My biggest pet peeve regarding names, is the name Fallon. It's not because I don't like it. In fact, I think it's a beautiful name. The thing is, most people don't know how to pronounce it - especially when trying to use it in a witty context.
To all the people posting about wizards named Fallon Pants, Fallon Angel, etc, the problem is that the name Fallon is NOT pronounced "fallen".
The name Fallon is pronounced as 'Fal-in' Fal, like pal in like bin It rhymes with Talon.
I'm really sorry to burst everyone's bubble on that name, but I mean, I can't be the only one who noticed that. So think of this as like a public service to any future Fallons that may be created. The name on its own is awesome. But combine it with a corny 'look-how-cute-I-am' name combo, and it loses all meaning (and none of your friends want to say anything)
FYI we all how fallon's pronounced but we're also useing slang so it sounds like fallen.keep that in mind.
One of my friends is a Necromancer named Angel Eyes(and yes, he's a boy, not a girl). When I looked at his name, I couldn't resist laughing!
Kymma Anvilheart-Level 80 Diviner
I would pay almost any amount of crowns to name my Lucky Leprechaun "Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez" and my storm spinyfish "High Voltage Rock n' Roll"
I've got a Cheryl Crow and a Cheyenne River, country music fans may recognize these :)