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Free Weekend Wizard City

Jul 03, 2009
I'm not sure if this is the first time you've done this, but this is a very good idea. A lot of players have been asking for wizard city to become free to play, but realistically you only need a day or 2 to finish everything in this world. I would just add that the dungeons and side areas should become free as well so different leveled players benefit as well. For example, Aquila and its dungeons, Waterworks and Darkmoor should be free as well to give higher level players something from this event if they haven't bought these dungeons before. I'd ask for this trend to expand past wizard city, but I know you still need to make a profit somehow. Besides my suggestions I'd only ask to have the same event for 2 days but apply it for all worlds on a special day like new years. All in all, a good event for lower leveled players that I'll definitely take advantage.

Aug 03, 2014
I'm really glad they did this too

I think it gives a nice balance of satisfying players who want Wiz City free without diminishing the value of purchases made by those who would feel bad to see it totally free.

This kind of time limited offer is a great promotion for the game and entices new players with the excellent content hidden beyond those locked gates

Jan 18, 2010
This is testament that KI really does listen and incorporate our ideas whenever they can.

This event is perfect for first timers and players hesitant to want to purchase memberships/crowns.

I'm hoping to see more variations of such an event within the near future, but for now, it;s one that I am sure will be making a lot of players happy.

Maybe you can also provide a 7-day rental mount along with the event for new players to use and explore!

Feb 12, 2015
I'm glad they did it this way. Make all of Wizard City free forever? Blah, too much. But temporarily on long weekends when people will be able to do it? Absolutely! This will be far more enticing than a permanent expansion! Prepare for another player influx, everyone!

Mar 16, 2012
And this way, players will know whether to buy a membership or buy zones to permanently access those areas.

Feb 28, 2014
This is a great move for Kingsisle and it's the first time they did this. I remember I placed a post on this Idea (" Why not have a benefit for non-member players for Wizard City to have a free to play weekend say; a few times a year perhaps on certain Holidays as well? ") on Meassgae Board in the Dorm section awhile back. I doubt I was the only one who mentioned this idea. Anyway, I'd like to say; KI does listen. Sometimes it take awhile for ideas to be added in the game for a good reason. Some ideas are no, some are maybe. :)