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Wizard Growth Potential/Direction

Jul 29, 2018
Our wizards have been on quite the journey. We start as students who fizzle even the most basic spells and are currently a paradox and scion. I can see different ways for our story to continue and grow, however I wonder what it will look like, and how we will feel like we are growing still.

Celestia was a big boost to our growth and power. We gained the ability to breathe underwater which is cool and enables us to explore that in arc 2 further. We also got introduced to astral magic, making our spells stronger every few levels which felt like we were consistently growing against the tougher threats each world brought. Khrysalis then introduced us to shadow magic and that was sort of fun, however still difficult to consistently use. We keep learning shadow spells, however it doesn't feel like growth anymore. Getting another starting pip was nice, and perhaps we can get a powerpip at the end of this arc? Then pip conversion could be more useful if we use an odd-pip spell but can start with 3 powerpips. Or will we ever get to start with a shadow pip?

I wonder though what comes next? We have spellements, but thats not exclusive to higher level wizards. Do any other systems get expanded upon? Like more enchants, being able to cast 2 spells like a sharpened and regular blade, new combat effects, etc... Our last enchant was from level 110 (iirc), and now we are 40 levels without anything to expand that. King Detritus gave us some cool enchants, but very niche, and comes at the cost of not being able to use other enchants on that spell. Our decks are still limited to 7 cards visible at once, yet enemies are gaining more effects and other spells that could change our strategies, but it makes it tough with a limited hand, and pulling what you need to react and when. If our growth is slowing down, what will we have to make us keep feeling stronger?