he doesn't know an eighth element! Get real. Think about the spells that your using right now. Ice, fire, myth, life, etc. Ice is simply a compound of hydrogen and oxygen in a frozen state. Fire is heat and light energy caused from a chain reaction of a fuel, oxygen, and heat energy. Myth isn't even an element, it is just a non-proven fact which is thought to be true by the stories spoken of it. Life is just a state of any organism. None of the spells used include any such element. If Ambrose had an elemental spell, it would be the first element not the eighth. A better way of specifying the spells would be as magical ____ card. For example, you might say you have a powerful magical ice card. But yeah, my opinion of Ambrose having an eighth type of magical card is that he doesn't. He probably just uses life or balance cards based on his level of intellect, leadership, and friendliness. Life or balance would keep him balanced, and leaders have to be balanced.
I think ambrose is life because malistaire is death.
he probably is the ultimate level 1,000,000 balance wizard because balance draws from other schools so eventually it would have all the other spells from all the other schools that way he can no all the spells. However i do believe in another school being created shrotly which will either be air rock or astral which he will be the first to learn and maybe also be the professor for it.
I believe Ambrose, given his age, has a great knowledge of all the schools. I wouldn't go so far as to say he has mastered them considering he would stand in for Malistaire after his unprovoked leave. If anything, I would say that Headmaster's favorite school is Myth. How have I come to this conclusion? Well I happen to believe he has a full deck of Ninja Pigs.
I think your right, Ambrose doesnt do magic, he just dresses up like a wizard and says "Hey, you there, new wizard person, I cant seem to take the evil lord myself, and I know you are much younger and less exprienced then me, but, I want YOU to go take down the evil lord for me, k thanks."
I think the all-seeing-ball (you can see it, it is blue) shows that he DOES do magic (What? YOU DO NEED TO HAVE MAGIC TO USE THE BALL ).
I think your right, Ambrose doesnt do magic, he just dresses up like a wizard and says "Hey, you there, new wizard person, I cant seem to take the evil lord myself, and I know you are much younger and less exprienced then me, but, I want YOU to go take down the evil lord for me, k thanks."
Not True! Definently, not true!!! I saw him do magic... I just can't remember when!!!!!!
( few days or more after )
I remember now! He used it at the beginning when you enter the game he used his magic to see in his crystal ball. When you create your character. You can also see pictures of wizards and places in his crystal ball sometimes in his tower. If you look very closely you can mostly see wizards and a picture of Gobbler Street. It's not an element but, maybe he has an element that no one knows about like probably..........ummm............the power to create....... He was one of the administrators of the game......... he created the world probably... i don't know. YOU people are mean to Merle Ambrose!
HeadmasterAmbrose wrote: I was apprenticed to a program long, long ago that fostered a cross-discipline approach to Wizardry. At various times I have spent a few centuries devoting myself to the study of each of the different magic schools. Currently I am studying the Astral magics, a school of thought that is barely recognized and little known.
You see, at Ravenwood, we teach the core essentials of both the Inner and the Outer triangles of Wizardry: the External magics, which deal with manipulating the forces of Nature (Fire, Ice and Storm) and the Internal magics, which deal with the elements that compose one's self (Mind, Body and Spirit ... or, as you know them, Myth, Death and Life.) I am currently researching a third triangle, one that we know little about, but seems to be quite puzzling and immensely powerful; the Astral magics. These deal with the manipulation of the universe itself, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars; those heavenly bodies which are bound by (and make up) the Spiral itself, the inner workings of the great machine which makes the Universe tick... much like an old (but perfectly maintained) timepiece.
Oh, my! That was a bit long winded, and I seem to have lost my train of thought. What was your question, again?
And let me guess, the Sun, Moon, Stars, and other space stuff come into the battle circle to attack the opponents when a Astral card is played? Now that would be cool :D ! *thinks* :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? How about the minions? Would they be like a constellation? Nicholas Lionhand (this name fits me cuz my favorite card is Fire Cat!) (my screen name in case you want to battle or friend me!)
I think your right, Ambrose doesnt do magic, he just dresses up like a wizard and says "Hey, you there, new wizard person, I cant seem to take the evil lord myself, and I know you are much younger and less exprienced then me, but, I want YOU to go take down the evil lord for me, k thanks."
I think your right, Ambrose doesnt do magic, he just dresses up like a wizard and says "Hey, you there, new wizard person, I cant seem to take the evil lord myself, and I know you are much younger and less exprienced then me, but, I want YOU to go take down the evil lord for me, k thanks."
At the begining he gives you one of his decks of of cards, so he has to know a little magis of each.
I think Ambrose has a secret 8th element (Omni?) which is like Balance except it takes years longer to master and takes each element into farther depth than Balance. :D
Ambrose Wanted Peace Between The Schhols But They Wouldn't Listen. So Then He Formed A Balance School Inside Bartbley Where Only Select Wizard Whom Havn't Join Any other schools were allowed in. In There He Formed A New School called balance he spread peace, he needed a new balance master so all the way from Marleybone came Arthur Westerfield The Balance School was destoried by Mailstare but young sorcerers still learn the arts of balance from Arthur Westerfield outside bartbley