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Are Green Gems collectable?

Jan 21, 2010
A few months ago I was browsing the decorations section of the bazaar. I found one Green Gem. I thought that it looked neat so I bought it. I have not seen one in the bazaar since.
I searched green gem in the message boards and found that it is a quest item for the life wizard.

Is the green gem consumed when professor Wu gives the life wizard a minion?

If it is, then I doubt that I will ever find any more green gems in the bazaar.

If the gem is not consumed in the quest... perhaps a few life wizards out there don't like the way it looks and don't use it as a decoration, and might sell it to the bazaar?

Jun 26, 2009
I have a green gem. I keep it on my desk in my house. I think i got it a LONG while ago in Krok. I have never seen any others though.

Sloan Windthistle

Apr 29, 2010
Here is the deal with the green gem. There is a mission in Krok pyramid that has you turning on monoliths in order to open a portal. The portal opens to a dungeon. Part of the prequest is to look for the green gem.

Spoiler: It is in the statue in the same room with the monoliths. This is the Dig Site in the Royal Hall. Once you collect the gem and complete that part of the prequest then you keep it when you are done.