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waiting a response

Sep 23, 2013
This is not a new topic, but one that I've been waiting a response on for months now.
My original post was:

I have 2 separate accounts I play on, I have this issue with only one wizard on each account. I've reported both to customer service, who suggested I post here also about the bug.
When I created my wizards and chose their face, eyes, hair, etc., I chose the valiant defender hairstyle for each wizard. One of these wizards was created in 2010, the other a few years later. For the last few years they have both worn stitched hairstyles on top of their original hair.
I have gotten the floral raiment helm from the scroll of fortune prizes and wanted to try it on my wizards. This is when I discovered their original hairstyles were different, no longer the valiant defender. One has the dragon wisp, the other has the wyrmrider, I do not care for either of these hairstyles and would very much like back the one I originally chose for my wizards when they were created. This has only happened to one wizard on each account, I checked the others.
Not sure how or when this bug occurred since like I said they've been wearing stitched hair for a long time now.
I have now sent my log in name, characters name to customer service 3 times and have added the extra info they've asked for.


First I think the wizard I said was created in 2010 was actually a later date, sorry my fault. I was told that it would be looked into to see if the bug could be replicated, if not then basically wasnt much hope. This I dont understand, this is a bug, it occurred, its your system, look into it please. You guys gave me some crowns for new hairstyles and said its about all ya can do. The crowns were generous, thank you for them, but doesnt fix the problem. Not hearing from anyone about this bug is a problem also.
If all headgear is taken from my 2 wizards I am still left with hairstyles I didnt choose and dont care for, so I cant just choose hats I would like to put on them. I have to stitch a hairstyle I do like to these wizards or look at one I dont like. So then I cant use the floral headgear, etc... I might want to use. I just dont understand how 2 wizards on 2 different accounts could just have their hairstyles changed out. Except for maybe one time the valiant defender is the only hairstyle I have ever chosen for my starting wizards.
Know you guys are busy and working hard, I really do appreciate the work that goes into making the spiral a wonderful place, but would really like to know this has been looked into, spiral forbid it should start spreading to other wizards.