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Theory: Rajah and Yago are the same world like Grizzleheim and Wintert

Jun 18, 2009
Just a simple theory I was thinking about while on a drive, Rajah is very much a world meant to represent India (Indian Tigers are it's main inhabitants, Marleybone colonized and controls it, etc.), and the only other place on Earth besides Africa to have Elephants is India, plus Helephants don't seem to be a very prominent thing in Zafaria, despite them apparently holding incredible magical power.

That's why I think Yago is place in Rajah, much like how Weirwood was a place in Avalon. As it's described as a place of "Star-Fields", I'd imagine it's like Swarga (Hindu Heaven), where Mystics and Magic live, and where many aren't able to simply enter.

On that note, it's also a place where "Star" is a big word, so I'd imagine that when we'd go to Rajah/Yago, that's where we'll have our encounter with the great Star Gator.