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Party Join Feature

Jun 25, 2020
I am aware that the only way to effectively stop or lessen players joining your battles, is to switch to a perfect realm. However I'd like KingsIsle to think about making a feature for players, who enjoy solo battles, this way we can choose whether or not we would like to have random people just showing up in our battles whenever. This feature could be labeled "Party Join" or something simple like this and the use of it would be a simple enable or disable feature that will allow or disallow other players to just join in on someone's battle whenever they want to. If a player disables this feature, then other players will not be allowed to join that person's battle. They'd be forced to simply go find someone else's battle to join or solo their own stuff out. However it would be nice if this feature doesn't apply to friends though. For example, if a group of friends want to group up and go on missions together, then even if one or all of them have that feature disabled preventing random players from joining their battles, it doesn't apply to group members such as your friends or groups you've made. This just prevents the strangers from jumping in whenever they want.

I bring this up now, because I used to be fine with people jumping in on my stuff going on, despite wanting to battle alone, but there has been an issue lately that I'm growing tired of and instead of crying to the devs to do something about the situation when they more than likely would tell me that they can do nothing about this, I found a solution that can actually help. The issue I've had lately is that during a battle with wood goblins in Pigswick Academy, a player joined and I said nothing, though I was almost done with that battle, but then of course here comes more goblins. Then that person left and I was stuck with a battle that was stretched out and my health was down by half and I was nearly out of healing cards.. then here comes another player who decided to do the same thing, but deliberately laughed before he did it So then I was left with an unnecessary stretched out battle to handle from those two players. I made it out, but barely. I didn't need to go through that and it would be nice to have a feature that prevents random non-friend players from jumping into my battles like that. That's all I'm saying. If the developers could give this one a thought over, and/or find a solution to help me and other players who might like the idea, then that'd be great. Thank you.

Apr 05, 2022
Shadowbane404 on Apr 13, 2023 wrote:
I am aware that the only way to effectively stop or lessen players joining your battles, is to switch to a perfect realm. However I'd like KingsIsle to think about making a feature for players, who enjoy solo battles, this way we can choose whether or not we would like to have random people just showing up in our battles whenever. This feature could be labeled "Party Join" or something simple like this and the use of it would be a simple enable or disable feature that will allow or disallow other players to just join in on someone's battle whenever they want to. If a player disables this feature, then other players will not be allowed to join that person's battle. They'd be forced to simply go find someone else's battle to join or solo their own stuff out. However it would be nice if this feature doesn't apply to friends though. For example, if a group of friends want to group up and go on missions together, then even if one or all of them have that feature disabled preventing random players from joining their battles, it doesn't apply to group members such as your friends or groups you've made. This just prevents the strangers from jumping in whenever they want.

I bring this up now, because I used to be fine with people jumping in on my stuff going on, despite wanting to battle alone, but there has been an issue lately that I'm growing tired of and instead of crying to the devs to do something about the situation when they more than likely would tell me that they can do nothing about this, I found a solution that can actually help. The issue I've had lately is that during a battle with wood goblins in Pigswick Academy, a player joined and I said nothing, though I was almost done with that battle, but then of course here comes more goblins. Then that person left and I was stuck with a battle that was stretched out and my health was down by half and I was nearly out of healing cards.. then here comes another player who decided to do the same thing, but deliberately laughed before he did it So then I was left with an unnecessary stretched out battle to handle from those two players. I made it out, but barely. I didn't need to go through that and it would be nice to have a feature that prevents random non-friend players from jumping into my battles like that. That's all I'm saying. If the developers could give this one a thought over, and/or find a solution to help me and other players who might like the idea, then that'd be great. Thank you.
Ohhhh! This is an interesting idea, and I've been there!