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Will Loremaster ever drop spells from the Celestian Spellemental Pack?

Dec 09, 2015
I don't have the money to keep trying to get Ship of Fools but I can spend a lot of time farming Loremaster. Are there any plans to eventually add those spells to Loremaster drops?

Mar 16, 2009
Spells released in packs tend to become obtainable by Loremaster nearly a year later. The Celestian Spellemental spells might be obtainable this way in the next summer update.

Also, KI is working on a new spellement version of the Loremaster boss, so these spells might not end up dropping but instead their spellements would from this new boss.

Mar 18, 2009
protokirby on Dec 11, 2020 wrote:
I don't have the money to keep trying to get Ship of Fools but I can spend a lot of time farming Loremaster. Are there any plans to eventually add those spells to Loremaster drops?
One of the developers on KI Live mentioned that Celestian spellements would be more widely available.....but those are still new right now. Give it a few more months and the spellements will be available as drops.

Jan 11, 2012
Torpzun26 on Dec 12, 2020 wrote:
Spells released in packs tend to become obtainable by Loremaster nearly a year later. The Celestian Spellemental spells might be obtainable this way in the next summer update.

Also, KI is working on a new spellement version of the Loremaster boss, so these spells might not end up dropping but instead their spellements would from this new boss.
this is the way :)

Seriously though, this is the perfect solution. You get spellements instead of spells, and can bankshare them. This way, your myth wizard gets the one it wants, while your balance and storm get the ones they way.