Balance wizards and all other wizards alike can be quite similar. Here's the way I see it, if you, as a player, either novice, intermediate, or expert have a sufficient deck setup, you will be able to defeat any wizard with minimal difficulty.
I have a Death School character, it is true what the previous posts say about death school wizards having great "Health Steal" spells. The only time where damage comes into play is when a death student uses attack increasing spells including the 5 PIP attack spell to summon the skeleton which has 5** - 5** attack/damage (which is achieved at level 22).
Otherwise, I find Balace just like the other schools. All you need is the right type of spell cards to make you the champion. Try out your decks with a friend of another school. Test your decks on NPC monsters, Bosses are the best to test your decks on.
**Note**These are only suggestions and self-opinions, they aren't to be taken to heart, merely guidelines**Note**
i havent read this forum recently but i can say as a balance wizard that sheilds you get for balance are weaker than other sheilds. besides u can use training points with niles the balance tree to get swords and traps.
i havent read this forum recently but i can say as a balance wizard that sheilds you get for balance are weaker than other sheilds. besides u can use training points with niles the balance tree to get swords and traps.
Yep and then you give up the points that you would need to survive Judgement in the first place (tower shield and absorb).
IT IS NOT UNFAIR. balance unlike any wizard is EQUEL to all other wizards. i am a death and i have a balance. my death is a lvl 38 and my balance is a lvl 38. and i have the 38 spells on both. and compering them they are EQUEL. all schools might have there anvantege, but they truley are equel. BUT they have there disanvange to. such as storm is powerful but can easliy fizzle. life are hard to make lose health but they do not have very many attacks. death cna attack & heal but it is CUT in hlf and you dont always get alot of health. myth can summen lots of minnons but the minnons can be EASLIY deafeated. fire & ice can be very strong. but they both can be very WEAK. and balance is a mixture of every thing. so it adds up evenly to every other school. so now i hope you see are point
you have a good point. so what if people can stun so? it is jsut a way of winning against players in pvp and more. and more importinly so what about sheilds they help alot in pvp and they are very helpful in really every thing.