I am looking for a hatching buddy, someone who is willing to hatch with me a few times until get the necesary talents manifested into my gene pools. I don't care about what pet it is, i just care about the manifested talents. I am looking for a pet with the following talents: 1.Spell Defy 2.Spell Proof 3.Healing Current 4.Fairy 5.Unicorn You don't need all of the talents, but it sure would be nice :) I have a storm cat, and he has the folliwing traits manifested in his gene pool guranteed. 1.Tower Shield 2.Spell Proof 3.Critical Hitter 4.Storm Giver 5.Storm Dealer If you would be willing to do this, my name is Joseph OgreBlood, and I am a level 69 Storm Wizard, however, i might be higher when you read this. We can meet in the Vampire Realm Area 1 on June 26th at 9:00 AM EST in the Pet Pavillion. If you have questions, comments, or anything else, just let me know, thanks!