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training point buy back!

Mar 01, 2009
I had decided to go and buy back my training points for one of my six wizards. When i reached Mr. lincon, he would not talk to me. So I exited and got on another one of my wizards and he did talk to me. Again i exited and went on with all my wizards and noticed my lvl 7 and lvl 11 could not buy back my training points, but my lvl 21 and up could. WHY!!!... Is there a low lvl cap on WHO can buy back there points? Or is there not enough money involed for these lower lvl wizards to fix there mistakes in chosing the wrong schools?

Feb 04, 2009
the reason why your level 7 and 11 couldnt go on is because you have to be level 12 in order to get that feauture and aswell as that the more training points you wish to buy back the more it costs. and you ahve to pay crowns :P

Jul 14, 2009
Well the only thing I can think of is that you have to be a member. And you have to be a level 12 or higher. Some tips are that you should buy back your training points when you have less to by back because it costs so much less.

Austin Lifehaven Magus Life/Balance Wizard

Mar 01, 2009
first, i am a member. second, i found it easier and cheaper to just deleat the low level wizard and start over. this didn't cost me anything except one day of playing the game.

wolf grandmaster death/balance
wolf grandmaster balance/death
wolf level 24 storm/balance