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game ideas

Feb 15, 2009
here is a idea for a new spell card for death class it is called rot it would be a high level spell that when cast would cause the npc or player carracter to start falling apart.

another idea is for a new out fit for the death class were you get to wear wings like the nightshade carracter does.

and how about having pretty dresses so we can wear them for fun as well as having shops were we can change our hair styles and makeup

another idea would be for holloween were we can get jackolanterns to put in our houses .

and how about we could have the ability to put our old weapons on our house walls to show them off as well as our old out fits to show them off like they do in the shops

and how about letting us have our own zoo were we can place our old pets in our house yard to show them off.

and can you make it easyer to get the green fairy carracter it is way hard to get it