Critical Hit Rating increase the player's chance of getting a critical hit. Block Rating increases the player's chance of avoiding incoming critical hits. Players will gain Critical Hit and Block bonuses from equipment.
You will also notice with these Critical and Block Statistics, that the Combat Rating System displays as a numeric value and not a percentage.
100 Critical rating does not equal 100% chance of casting a critical attack.
I was confused about this not too long ago. Here's a tip. If you mouse over your critical rating, you will see all of your gear that adds critical rating and a percent value. If you add up all of these percents, that is approx your chance of critting. Hope this helped! Jacob Darkbringer Grandmaster
Having critical hit rating later in the game doesn't matter considering that most if not all enemy's block you so critical defense is the wiser thing to shoot for at higher levels ....
Having critical hit rating later in the game doesn't matter considering that most if not all enemy's block you so critical defense is the wiser thing to shoot for at higher levels ....
Thanks for Reading ....
Quite true, but since I am a life, and I do a lot of healing, I find critical to be a priority, but for attacking, yeah, I totally agree.