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please fix the graphics so people can't mess them up

Nov 22, 2010
people mess around with the graphics and wind up in battle in strange poses, or all scrunched up and short.

They think it's cute.

it's not.

it really ruins the game experience for the rest of us.

it should be fairly easy for KI to fix this and it would be highly appreciated.

Sep 19, 2013
I don't think many people do that intentionally, and I fail to see how that ruins anything for anyone.

Mar 16, 2009
This is a glitch on the user side, and I think it's mostly caused by jumping immediately when someone's load screen finishes or something. Some people may see a person stuck in a crouching position while others won't. The person doing the glitch crouching almost never sees themself doing it.

It looks a little weird but it isn't hurting anyone, and most cases of this are purely accidental. Never seen anyone so viscerally against it before.