: Kraken (Must be perfect) : Ice cat, Pet rock, Smith, or Vigilant Dragon : Flamenco Tocador, Harpy (Must be perfect), or Sporty Dragon : Buddy Dragon, Pixie Queen (The one that doesn't give the card), or Samoorai.
I don't need any or pets. Now I know this isn't right to ask for without anything being in return, So, Me being a pretty decent player, I will offer things as well such as: Hatchings: My Nutcracker pet with Double resist, Critical rate, and May Cast Spritely (Not leveled to Mega yet) My Enchanted Armorment with Spell Defy, May Cast Spritely, and May Cast Fairy so far, (The parent has Double resist, May Cast Spritely, and May Cast Fairy, May cast Unicorn) While the other parent has May Cast Unicorn, and May Cast Fairy. As for Storm people, I have 2 pets for you to choose from, 1) Coco (Beta Fish) with Double critical rates, (47 critical rate from it) Pain giver, and 9 universal resist, Or 2) Buddy (Beta Fish) With Double critical rates, (43 critical rate) Storm giver, and at Epic it gets Storm Dealer, (Saw it on Test Realm but haven't trained it yet). Another option: I will help you with any world of your choice, I have beaten all worlds already (Yes even Khrysalis Part 1 [Which I solo'd might I add ;]]) I can't give crowns as repayment or any crown items because, I can't gift on this account, sorry guys <3
The pets don't have to be perfect unless it says (Must be perfect) on the side to the name to it> If anyone is willing to help me I appreciate it! :]
I'd be up for a hatch or two I have sporty dragon: may cast sprite may cast pierce, pip, spell proof, spell defy; and an ice cat somewhere, I'll have to fine in my menagerie. I'm on most evenings and weekends, just let me know when is good to meet, since KR I've had gold maxed so need to burn through some of it.
: Kraken (Must be perfect) : Ice cat, Pet rock, Smith, or Vigilant Dragon : Flamenco Tocador, Harpy (Must be perfect), or Sporty Dragon : Buddy Dragon, Pixie Queen (The one that doesn't give the card), or Samoorai.
I don't need any or pets. Now I know this isn't right to ask for without anything being in return, So, Me being a pretty decent player, I will offer things as well such as: Hatchings: My Nutcracker pet with Double resist, Critical rate, and May Cast Spritely (Not leveled to Mega yet) My Enchanted Armorment with Spell Defy, May Cast Spritely, and May Cast Fairy so far, (The parent has Double resist, May Cast Spritely, and May Cast Fairy, May cast Unicorn) While the other parent has May Cast Unicorn, and May Cast Fairy. As for Storm people, I have 2 pets for you to choose from, 1) Coco (Beta Fish) with Double critical rates, (47 critical rate from it) Pain giver, and 9 universal resist, Or 2) Buddy (Beta Fish) With Double critical rates, (43 critical rate) Storm giver, and at Epic it gets Storm Dealer, (Saw it on Test Realm but haven't trained it yet). Another option: I will help you with any world of your choice, I have beaten all worlds already (Yes even Khrysalis Part 1 [Which I solo'd might I add ;]]) I can't give crowns as repayment or any crown items because, I can't gift on this account, sorry guys <3
The pets don't have to be perfect unless it says (Must be perfect) on the side to the name to it> If anyone is willing to help me I appreciate it! :]
I am available this Thursday-Saturday (November 27th-30th) from 3 P.M. (Eastern time)/ 2 P.M. (Central time) to 7 P.M. (East)/ 6 P.M.(Central) If this is inconvenient for you say so, if not we could make a time up and meet up. How does this sound?