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Wizard101 Guilds Suggestion

Nov 14, 2015
Hello! I have been a player of Wizard101 since around 2007-2008, however, the account that I have currently is from late 2015. Having watched the game grow and change over the years has been amazing. However, I would really like to see the additions of Clans and/or Guilds, not just Groups. I feel as though having a Guilds feature would really boost the experience of Wizard101 because Guilds are a huge part of MMORPGs. I know that trading may not be of interest to Kingsisle or the team behind Wizard101, however, I believe that Guilds could offer a lot more than just trading.

What could guilds offer? Here! A list of what I believe guilds could offer:
- Guild Base for your guild.
- Guild Bank
- Guild Chat
- Be able to team up with Guild Members for Dungeons or Quests.
- Possible trading items between Guild Members (However, I know that this may not be a possible thing due to scamming and so on).
- Gain new friends through Guilds
- Guild Ranks (For example, Headmaster [Username] would be the Guild Master and Professors [Username] would be Guild Officers. However, I'm not sure how Kingsisle would name these Guild roles.)

In addition to allowing Guilds to exist, I believe that having some sort of biannual or monthly Guilld PVP Match or Wizard Guilds Matches would allow players to meet other players and for players to gain more friends. Guilds could also act as something to help the newer players of Wizard101 and help them learn the game smoother or get help easier on Quests they may be struggling on.

Let me know what you guys think! I think Guilds would breathe fresh air into the game of Wizard101.

From, a Veteran Player,
Tarlac DragonGem.

Apr 10, 2012
I do like this idea. If this was available I would be using it. I am personally not into the PVP stuff but I know that many others are. I do like the idea of being able to trade certain items with guild members and the guild bank sound cool.

Nov 22, 2008
Tarlac DragonGem on Jan 2, 2022 wrote:
Hello! I have been a player of Wizard101 since around 2007-2008, however, the account that I have currently is from late 2015. Having watched the game grow and change over the years has been amazing. However, I would really like to see the additions of Clans and/or Guilds, not just Groups. I feel as though having a Guilds feature would really boost the experience of Wizard101 because Guilds are a huge part of MMORPGs. I know that trading may not be of interest to Kingsisle or the team behind Wizard101, however, I believe that Guilds could offer a lot more than just trading.

What could guilds offer? Here! A list of what I believe guilds could offer:
- Guild Base for your guild.
- Guild Bank
- Guild Chat
- Be able to team up with Guild Members for Dungeons or Quests.
- Possible trading items between Guild Members (However, I know that this may not be a possible thing due to scamming and so on).
- Gain new friends through Guilds
- Guild Ranks (For example, Headmaster [Username] would be the Guild Master and Professors [Username] would be Guild Officers. However, I'm not sure how Kingsisle would name these Guild roles.)

In addition to allowing Guilds to exist, I believe that having some sort of biannual or monthly Guilld PVP Match or Wizard Guilds Matches would allow players to meet other players and for players to gain more friends. Guilds could also act as something to help the newer players of Wizard101 and help them learn the game smoother or get help easier on Quests they may be struggling on.

Let me know what you guys think! I think Guilds would breathe fresh air into the game of Wizard101.

From, a Veteran Player,
Tarlac DragonGem.
So, guilds are something KI has pointedly avoided talking about, and not because they don't like the idea. Let me address some things you discussed here.

Guild Bases: Either special locations, or housing instances would be guild bases. Either way, they wouldn't be as flexible or customizable as your house is, largely because they have no central owner. Unless specialized Guild Items are made for such bases, there isn't much of a point.

Guild Bank: I don't quite know what you envision, whether the Guild itself has gold it needs to spend or what, but I don't see it working out well. Either it sets up for scamming, or it makes farming gold to level up your guild a better gameplay decision than questing.

Guild Item Trades: You said it yourself; scammers will be afoot. I would only recommend this if guilds required True Friend Codes to form, or if True Friend Only Guilds could be made.

The main benefit of guilds should and will always be friendship and teamwork. As long as that is the focus, I support them. I don't want to create ways for people to scam others or to exchange real money for items, but I do want people to have communities and friend groups

Hope that helped.
~Get some REST~