These are the result of hatching programs to combine the two traits which are usually found in separate pet types. Usually only high-pedigree pets have either of these abilities - your best bet is to have a high-pedigree pet with something unique and useful, and find an owner of a double spell resistance pet who is willing to hatch with you.
It helps if your own pet already has one or both of these, so maybe starting with a sea dragon for instance is the best way to go, even though it will cost you some crowns.
Is there a pet that gives both; or whats two pets with small pedigree that both have spell proof or spell defy as one of their talents?
Any pet can have them if you hatch it enough times. Most people go for SPUD. SPUD is based on may cast Sprite, SPELL PROOF, may cast Unicorn, and SPELL DEFY. I only have defy but if I try hard enough, I might be able to have both defy and proof at mega.
Scarlet Hawk Promethean Necromancer Amber Rose Apprentice Sorcerer "Why? The world may never know."
I'd like to add on to what Scarlet said i have noticed that for pvp especially people go for the triple double combo. The triple double combo is extremely, extremely, extremely!!!!! hard to get. Most people don't know what triple double means, it means you have triple heal(sprite, fairy, and unicorn) and that you have double resist which is already a must for any pvp pet along with at least one healing talent. While i have heard SPUD before i have noticed that when people have a "perfect pet" its has the triple double. Just saying what the highest of high standards are, but what do i know when i tried pvp i got my score into the low 300's.
I'd like to add on to what Scarlet said i have noticed that for pvp especially people go for the triple double combo. The triple double combo is extremely, extremely, extremely!!!!! hard to get. Most people don't know what triple double means, it means you have triple heal(sprite, fairy, and unicorn) and that you have double resist which is already a must for any pvp pet along with at least one healing talent. While i have heard SPUD before i have noticed that when people have a "perfect pet" its has the triple double. Just saying what the highest of high standards are, but what do i know when i tried pvp i got my score into the low 300's.
Scarlet Dragonpetal Lvl 90 Pyro
true but i guess i got lucky and got every single one of those talents
a starfish which you can buy in celestia, has spell proof. i trained mine up to ancient and i got spell proof spritely and mc ice blade. hope this helps!