I'm trying to train a pet with spiritely among others things but I'm having a string of bad luck. For Example my sea dragon learned Pierce-train and Pierce-monger which makes it useless as I don't want to pass those talents on via hatching,so I bought myself a Starfish and it learned Iceblade which I don't exactly want either. How do you get your pets for hatching,as I did like the sea Dragon's talents pool but farming the bosses for pets is time-consuming and 10k a pop for pets gets a bit expensive after a while,if I can't afford to pay crowns for pets..
I recommend to aim for getting new hybrids or find a pet with good stats and hatch with it. Note: if you do not get a new pet you will get the hatching partner's pet's stats.
Well my other pets do have some good stats,but I really don't want to pass bad talents on. I'm in Celestia now and a decent pet with some good talents would help me greatly. I guess it's a matter of patience,and trial and error. I'm sure I'll get what I want if I persevere.
I'm trying to train a pet with spiritely among others things but I'm having a string of bad luck. For Example my sea dragon learned Pierce-train and Pierce-monger which makes it useless as I don't want to pass those talents on via hatching,so I bought myself a Starfish and it learned Iceblade which I don't exactly want either. How do you get your pets for hatching,as I did like the sea Dragon's talents pool but farming the bosses for pets is time-consuming and 10k a pop for pets gets a bit expensive after a while,if I can't afford to pay crowns for pets..
I train and hatch like you do as far as if something learns a talent I dont want, I stop right there. I have a couple of pets that I keep at adult and ancient to hatch with if I want to work on a new pet. If you want to hatch, let me know. With the delay on waiting for approval to post in message board, let me know a time for monday afternoon, and what realm to meet in the pet pavilion. My fire wizards name is Steven Hawk. Bring whichever pet you want, I'm currently set on pets myself. Oh, and let me know which specific talents you want as well. Mostly my "hatching pets" have fairy, spritely, proof and/or defy.
I'm trying to train a pet with spiritely among others things but I'm having a string of bad luck. For Example my sea dragon learned Pierce-train and Pierce-monger which makes it useless as I don't want to pass those talents on via hatching,so I bought myself a Starfish and it learned Iceblade which I don't exactly want either. How do you get your pets for hatching,as I did like the sea Dragon's talents pool but farming the bosses for pets is time-consuming and 10k a pop for pets gets a bit expensive after a while,if I can't afford to pay crowns for pets..
I would not cast aside the m/c Pierce. I was with a friend fighting ice bosses and I watched his pet remove one tower shield after another from the ice guys. It was amazing and Oh so helpful. After those fights I really am trying hard to get that trait into my stable. We got rid of those minions and boss' so much faster because of that pet.
I am wondering what a hatch between original Sea Dragon and Starfish would net. They both have a chance of Spell Proof and Spritely which may up the chances of a hatch getting them?