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Disappointment in Rude Players

Mar 11, 2010
classact21 wrote:
If i were to play devil's advocate on this one, and I will, I would say that many of those people who call you noob when you beat them, arent talking about the fact that they lost in general. Its more of how they lost, or the 'tactics' you employed to beat them.

The game director has stated himself that the game was designed so that there would be easy fights, and hard fights. A lot is up to chance, as the ability to go first is a huge advantage in pvp, and can determine and easy or hard fight.

But for example, bringing 2 talos treasure cards with you in to every pvp battle just to guarantee yourself an easy fight is a cheap tactic that you clearly employ because you get tired of losing every time you rely on your skill, wit, and ability to guess how your opponent will react to something. This, for all objective purposes, is noob. Without a doubt.

The fact is with wizard101 pvp, no matter how good you are, how good your gear is, how much effort you've dumped in to your pet, you are going to lose. Losing is a part of wizard 101 pvp. Thats the bottom line. Players that know this will not call someone a noob simply because they lost, but rather they feel spiteful that somebody is allowed to employ less than smiled upon tactics to nearly ensure a victory every time.

Remember, noob does come from noobie, which at some point originated from New Player. What kinds of players would you generally assume to try the tactic they see everyone else using successfully, without thinking up one of their own? A new one.

Sure there is a negative stigma to the term. But really, how much better are you than them if you apply that stigma to it? Its not being directly suggested as bad by them (in most cases), but youre assuming thats what they are saying, and taking it personally. As if they really knew you. No need to be that naive.
(end devil's advocate)

Best of a solution for this problem. My balance isn't bad at pvp. Same with my storm and life. Half the time, I'm going up aganist wizards who haven't learn to play nice. It's a dog eat dog world.

Aug 21, 2009
jekbeau wrote:
Is it me or are wizards in the spiral getting more rude?
Example: I was watching a 2v2 match ( Two level 33 fires vs. level 60 storm and level one storm ) and when it ended, the two fires said they cheated. They kept their word. Not any good sportsmanship from them.
Example #2: I was in a 4v4 match. Towards the end they said "gg not" and bunch of other stuff. I said watch for angels or seths. They replied " Sure. You're mad because you lost" . After we said "gg" they, again, replied " Sure. "

Wolf - lvl 60 death.

If you are using beguiles and dispels when going first you will get all types of comments like those cause many consider one sided (the side going first) cards to be a form of Wizards101 supported cheating. Its why I always want beguile and dispels removed from the game (dispels are used in the game to turn challenging and hard fights into jokes). As to rudeness, that has always been around.

Sep 14, 2010
Yeah, they are getting more rude. That's why there's a report button.

Sep 08, 2008
From what I have seen in the last 8 years of my life playing MMO's, players get cocky and full of themselves when they reach the level cap.

The harder one has to work for that level cap, the cockier and more full of themselves they become.

In this game, it takes a considerable amount of dedication to complete thousands of mind-numbing quests to get to level 60. Easy enough, but enough to where a level 60 will get cocky.

Even new wizards being made by the same player that has gotten level cap before, will have a very new "attitude" than they had when they started their very first level 1 wizard. And it can seem rude as well.

Mar 06, 2010
It's not only in PvP and the Spiral, it happens when you are simply asking for help (which I only do when I have a really hard boss or dungeon) when the person offering will say "Only if you gift me a Dragon's Hoard" foe example when I reply I don't have crowns they go ahead and insult me, it isn't nice considering many people do it because they want to be nice, these rude people have ruined my trust in people that they won't demand a crowns item that I can't afford.

Mar 11, 2010
If you are using beguiles and dispels when going first you will get all types of comments like those cause many consider one sided (the side going first) cards to be a form of Wizards101 supported cheating. Its why I always want beguile and dispels removed from the game (dispels are used in the game to turn challenging and hard fights into jokes). As to rudeness, that has always been around.

I never use dispels. Just on my balance. Use to be Veteran rank... then it went down... But beguiles Help them win.

Yeah, they are getting more rude. That's why there's a report button

Legit reason for the report? Meh.

Jun 19, 2009
Hey everyone, well I am sort of tired of all the topics on rude players so please consider my tips:

1: Ignore them. They will give up soon enough.
2: Literally ignore them by pressing the button.
3: Just ask why they hate, or why they can't be friends with you.
4: Be friendly. Don't get comebacks or get mad, it only makes it worse.
5: If someone brags, well why don't you also brag on your achievements?!?!
6: If "noobs" join your battle then either go to another or just deal with it.
7: Also, if "noobs" use high ranked treasure cards, don't get mad. Apparently they have more experience for this game than you thought and actually had a battle plan.
8: Please don't bring out the cuss words as this is family oriented
9: There is no way to stop rude players. I am sorry but at times you must deal with it.

And 10: Don't be the one to start the fight. Fighting solves nothing.

Please follow these tips guys and stop posting about rude players. Let's talk more on real pvp.

Jun 14, 2010
hunteray09 wrote:
... sort of tired of all the topics on rude players ... Please follow these tips guys and stop posting about rude players. Let's talk more on real pvp.

Good point and great post.
Gotta love the ignore button :D

Jul 28, 2009
Jun 14, 2010
May 31, 2010
Mimzkat101 wrote:
Nicely said.

Yeah your pretty much telling the truth. 8)

Mar 07, 2011
I am sort of tired of all the topics on rude players
And what do you think the odds are of not seeing any more rude player posts? LoL. Probably about as likely as no more posts about how unfair PvP is.

The ignore button is your friend. Use it liberally.

Jul 20, 2009
Today, I pvp'ed a level 30 Fire wizard on my level 49 Ice wizard to see if my pet will cast Fire shields on me. I kept shielding and towering to make him attack me with low damage. After I won, I said "GG" to him and he replied back "Whatever cheater." After the match, I messaged him saying "My second school is Storm, you know."
I was thinking about PvPing him again so he can act nicer to me if he wins or looses, not being a sore loser if I win.

Feb 03, 2011
jekbeau wrote:
Is it me or are wizards in the spiral getting more rude?
Example: I was watching a 2v2 match ( Two level 33 fires vs. level 60 storm and level one storm ) and when it ended, the two fires said they cheated. They kept their word. Not any good sportsmanship from them.
Example #2: I was in a 4v4 match. Towards the end they said "gg not" and bunch of other stuff. I said watch for angels or seths. They replied " Sure. You're mad because you lost" . After we said "gg" they, again, replied " Sure. "

Wolf - lvl 60 death.

I totally agree with you!
It does seem that people are getting more and more rude as people find replacements for bad words. However, you can not report them because the words they say are not bad.

Justin Hawkflame
"Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are foot prints on the moon"

Apr 23, 2011
Solstice64 wrote:
People hate losing, is there anything else I need to say?

Yes. Specially at Ranked Match. I don't always care if the wizard who loses says something like ''I hate you'', because it's okay if wizard who lose dropped rankings. But it isn't nice to hear. If you lose, you lose. You really can't change it. Always someone has to lose. Winner isn't bad, if he is honorable winner.

Mar 11, 2010
People these days... they take it too hard. It's more like a cycle. They get all mean about it to where they're overconfident. They lose and take it too hard. With that keep on repeating, it adds up to where they have hate towards the other pvp players.

May 13, 2011
to have a legend, journey, adept, magus, and initiates, i have never used the ignore system once. too much work to me :D

Mar 28, 2009
marolin23 wrote:
to have a legend, journey, adept, magus, and initiates, i have never used the ignore system once. too much work to me :D
Yeah pretty much every player is rude (mostly higher ranked) and you can only fit so many in an ignore list.

Mar 11, 2010
Jun 06, 2009
ilovecats32 wrote:
this pvp rudeness has to end the people that own this game know whats going on but are doing nothing about it

You can't enforce morality. Furthermore, politeness is driven by culture and grace. You can't enforce that, and the rules one would enforce would not be globally recognized anyway. Instead, KI rightly depends on us to filter our own world.

ilovecats32 wrote:
they should ban the word noob

Why? It is a term invented by gamers for gamers.

When I do something silly I often say "I'm such a noob". It perfectly conveys a wealth of information without having to type a small essay.

Frankly, anyone who takes it as an insult needs, in my opinion, to get thicker skin.

I realize not everyone shares my opinion. That's okay. I won't try to get your opinion banned.

ilovecats32 wrote:
and other mean stuff gezz who agrees with meh????

I do not agree. Rude people exist. My advice is to find a way to deal with them.

You have three amazing tools at your disposal for general rudeness (which does not qualify for reporting):

1) Silence.
2) lol
3) Ignore.

Mildly funny (to me anyway) story:

A friend ran up to me once and said "Is he bothering you?".

I looked at my chat history and looked around, trying to figure out what she meant. Nothing. Finally, I resorted ta asking, "Is who bothering me?".

She named him and said he was saying three insults over and over again. One of the insults was "You are weak!"; I don't remember the other two.

Then I remembered that this kid had run up to me something like 45 minutes previously and said the same three insults in a row over and over. On the third loop I put him on Ignore and went about my business.

Apparently, he followed me around for 45 minutes continuing to say those same three lines. I never even knew he was there.

My friend informed him that I had him on ignore and couldn't see anything he was typing. The kid promptly logged off.

Almost surreal.

Bottom line: KI is not required, and would be ill advised, to make an effort to end rudeness. Instead, they provide very nice tools to empower you to manage the rudeness in your world. I suggest you use them.

Being mean isn't reportable. Working cuss words around the chat filters is, and when I witness it, sometimes I report it, sometimes I don't. Depends on my mood and other circumstances, I guess.

But mean people exist, and alway will. My advice is to simply find a way to deal with them.

To paraphrase the lovely and dynamic Eleanor Roosevelt: "No one can insult you without your permission."

- Stephen Earthmender
Legendary Life Noob

Feb 21, 2010
Shiningfantasia wrote:
From what I have seen in the last 8 years of my life playing MMO's, players get cocky and full of themselves when they reach the level cap.

The harder one has to work for that level cap, the cockier and more full of themselves they become.

In this game, it takes a considerable amount of dedication to complete thousands of mind-numbing quests to get to level 60. Easy enough, but enough to where a level 60 will get cocky.

Even new wizards being made by the same player that has gotten level cap before, will have a very new "attitude" than they had when they started their very first level 1 wizard. And it can seem rude as well.

Completly true

Though there are nice max people out there
I am one of them

I dont make fun of or anything
I actually help people

Here a story of those cocky people:
My friend wants to go to zafaria
I take him to the shops
I had to go
Come back and he tells me that some guys ganged up on him and stared teasing him since he not at the right level to be there

He was like 5 levels till being there anyway

People think so high of themselves and call other noobs

yet they were once noobs themselves

Feb 18, 2011
Yeah i even agree! Most wizards in wizard101 are getting ruder day by day. It bugs me when they start calling others a noob. I am a magus wizard but i remember being a noob. They started calling me a noob and wouldnt stop. Thats jut unfair because they were a noob once too! I think wizards like that shouldnt be playing wizard101 its not for them. Wizard101 is a really nice game for nice people I think if rude people are just gonna be rude to others then they should get banned specially pvp wizards! They cant even stop teasing new players. Like when I was a noob i said HI to a pvp wizard and he said leave noob to me. I got very upset and i think if people act like that then those wizards should be banned!

Thank you,
Richard DragonHeart

Feb 02, 2011
Here is kinda a funny story :)

So i was on my new level 7 myth ( just got minion) so i pvped and i used my minion. Some one on the side was calling me a baby for using minions. I told here it was called myth. She kept going on, so i didn't look. At the end i said GG and the other person said a curse at me. Then the other person kept calling me a baby, so i said " you vs me" she said " fine, you can even use any other wizard"
so i went to my legend life and went to the right relme. She never showed up, so i told my bff and he said "LOL" and i just kept going.

John Lightblade level 65 Life
"you wouldn't be here without life" :)

John Mythblade level 8 Myth
"most spells in wizard101 are MYTHS!"

Jul 09, 2009
ilovecats32 wrote:
yea! i know
ill tell you this really weird time when i was doing pratace pvp 1v1 with this level 60 storm guy in fact first time i looked at him i knew i was gonna die :(
anyway we started off putting sheilds on and charms on.
and then i cast my ice wyrvan spell on him and it did HEAPS of damage i was sooooooo thrilled :D ! and he almost was dead!!!!! and then.....
(this is the weirdest part ) he said.... Im SOOO SCARED! and i was like
:| and then he cast this storm lord on meh i was like don don don
and.... it only did 350 damage on meh and i was like
well i had storm sheilds on meh and plus i broke his charm! XD
and then he healed himself and i was like noooooooo! and then i healed me and then he said NOOB and i was like
then i said well... you healed yourself and then he said cause i have a better heal spell than me true tho he cast this flute guy healed him 850 i think and i did the fairy spell i think that healed me 400 (not alot) eh!

What? I honestly didn't understand a single thing you wrote, try fixing your comment because it has very little puncuation and way a lot of smilies which are a bit confusing.

Aaron Drakewalker Transcended Pyromancer

Jul 09, 2009
I agree PvP is literally filled with rude players. I'll admit sometimes I get a little to cocky when I win and start to brag, but I always say gg and I also say "Your really good I'd love to rematch you anytime." The reason PvP has so many rude people is because:

1. They are just total jerks (excuse me KI, but its true)

2. They don't realize that actual people play them and it hurts their feelings when their rude.

3. They don't have any maners.

4. A very reasonable one they lie about their age

PvP is really full of rude people and give a lot of thought most of them aren't even above the age of 12 so you'd expect rude behavior from them (just like my little sister and some of her friends ). Best thing to do is just ignore them and report them because I've actually gotten someone banned before!

Aaron Drakewalker Transcended Pyromancer