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Future of W101 Battle (Elements)

Jun 16, 2009
The "elements", as I call them, or "schools" as many other people call them, are a way of balancing power, creating strategies, and adding more to the game in general. And just to make sure none think I'm against them, they are a good idea, and well enjoyed.

BUT, as mentioned in a topic I submitted just minutes ago, some new spells, given their function and "pip cost" would be a small agitation to players outside of the new spell's element.

The Spiral, a little swirly symbol iconizing (and I'm sorry if this first part is off) global spells and in another way ALL ELEMENTS ("schools/classes"). So I propose a small portion of new spells, given what they are to execute, are the spiral element, to which no class has a better use of, as to be fair.

This was in no way made to promote a school which would be no other element, or as could be assumed a "school" that is all other schools, just making sure pip cost doesn't become a hated figure.

Thanks again for reading, KingsIsle, and to all players that have as well.