as you all know in pvp you have seen many many wild bolters but this is annoying. a 3 lvl wizard wild bolted the lights out of this and they were treasure card so i am trying to say that wizard101 should ban treasure crads
I dont see why it should be banned from pvp. If we ban wild bolt then we would have to ban every other treasure card and purple cards like your wand attacks :P
as you all know in pvp you have seen many many wild bolters but this is annoying. a 3 lvl wizard wild bolted the lights out of this and they were treasure card so i am trying to say that wizard101 should ban treasure crads
ban tresure cards? NO you would lose the ninja pigs they only available as tresure cards and shouldnt you just ban them from the arena? YES I THINK SO (even though im ice) i like tresure cards :D :D :D
If you step into the areana you are not fighting stupid monsters, you have chosen to fight real people who are far more dangerous. You need to step up and be creative with your attacks. I was in a 4v4 and one guy kept stunning us, he cast 7 stuns in a row then the two ice guys on his team laid into us and it was over we were unable to defend ourselves or set up strong attacks or even heal. Wild bolts are one of the least dangerous things you are up against. Smart, clever, and determined players are far more dangerous than a wild bolt.
If you step into the areana you are not fighting stupid monsters, you have chosen to fight real people who are far more dangerous. You need to step up and be creative with your attacks. I was in a 4v4 and one guy kept stunning us, he cast 7 stuns in a row then the two ice guys on his team laid into us and it was over we were unable to defend ourselves or set up strong attacks or even heal. Wild bolts are one of the least dangerous things you are up against. Smart, clever, and determined players are far more dangerous than a wild bolt.
huh yeah lunatic storms with bolts and lords are less dangerous pfft. In your sick world. :?
If I'm higher lvl i can resist more of the damage and have more health plus it has so little chance of working you have more chance of beating a bolter then losing [unless they hack.]
yea you gusy are right botls should be banned in pvp mostly ranked and it doesnt seem right to lose to a low level wizard well not banned them but for others schools it makes me veryy mad when people bolt in pvp
The thing is you have to realize that wild bolt only has 10% accuracy so there is a very slim chance that it will work. Another is that it is very hard to find those kind of treasure cards so it is not like it happens often. Last KI should not ban treasure cards cause they are a chance to help in a battle now banning treasure cards in a arena battle is a bit more reasonable. Though I don't think that should happen either.
KEEP DREAMING PEOPLES every school has a signature card i can sit back and tell you um all but here are a few known ones storm = bolt,balance = judgement, myth minotaur and orthrus, death wraith. so BAN BOLT BAN ALL THESE AND OTHERS PRETTY SOON I A WARLORD STORM BUT I AGREE WITH BOLTING LIKE CRAZY I DONT DO THAT I BOLT TO BRING OTHERS LIFE DOWN LIKE IT MENT TO. so i use it right cant complain about that BTW THE REAL PROBLEM IN PVP IS CHAIN STUNNING IN 4V4 YOU CANT FIGHT. so GET CLEAR ABOUT EVERYTHING PEOPLES IT NOT HAPPENING BESIDES CHAIN STUN :p
KEEP DREAMING PEOPLES every school has a signature card i can sit back and tell you um all but here are a few known ones storm = bolt,balance = judgement, myth minotaur and orthrus, death wraith. so BAN BOLT BAN ALL THESE AND OTHERS PRETTY SOON I A WARLORD STORM BUT I AGREE WITH BOLTING LIKE CRAZY I DONT DO THAT I BOLT TO BRING OTHERS LIFE DOWN LIKE IT MENT TO. so i use it right cant complain about that BTW THE REAL PROBLEM IN PVP IS CHAIN STUNNING IN 4V4 YOU CANT FIGHT. so GET CLEAR ABOUT EVERYTHING PEOPLES IT NOT HAPPENING BESIDES CHAIN STUN :p
Umm.... WOW. First you named 4 schools spells. second if you didnt have bolt you would be complaining. Plus why say stop complaing when your complaining abut chain stunning. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. Now before you rant and rave let me say this. I HAVE WILD BOLT! I ALSO HAVE STUN! BUT I HAVE NEVER DONE EITHER! and right now i have too warlords Luke Griffenspear fire gm Austin Stormbringer storn lvl 38 Cya in the spiral
as you all know in pvp you have seen many many wild bolters but this is annoying. a 3 lvl wizard wild bolted the lights out of this and they were treasure card so i am trying to say that wizard101 should ban treasure crads
I have only seen one wild bolter. Besides, there is this magical object called a Storm Shield. Try using it some time.
You dont need to ban wild bolt. You need to bolt making wild bolt. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for making these treasure cards for other people as it just leads to abuse. As for shielding- yah right. A bolt can still do a few hundred through a shield and for a low level that is pretty much game over. I have not had a duel in recent memory in which the entire team including life, ect did not use treasure bolts or chain stuns. The only people here advocating their use are those who abuse the system themselves.
Treasure cards are designed to be used anywhere, at any given place. I'll admit, bolts can be very annoying, but you should learn to shield against them. There are MANY ways to shield against bolts, or even make it less powerful. If you can't beat a bolter, become one. It's that simple, in PvP anything counts as long as you win. Think of treasure card bolts as a inspiration, try to find a card you may think is more powerful or something useful to aid you in your win. There's SO many possible cards out there and bolts are just one of them. If you don't want to use the bolts, go with my first solution, just shield against it. There's alot of storm shields out there. Use them wisely.
You dont need to ban wild bolt. You need to bolt making wild bolt. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for making these treasure cards for other people as it just leads to abuse. As for shielding- yah right. A bolt can still do a few hundred through a shield and for a low level that is pretty much game over. I have not had a duel in recent memory in which the entire team including life, ect did not use treasure bolts or chain stuns. The only people here advocating their use are those who abuse the system themselves.
if your meaning to ban making treasure bolt, i whole heartedly agree and well said. I also agree remove treasure cards from the arena. Once you ban one card people will start abusing another one, judgement; beguile; steal ward, so remove treasure from the arena. As for chain stunning, i guess since there is no releive from it stuns should not be allowed. You cant inmix turns, a stun sets one side up, you cant intermix teams four schools have stuns, so the best is just remove stuns. NO the answer is not "if you dont like it stay out of the arena" everyone should have a fair chance to play a fair and even feilded game.
You dont need to ban wild bolt. You need to bolt making wild bolt. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for making these treasure cards for other people as it just leads to abuse. As for shielding- yah right. A bolt can still do a few hundred through a shield and for a low level that is pretty much game over. I have not had a duel in recent memory in which the entire team including life, ect did not use treasure bolts or chain stuns. The only people here advocating their use are those who abuse the system themselves.
yes bolts are normally abused because someone with it just gives it and the only reason for that is because people beg to get the bolt because they dont like to lose for a example if you a high lvl people might beg you to be there friend
I have a character that pvps. I refused to do group for the reasons i have read here. I also find that low level who use the wild bolt card very discouraging. I pvp to hone my skills. these fighter take the short way and spoil the fun for other fighters. Maybe instead of banning the treasure card ban the player who misuses them. I feel you should use only the cards that you have earn to your level. If in the normal way, you would not have earned that card by your current level you should not be able to play it in arena. I thought the arena was to test you against others of your level and hone your skills using the cards of that same level. This problem may discourage a lot of people from doing pvp. I wanted the cyclops statue so I stuck with it until I earned it. A lot of 3 pointer games. someone work it out. Get rid of the cheaters not the cards. peony55
the real pvp is about skill. ever school can bet the other you need skill people that wild bolt are noob and there called that. i dont like when storm people do it. i hate when another school dose like life becuase they think they are not good have a little fath in you school gof lol :-)
Actually I have not seen lots of wild bolters. And there is nothing wrong with low lvl using it.
Why can't you use shields or make your health higher? A lvl 12 can get their health over 1,000 just be picking the right clothes.(I have done it)
And why would KI ban treasures after working so hard to program them into the game?
Destiny Dragoncoin lvl 42 Balance/Ice
P.S. Maybe you should read the post called "Open your eyes and see...".
i am a storm lvl 35 and who can tell what the other dudes school is if they are storm by their clothes and name then yeah but if they are myth i wouldn't add storm shields and i only use storm gear that gives low health and i don't buy crown gear so my highest health is around 1300-1500 so yeah