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Critical and Block System

Nov 21, 2009
Maybe there should be a number next to the rating that tells you your actual crit chance based on your level and crit rating. That way people could figure out what gear they wanted.

Aug 15, 2010
apeckham wrote:
Maybe there should be a number next to the rating that tells you your actual crit chance based on your level and crit rating. That way people could figure out what gear they wanted.

As a general rule, the higher the crit rating , the higher the chance. While looking at your character screen, hover the mouse over the crit ratings to see a break down of your crit rating. interestingly, you will see a percentage thee as well. they dont add up to 100 percent, so the percentage must be for something else. Take a guess.

Aug 15, 2010
Preacher7719 wrote:
CoopKoda wrote:
This system is not an implementation to nerf storm... do you know what you are talking about?

seasnake wrote:
critical blocks and strikes is a way to further nerf storm while bolstering balance and other schools to storm + damage that can afford to give up health, accuracy, and pip chance to obtain it

Do you know what he is talking about? I understood what he was saying, although I don't agree that it was done specifically to nerf storm, only a side-effect.

Let's face it, on this board people were complaining about their schools, or a couple of specific spells in their schools and always compared them to the damage that Storm dishes out.

Now, with the implementation of critical strikes, other schools have the chance to make their attacks a big hitter. Other schools who's higher based health and accuracy can afford the loss of health and accuracy boosts in their equipment in order to obtain boosts in critical hits.

The crit damage is based off of the damage being done post crit success. in other words, if storm was doing more before , it will still do more with crits.

Dec 06, 2009
I may have missed this, but are crits applied to every tick of a DoT or an HoT or just the initial damage/heal?

Jun 04, 2010
apeckham wrote:
Maybe there should be a number next to the rating that tells you your actual crit chance based on your level and crit rating. That way people could figure out what gear they wanted.

I recently realized that while you are in looking at your character stats (I press "C" to look), if you hover the mouse over your crit chance, it will show you a percentage. Mine, for instance, is currently 6%. The same applies for crit block.

Aug 13, 2009
To clarify my previous question in hopes of getting an answer...

All things being equal. If I am LvL 60 and my Opponent is LvL 60, I have 90 Critical Block and my opponent has 90 Critical Chance.. Is it possible for them to land a critical attack on me at all?

My experience from watching duels in the Arena is that Critical Block is not working on the % Chance it shows. Having a single piece of Critical Block gear seems to completely offset the Critical Wands. Never, or rarely ever, has anyone with just a wand successfully landed a critical attack on an opponent with any block that I have seen. I've even seen 3 people block a Critical AoE attack in the same round in team PvP.

It would go a long way to helping younger duelists who are frustrated with the luck based Critical System if we were to be able to give them some solid information from a defense perspective.

Thank you.

Oct 27, 2008
Here is a easy ex for critical hits:

Say you have a 15 critical hit
For every 5 critical hit that equals 1% of it working
Therefore a 15 critical hit equals 3%
But the 15 stands for how much you will boost your critical hit by
Say you use a card that does 100
And you get a critical hit (your critical hit is 100)
Your critical hit will do 200 (because 100 equals x2)
But the elixir will boost your % by 20%
Therefore if your critical hit is 100
100 divided by 5 equals 20
Your % of that critical hit will now be 40% (20 plus 20 equals 40)

Dec 09, 2009
Here is the easy way to understand Critical hits. The overall rating from your equipment is just a number and not a percent. To know what your Percent chance of Critical is then go to your backpack and go to your Character statistics and move your mouse over the wand for Critical chance. For instance my overall number is like 103, but that is actually like a 29% chance of doing a Critical Hit. That equals to roughly 3 out of every 10 attacks will Critical. When your attack critcals it doubles the damage of your attack. The Critical block is figured the exact same way. That is really all their is to it. :D

Jun 23, 2009
Prospector Zeke wrote:
The Critical and Block system is an addition to the existing dueling system that allows players to perform Critical Hits on opponents and avoid incoming Critical Hits. This will give players new strategies and defenses in combat and new ways to further build up their Wizard!

You'll notice your character sheet has changed a little. Press C to see a new character statistics panel

The two new stats being added to the game are called Critical Hit Rating and Block Rating

Critical Hit Rating increase the player's chance of getting a critical hit.
Block Rating increases the player's chance of avoiding incoming critical hits.
Players will gain Critical Hit and Block bonuses from equipment.

The chance for a critical hit or a block is calculated AFTER fizzle and accuracy. When a spell fizzles no calculation for critical hit or block is made.
Charms, Enchantments, Wards, Manipulations and Globals are not subject to the Block / Critical system. Heals cannot be Blocked, but they can Critical!

You will also notice with these Critical and Block Statistics, that the Combat Rating System displays as a numeric value and not a percentage.
Equipment will have values of "+14 Block Rating" as opposed to the "+1% Block" style of statistic you are accustomed to seeing.

(SO my 140 critical only gives me 10% chance to hit dritical )

Apr 11, 2009
JohnMonsterAttacke... wrote:
I may have missed this, but are crits applied to every tick of a DoT or an HoT or just the initial damage/heal?

The critical hits are applied to everything, even the DoT and HoT hits if am correct

Aug 13, 2009
I've been doing some testing of the new Critical System. We went at it for about an hour, keeping conviction and Vengance up. Here's what panned out:

My Gear - 30 Block 7% plus Conviction +90. Should technically be about 28% Block.
His Gear - 130 Crit 26% plus Vengance +20%. Should technically be 46% Crit.

It was obvious that his Critical chance was not hitting at near 50% for most of the match. There was once a gap of 10 attacks with no Criticals.

In an hour he managed 24 Critical attacks.

16 blocked
7 not blocked.
1 not blocked - Failed to keep Conviction up that round.

I understand that this is a small sample size and random number generation for critical chance is spread out over a huge set of numbers, but my finding is that Critical Block is not working at the 28% it says. My result was more than double the critical blocking that I should have had.

We took a video of the testing which can be put on youtube if necessary to back up the validity of my findings.

I've asked the question to a staff member in private, who sent me here where I've asked two more times over more than a month with no response. How does critical block work in relation to critical chance? I'd like to assume that the information posted about it is vague because it's a simple mechanic, but my personal experience is that it's not that simple.

Mar 15, 2009
Prospector Zeke wrote:
The Critical and Block system is an addition to the existing dueling system that allows players to perform Critical Hits on opponents and avoid incoming Critical Hits. This will give players new strategies and defenses in combat and new ways to further build up their Wizard!

You'll notice your character sheet has changed a little. Press C to see a new character statistics panel

The two new stats being added to the game are called Critical Hit Rating and Block Rating

Critical Hit Rating increase the player's chance of getting a critical hit.
Block Rating increases the player's chance of avoiding incoming critical hits.
Players will gain Critical Hit and Block bonuses from equipment.

The chance for a critical hit or a block is calculated AFTER fizzle and accuracy. When a spell fizzles no calculation for critical hit or block is made.
Charms, Enchantments, Wards, Manipulations and Globals are not subject to the Block / Critical system. Heals cannot be Blocked, but they can Critical!

You will also notice with these Critical and Block Statistics, that the Combat Rating System displays as a numeric value and not a percentage.
Equipment will have values of "+14 Block Rating" as opposed to the "+1% Block" style of statistic you are accustomed to seeing.

My wife is at 100% critical she is life,why is it that she dont get a critical every time she hits or heals?

Michael RedBlood death school

Apr 05, 2010
Are you sure that she is 100% critical hit? Critical and block are expressed as numbers, not percentages. The higher your number the higher your chance of a critical hit, and beating a block, but the real percentages are a complicated formula that factors in your wizards level as well. As you level up, the same critical rating will actually result in a lower chance of a critical hit.

Mar 15, 2009
of course she is,i would not of said it if she was'nt.
now if KI would explain how a 100% critical is not allways a critical I would be happy.

M RedBlood Death school

Jun 04, 2010
Zzatdragon wrote:
of course she is,i would not of said it if she was'nt.
now if KI would explain how a 100% critical is not allways a critical I would be happy.

M RedBlood Death school

The critical rating is not percentage based. I for instance have 107. That roughly translates to 21%. If you press "c" and put the mouse over your critical stat rating, you will see percentages appear to give you a better idea of what your actual rating is.

Nov 26, 2010
hey zeke this is a little hard to understand......but i'll see in krotopia! oh and i can't find'ya in grizzleheim f.y.i. so if ya could, could'ya tell me where i can find'ya in grizzleheim?

Sep 08, 2008
Ok, I did the "tutorial" with Diego, and I equipped the helmet he gave me, which gave me a critical rating of 15 across the board. I just did four or five street fights in DragonSpyre, and nothing unusual happened. I might as well have not been wearing the helmet at all.

So, my questions are:

1) Is there some way to enact the critical hit/block, or is it just completely random?

2) If it is random, do you get to choose whether or not to use it? Because, it would stink if it came up when you're using a weak spell instead of when you're about to deal a big spell and could really use the boost.

3) Does the benefit of criticals really outweigh other gear benefits? For example, if I'm choosing between a hat that will give me a useful Satyr card, an extra 5% defense, and an extra 2% pips, versus a hat that would boost my critical by 5 points... would I really be better to go for the critical versus gear that would boost me in other places?

Honestly the critical thing seems kind of dumb, and Diego's tutorial doesn't really explain anything.


Oct 04, 2010
Critical system made simple:

500 points possible
5 points = 1% chance
100 points = 20% chance

Some things make it confusing. Items give you crits in points (10, 20, 60, etc). One of the star spells gives you +20% (100 points in the conversion).

If you read your stats when you have these items it will show you have so many points ex. 50 points. But if you run your mouse cursor over the 50 it will show % for each item and usually equals or is almost equal to ex. 10% total. Pay more attention to the points and less to the rounded % number breakdown for the items.

Feb 16, 2009
Though it seems interesting, I don't really care for the Critical. The outfits that give critical are completely worthless. I mean, yeah, I increase my Crit chance, but I lose my power and Resistance bonuses...

And I love that level fifty eight gear gets BOTH stat boosters and critical increase. That's REALLY fair to the level fifties who have to ruin themselves just for a TINY chance at hitting a Critical. I've been there. Do you know how embarrassing it is to have absolutely no resistance or damage increase for your own school, but just a tenth of a chance to pull a critical?

So, I won't care for Critical until I kill myself trying to get Efreet, and by then, it probably won't even matter...

Aug 12, 2009
One time in PvP i used an empower treasure card. I happened to critical (what bad timing) and i got the 600 damage and only 3 pips. What should happen is when you critical you should get 6 pips. Same with rebirth, if you critical you should get 1000 damage absorb. (maybe thats to much but its a start)

Andrew-Legendary Life, PvP warlord
Noah Sandblade-Adept Myth, PvP captain

Dec 11, 2010
CoopKoda wrote:

It strikes me as odd that a game that Kingsisle advertises as kid friendly is implementing such a system that baffles the mind. The critical system is barely comprehensible to an adult, I'm not sure how a 10 year old can understand it.

Once again last evening, I was soloing in Celestia, and it's unbelievable how many of the enemies get critical hits. I had gear on that raised my critical hit status, but yet I was not getting any. I then took off my gear, put back on my grand gear and just used Vengeance I believe it is, which gives you 20% over 4 rounds (even though it's not suppose to be a percentage) and then I started getting critical hits. Now either KI doesn't have the gear implemented properly so that the system reads the critical hit rating, or there is something else rotten in Denmark.

The other thing that really irked me was working on my Fire wizard. I setup to attack with Fire Dragon, and the first one fizzled, then the 2nd fizzled, and then the 3rd one fizzled, all in a row! Now when you're fighting these types of enemies, you can't afford even the first one to fizzle.

Next item that bugged me, on my Death wizard, I have a 71% power pip chance, in DS and anywhere else in the spiral I would get power pips every round, maybe one single. Tonight, well for 5 rounds all I received were singles! Where you are in the spiral shouldn't affect this, so I can't understand why that was happening. Unless the computer has already set it up that you are going to lose from the minute you start the battle!

KI, not sure what you are doing in Test, but it's rather annoying!

Preacher7719 wrote:
Quite frankly, I think the whole critical hit/block just needs to be removed, possibly for implementation down the road when KI can get their act together and come up with a realistic solution that they and us can understand.

Unless you have a great deal of free time on your hands, coupled with an even greater abundance of patience, Celestia is not solo-able. Yet even if I have the ability to do critical hits, the only real time I need them is against the cheating bosses, and golly, they critical block each and every time.

What I find offensive so far about the whole Celestia update is the excessiveness. Excessive increases to health, damage, defense, accuracy. Excessive use of mutated cards and pet exclusive cards by the monsters. Excessive dialogue just about every time you talk to an NPC, and I have to admit that there doesn't seem to be any type of clearly defined main storyline here -- it feels more like Grizzleheim than any of the other worlds so far.

Clearly, KI is leaving absolutely no room for the addition of any more worlds ... unless they intend for us to achieve semi-deity status and we're invading Valhalla.
So your saying kids cannot understand this? well maybe you got that right why dont you just make the critical a percentage, and make it such as a base, such as 10% base critical. i am only level 40 but i have seen friends get critical. Really, critical doesnt seem very fun. it takes the challenge out of the game. its like on the lego star wars game the invincibility option, once you turn on the invinicibility, you turn off the fun.

Feb 25, 2009
I don't really understand how this works but I like having the Criticals myself. My legendary life has had some critical hits with Forest lord and Centaur more than some of the other spells but it has been a big help for this wizard more times than I can count and the Critical Heals are awesome.
Some of the heals have restored full health to myself or to those I happen to be playing with. 30 critical across the board with 90 critical to life. No block at all.

My fire wizard is level 59 and has 103 critical hit to fire with 30 ch across the rest of the board. No block on this wizard either. I have storm as secondary and have actually seen more criticals for secondary spells. But that is ok too. Especially if the enemy happens to be fire.

I do not use the school wands but have bought the level 55 death and myth wands for both of these wizards and get critical hits for them quite often.
And the reason for not using school wands is that way I do not accidentally take out the traps I have set for school spells.

But as I said before, I like the Criticals even if I don't understand how they really work. They do come in handy and may make the difference on whether you win or lose the battle. And, yes, I have died with both wizards on several occasions when I tried to solo a battle in Celestia. Now with the level of these two wizards there are a few mob battles that I have been able to solo but not all.

Give the system a chance to work for you and you may be surprised at the results. Oh, and btw, No, I do not get criticals in every battle.

Jun 07, 2010
I have no idea what you're talking about i have a 30% critical rating and get criticals way more than 1 out of 3

Jul 05, 2009
I am sooooo confused... criticals...are they only available to us through PVP? Do I have to do PVP in order to use them in battle with others? Im lost.

Jun 12, 2009
hdragonsna wrote:
Critical system made simple:

500 points possible
5 points = 1% chance
100 points = 20% chance

Some things make it confusing. Items give you crits in points (10, 20, 60, etc). One of the star spells gives you +20% (100 points in the conversion).

If you read your stats when you have these items it will show you have so many points ex. 50 points. But if you run your mouse cursor over the 50 it will show % for each item and usually equals or is almost equal to ex. 10% total. Pay more attention to the points and less to the rounded % number breakdown for the items.

Nicely done. Why hasn't KI done this for us?

Even if the rule turned out to be approximate, this is a whole lot clearer than anything I've seen in the game. Knowing the percentage is important because it helps us determine the trade off between this and other factors (health, power pt percentage) to help us make good gear decisions.

Or, maybe I should just get a life.